Commencement JUNE 11,2000 MEMORIAL COLISEUM
Order of Ceremonies National Anthem Processional Presiding Award Presentations Doctoral Graduates Daniel O. Bernstine, J.D., LL.M. Daniel O. Bernstine Master’s Graduates and Candidates President Doctor of Humane Letters Bachelor’s Graduates and Candidates , , f . Honoris Causa Master of Ceremonies _______________________________ The Honorable Vera Katz Faculty Mary Kathryn Tetreault, Ed.D. Mayor, City of Portland Provost Platform Party Commencement Address Congressional Welcome Music _______________________________ The Honorable Vera Katz The Honorable David Wu, J.D. Mayor, City of Portland “Pomp and Circumstance” Sir Edward Elgar March No. 1 from Land of Hope and Glory Arranged by Clare Grundman Member of Congress, First Congressional District, Oregon Presentation and Conferring of Degrees Greetings ----------------------------------------------- Daniel O. Bernstine “The Washington Post” John Philip Sousa Edited by Frederick Fennel Geraldine L. Richmond, Ph.D. . . , Representative of the Oregon State ^ary Kathryn Tetreault Board of Higher Education “Overture in C” François Joseph Gossec Edited by Richard Franko Goldman and Roger Smith Pamela Gesme Miller, B.S. ’84 Recessional___________________ President-elect, Alumni Board of „ Directors, Portland State University , Virginians A1 ■ A ■ James L. Hosay Alumni Association L , . ,,' , Symphonic March “Semper Fidelis” John Philip Sousa Arranged and adapted for modem bands by Keith Brion and Loras Schissel n 1 The audience is requested to remain seated during the processional and recessional. Anne Cohen Student Representative of the “Liberty Fanfare” John Williams Arranged by James Curnow Class of 2000 Jemina Ifeoma “Ify” Egbo Student Representative of the Class of 2000 Karie House, B.A. Class of 1999 2
Platform Party The Honorable David Wu, J.D. Member of Congress, First Congressional District, Oregon Congressional Welcome The Honorable Vera Katz Mayor, City of Portland Commencement Speaker Daniel O. Bernstine, J.D., LL.M. President Janine M. Allen, Ph.D. Vice Provost and Dean for Enrollment and Student Services Harold E. Briggs, Ph.D. Presiding Marshal Kimberley A. Brown, Ph.D. Vice Provost for International Affairs Laurence Bruseau, M.L.S. Database Management Librarian Butler Library Faculty Annual Service Award Recipient Anne Cohen Student Representative of the Class of 2000 Sherwin L. Davidson, Ph.D. Vice Provost and Dean of Extended Studies Scott A. Dawson, Ph.D. Interim Dean, School of Business Administration Roderic C. Diman, Ph.D. Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and Special Assistant to the President Robert D. Dryden, Ph.D. Dean, School of Engineering and Applied Science Phyllis Edmundson, Ed.D. Dean, Graduate School of Education Jemina Ifeoma “Ify” Egbo Student Representative of the Class of 2000 William H. Feyerherm, Ph.D. Vice Provost for Research and Dean of Graduate Studies Shawn Hempel Representative of the Oregon University System State Board of Higher Education Marvin Kaiser, Ph.D. Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Devorah A. Lieberman, Ph.D. Vice Provost and Assistant to the President Pamela Gesme Miller, B.S. ’84 President-elect, Alumni Board of Directors, Portland State University Alumni Association George Pernsteiner, M.P.A. Vice President for Finance and Administration C. Thomas Pfingsten, M.L.S. Director of the Library James R. Pratt, Ph.D. Vice Provost for Academic Personnel and Budget Geraldine L. Richmond, Ph.D. Representative of the Oregon University System State Board of Higher Education Robert Sylvester, M.S. Dean, School of Fine and Performing Arts Mary Kathryn Tetreault, Ed.D. Provost Nohad A. Toulan, Ph.D. Dean, College of Urban and Public Affairs Diane Vines, Ph.D. Board Secretary of the Oregon University System State Board of Higher Education James H. Ward, Ph.D. Dean, Graduate School of Social Work Deeanne Westbrook, Ph.D. Professor of English George C. Hoffmann Award Recipient Gary Withers, J.D. Vice President for University Relations 3
Commencement Marshals Presiding Marshal Harold E. Briggs, Ph.D. Chief Marshals Charles A. Tracy, D.Crim. William Tate, M.A. Faculty Marshals COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES Dean Atkinson, Ph.D. Pelin Basci, Ph.D. Johanna Brenner, Ph.D. Teresa Bulman, Ph.D. Virginia L. Butler, Ph.D. Debra Clemans, Ph.D. Michael L. Cummings, Ph.D. Jeanette S. DeCarrico, Ph.D. Grant M. Farr, Ph.D. Amanda Feller, M.S. Karen Hanson, B.A. David H. Johnson, Ph.D. Ansel G. Johnson, Ph.D. Keith Kaufman, Ph.D. M. Paul Latiolais, Ph.D. Jie Lin, Ph.D. Jon E. Mandaville, Ph.D. Frosti McClurken-Talley, M.A. Robert Mercer, M.A. C. Kerth O’Brien, Ph.D. Joseph Poracsky, Ph.D. Susan B. Poulsen, Ph.D. Dirgham Sbait, Ph.D. Friedrich Schuler, Ph.D. Mark Trowbridge, Ph.D. Suzanne Young, Ph.D. SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Darrell Brown, Ph.D. Alan M. Cabelly, Ph.D. Rodney Rogers, Ph.D. Carolyn Carr, Ph.D. Carol L. Mack, Ph.D. SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCES Cynthia Brown, Ph.D. Tugrul U. Daim, Ph.D. Michael A. Driscoll, Ph.D. Dundar Kocaoglu, Ph.D. Douglas V. Hall, Ph.D. Herman Migliore, D.Engr. Graig Spolek, Ph.D. SCHOOL OF FINE AND PERFORMING ARTS L. Rudolph Barton, M.Arch. Glen G. Gauer, M.F.A. Scott W. Parker, M.A. Rita J. Robillard, M.F.A. William Tate, M.A. COLLEGE OF URBAN AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS Sy Adler, Ph.D. Gary R. Brodowicz, Ph.D. John Damis, Ph.D. Walter G. Ellis, Ph.D. Sherril B. Gelmon, Dr.P.H. Karen Gibson, Ph.D. Leslie McBride, Ph.D. Gary R. Perlstein, Ph.D. Anthony M. Rufolo, Ph.D. Ethan P. Seltzer, Ph.D. Charles A. Tracy, D.Crim. Birol A. Yasilada, Ph.D. ENROLLMENT AND STUDENT SERVICES Cynthia Baccar, M.S. Marcia Fischer, M.M. Readers Devorah Lieberman, Ph.D. Lawrence Wheeler, Ph.D. GRADUATE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK Sandra Anderson, Ph.D. Maria Duryea, Ph.D. Mindy Holliday, M.S.W. Kristine E. Nelson, D.S.W. Joan F. Shireman, Ph.D. 4
Professors Emeriti 1999'2000 Lisa Andrus-Rivera, Ph.D. Art Richard Crittenden, Ph.D. Mathematical Sciences Mary Cumpston, Instructor Emerita Student Affairs Richard Forbes, Ph.D. Biology Chi-Cheng Hsia, Ph.D. Business Administration David Krug, Ph.D. Education David Martinez, Ph.D. Education Frederick Nunn, Ph.D. History William Rabiega, Ph.D. Urban Studies and Planning Gary Sampson, M.L.S. Library Rolf Schaumann, Ph.D. Electrical and Computer Engineering Leonard Swanson, Ph.D. Mathematical Sciences Christine Thompson, Ph.D. English Ann Weikel, Ph.D. History 5
Commencement Address THE HONORABLE VERA KATZ Next year Vera Katz will begin her third term as mayor of Portland and her fourth decade of public service to the citizens of Portland and Oregon. Mayor Katz has focused her administration on improving public safety, expanding economic opportunity, restoring trust and confidence in government, and investing in our livable future. She is a tireless advocate for high- quality public education and has worked to provide funding for Portland Public Schools and Portland State University. Her leadership has brought national attention to Portland-for her commitment to developing vital neighborhoods, for her support of public transit, for her work to bring high-wage jobs to the city, for her efforts to reduce crime, and for the partnerships she has developed with other leaders in the metropolitan region and the state of Oregon. Her efforts have truly made Portland the “City that Works.” Mayor Katz began her political career as a local volunteer on Robert Kennedy’s presidential campaign. That experience showed her that one person could make a difference by being involved in the political process. Elected to the Oregon House of Representatives in 1972, Mayor Katz became one of Oregon’s trailblazers when she was chosen in 1985 as the first woman speaker of the Oregon House. She later became the only person in state history to hold the post for three terms. Mayor Katz has received many awards in recognition of her work, including the 1998 National Minority Enterprise Development Week Visionary Leadership Award; the Portland Chamber of Commerce’s Chair’s Award for Public Service; the Oregon Women’s Political Caucus’s Hero Award; the Oregon Assembly for Black Affairs Special Award for outstanding ability to represent the interests of the black community; the Jeanette Rankin First Woman Award; the Abigail Scott Duniway Award for significant contributions to the status of women in Oregon; the Lucille Hart Award for human rights; and the Dave Burke Award from the Oregon Sheriff’s Association. Mayor Katz currently sits on the boards of the National Center of Education and the Economy and of the Urban Institute. She also recently served as one of President Clinton’s appointees to the National Skill Standards Board. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Brooklyn College in New York City. 6
Doctor of Humane Letters HONORIS CAUSA THE HONORABLE VERA KATZ Portland State University is proud to honor Mayor Vera Katz for her leadership in Oregon, her passion for public service, her commitment to higher education and the mission of the urban university, and for achieving results and progressive change in public policy. Mayor Katz’s leadership has resulted in greater partnerships between the city and Portland State University. The cornerstone of this effort is development of the University District, a national model for a “learning community” within a vibrant urban neighborhood. The University District enhances downtown Portland and emphasizes its role as the center for transportation, commerce, culture, and educational services in the metropolitan region. An exciting result of this partnership is PSU’s impressive new Urban Center and Plaza, which was funded, in part, by the city of Portland. This year Mayor Katz joined President Dan Bemstine in calling upon business, industry, public leaders, and private philanthropists to support world-class educational programs at PSU, beginning with the School of Engineering and Applied Science. As a first step, the mayor is working with the Portland Development Commission to provide $5 million for construction of engineering facilities. Mayor Katz served 20 years in the Oregon Legislature and was Oregon’s first woman Speaker of the House. She was involved significantly in education issues and wrote the landmark Oregon Educational Act for the 21st Century, which put Oregon at the forefront of educational reform in the United States. Mayor Katz’s commitment to higher education was repeatedly demonstrated during her tenure in the Oregon Legislature. She won funding for financial aid for low-income college students, promoted the admission of women and minority students to colleges and universities, and supported high technology and science education. In addition, she supported substantial growth in construction of higher education facilities, which at Portland State University included the Graduate School of Education and School of Business Administration buildings, as well as an extensive addition to Millar Library. Mayor Katz has never been afraid to stand up for what she believes is good public policy. While serving in the Legislature she wrote Oregon’s sweeping gun control legislation, which set mandatory waiting periods long before the Brady Bill. She also helped create the nationally known Oregon Progress Board, which sets state-level benchmarks to focus resources on critical needs, and received the Governing Magazine Public Official of the Year award for creating the similar Portland/Multnomah County Progress Board in 1994. Mayor Katz’s leadership and commitment to the citizens of Portland are the principal reasons why we recognize her today. Under her leadership, crime is down, employment and income are up, and people rate the livability and direction of the city more highly than ever. Vera Katz has set a standard of excellence for all of us. Portland State University honors her as a visionary mayor, a distinguished legislator, and a respected public leader with the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters. 7
Congressional Welcome THE HONORABLE DAVID WU “My fundamental faith is that the American Dream doesn’t just survive, it thrives and should be shared. Ordinary people can do extraordinary things, and must, if we are to keep our democracy strong and pass it on-even better than we found it-to those who follow.” These words of Congressman David Wu reflect his vision for America’s future and his personal commitment to public service. Congressman Wu is living proof that the American dream lives on and thrives. He came to the United States from Taiwan after President John F. Kennedy signed an executive order easing unfair immigration quotas. Congressman Wu earned a bachelor of science degree from Stanford University, attended Harvard Medical School, and received a law degree from Yale University in 1982. Congressman Wu was elected to represent the First Congressional District (which includes Portland State University) in 1998, and in his first term he has made investment in education his top priority. Among his efforts was helping secure $500,000 for PSU’s Millar Library to update technology-based resources and reference materials. Congressman Wu is fighting to reduce class size in the early grades, to promote economic development through worker training, and to fund federal financial aid programs that provide access to higher education for those with limited economic resources. He is also working to preserve Social Security and protect Oregon’s environment and natural resources. Congressman Wu is the nation’s first Chinese American member of the U.S. House of Representatives. He serves as vice chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific Caucus, and is a member of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce and the House Committee on Science. 8
George Hoffmann Award for Faculty Excellence DEEANNE WESTBROOK Deeanne Westbrook, Professor of English, has been at the University for nearly 30 years. The nomination portfolio for the Hoffmann Award is a testament of distinguished contributions to the University in instruction, university service, and scholarship. A former colleague wrote: “Deeanne has done it all and done it superbly ... Deeanne not only has my highest respect; she also provokes in me something like wonder.” Many of her students have become her colleagues at Portland State or faculty at other colleges and universities. They speak of Professor Westbrook as a “mentor” and a “model for my teaching.” Others relate the pivotal role that she has played in their careers and in their lives. In the spirit of humanism, collegiality, and civility, Deeanne is described as the “voice of reason” and a “rift mender,” both within the Department of English and across the University. She is “someone who seamlessly blends great intellect with absolute respect for others.” Deeanne is valued for her commitment to serving the administrative needs of the department. Professor Westbrook is recognized for her varied and productive scholarship. She has published and presented papers in the fields of linguistics, composition theory, 19th century poetry, and prose. She has published a book. Ground Rules, on baseball and myth, and has also published original works of poetry and prose. Two quotes bring together people’s thoughts regarding Deeanne Westbrook. “Honor her and make public her gift for inspiring the love of learning in every student’s life she touches” and “Her colleagues trust her widsom, depend on her wisdom.” 9
Butler Library Faculty Annual Service Award LAURENCE BRUSEAU Larry Bruseau combines the traditional skills and professional values of library service with new forms of technology. As database management librarian he plays a key role in assuring the accuracy and completeness of the Library’s online catalog, the basic tool for access to its collections. His outstanding work and dedication reaches across all areas of the Library in support of service to faculty, students, and the public. His intelligence, creativity, and commitment are appreciated by all who know and work with him. As an esteemed member of the Library faculty, Larry Bruseau is a fitting recipient of the first Butler Library Faculty Service Award. The Butler Library Faculty Service Award recognizes excellence of library service to students, faculty, and other patrons of the Branford P. Millar Library. The award was established through an endowment by Professor Emeritus Kenneth W. Butler and his wife, Elsie W. Butler. 10
Anya Nasser Alfadhli Environmental Sciences and Resources: Chemistry Structural Studies of Neurophysins Adviser: David Peyton Professor of Chemistry *Clarice Machette Bailey Public Administration and Policy Teenage Partner Violence: An Exploratory Study Adviser: Brian Stipak Professor of Public Administration Gila Gabay Ben-Rechav Systems Science: Business Administration Relationship Selling and Trust: Antecedents and Outcomes Adviser: Tayla Bauer Professor of Business Administration Monica Rose George Educational Leadership: Curriculum and Instruction Early Adopters of Internet Technology in an Elementary School Setting: A Case Study Adviser: Emily de la Cruz Professor of Education *Yueng-hsiang Emily Huang Systems Science: Psychology A Model of Antecedents of Work-Family Conflict for Dual-Earner Couples in the Sandwiched Generation: A Longitudinal Study Adviser: Leslie Hammer Professor of Psychology John Hunthausen Systems Science: Psychology Predictors of Task and Contextual Performance: Frame-of-Reference Effects and Applicant Reaction Effects on Selection System Validity Adviser: Donald Truxillo Professor of Psychology Doctoral Degrees *Aydin Ilker Karsilayan Electrical and Computer Engineering Automatic Tuning of High-Q Filters Based on Envelope Detection Adviser: Rolf Schaumann Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Fredrick King Educational Leadership: Administration Variables Affecting Student Attitude Toward Computer Use in Schools Adviser: William Greenfield, Jr. Professor of Education Ada Laguardia Educational Leadership: Postsecondary Education Academic Success of Hispanic Graduates in Predominantly White Universities: Academic, Social and Economic Issues Adviser: Gary Nave Professor of Education *Yuan-Shuh Danny Lii Systems Science: Business Administration A Study of the Referencing Effects of Consumers’ Price Judgments Adviser: L.P. Douglas Tseng Professor of Business Administration *Christa Louise Systems Science: Psychology Systems Principles and Methodologies Within a New Research Paradigm: Assessing the Effects of Naturopathic Medicine Adviser: Nancy Perrin Professor of Psychology James Mason Urban Studies Organizational Characteristics and Predicting Cultural Competence in Human Service Delivery Systems Adviser: Charles Tracy Professor of Administration of Justice *Zahra Mehdizadehkashi Environmental Sciences and Resources: Biology Transforming Growth Factor ßl Signal Transduction Pathways in Prostate Cancer Cell Lines Adviser: Carol Carter Associate Professor of Biology Maria Montserrat-Hopple Urban Studies A Cose Study of the Implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as It Applied to People Who Are Hard of Hearing or Deaf and Public Spaces Adviser: Nancy Chapman Professor of Urban Studies and Planning *Robert Benjamin Perkins Environmental Sciences and Resources: Geology The Solubility and Thermodynamic Properties of Ettringite, Its Chromium Analogs, and Calcium Aluminum Monochromate (3CaO-Al2OyCaCrO4-nH2O) Adviser: Michael Cummings Professor of Geology *Michael Eugene Smith Systems Science: Business Administration The Role of Experiential Learning in Changing How People Think About Managing Business Organizations Adviser: H. Thomas Johnson Professor of Business Administration *Gayle Yvonne Thieman Educational Leadership: Administration Factors Influencing Middle School Teachers to Change Classroom Practice in Response to Standards-Based Reform Adviser: Robert Everhart Professor of Sociology and Education * Candidate for spring graduation 11
Portland State University The story of Portland State University is a story of challenges successfully met, and of fortitude repeatedly shown in the face of daunting obstacles. Established as the Vanport Extension Center in 1946 to meet the educational needs of GIs coming home from the battlefields of the Second World War, the school found its first home in a former federal housing project in North Portland, and its first director in Stephen E. Epler. But even as those first veterans finished their programs, the need for public higher education in Portland continued to grow; years of patient effort by legislators Richard Neuberger and Robert Holmes culminated in 1955 with the establishment of Portland State College— a four-year, degree-granting institution. Its entire campus was the building then called Old Main (now Lincoln Hall); fewer than 3,000 students were enrolled. Today, Portland State’s continuing growth reflects the University’s role as a center for teaching, research, and public service. Its major academic units are the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the College of Urban and Public Affairs; the Schools of Business Administration, Engineering and Applied Sciences, Extended Studies, and Eine and Performing Arts; the Graduate Schools of Education and Social Work; and the The mission of Portland State University is to enhance the intellectual, social, cultural, and economic qualities of urban life by providing access throughout the life span to a quality liberal education for undergraduates and an appropriate array of professional and graduate programs especially relevant to metropolitan areas. The University conducts research and community service that support a high-quality educational environment and reflect issues important to the region. It actively promotes the development of a network of educational institutions to serve the community. Library, with holdings of more than one million volumes and 10,000 serial publications. In the years since 1946, enrollment has climbed from 220 to more than 16,000, and from a graduating class of 72 students in 1956 to approximately 3,000 students this year. Those students come from the University’s 61 bachelor’s and 56 master’s degree programs, covering humanities, the sciences, the social sciences, and the professions; they come as well from doctoral programs in nine areas: computer science, education, electrical and computer engineering, environmental sciences and resources, mathematics education, public administration and policy, social work and social research, systems sciences, and urban studies and planning. And, from its beginning as the Vanport Extension Center, the University has grown to cover 49 acres in Portland’s South Park Blocks, where more than 16,000 students work with better than 500 full-time faculty. In addition, some 25,000 students are served annually through the University’s School of Extended Studies. This dynamic community seeks constantly to dedicate itself to the fulfillment of our motto, Doctrina Urbi Serviat, “Let Knowledge Serve the City.” 12
Academic Costume One of the most colorful features of the academic procession is the appearance of graduates, faculty, members of the Oregon University System, and guests of the University in full academic costume. The design of the gown, the color of the tassel on the cap, and the pattern, length, and colors of the hood all have long histories and special significance. American universities, unlike those of England and Europe, have adopted a standard code of academic costume. According to the code, the bachelor’s gown worn by Portland State University graduating seniors has straight sleeves and is worn closed. Gold and silver cords are worn by honors graduates. The master’s gown has long, pointed sleeves with the forearm being seen through a slit at the elbow of the sleeves. The doctor’s gown is faced with velvet and has bell-shaped sleeves. Each sleeve carries three bars of velvet. The tassel on the cap indicates by color the college or school conferring the degree. Public Health Salmon Pink Bachelor and Tassel Master Degrees Hood Color Liberal Arts and Sciences Arts White Sciences Gold Business Administration Drab Education Light Blue Engineering Orange Fine and Performing Arts Brown Music Pink Social Work Citron Urban and Public Affairs Peacock Blue Doctoral Degrees Doctor of Philosophy Doctor of Education Tassel Hood Color Dark Blue Hood Gold Tassel Light Blue Hood Gold Tassel In addition to the cap and gown, candidates for advanced degrees wear the academic hood, the traditional garment signifying high scholarly attainment. The doctoral hood carries the colors of the college or university conferring the degree on the outside and PSU’s colors of green and white on the inside. One legend, which deals with the origin of the cap and gown, reveals that a venerable teacher in ancient Greece promised wealthy parents that their sons would be “appropriately dressed” when presented at a banquet honoring the completion of their academic studies. However, when the young men entered the banquet hall dressed in simple sackcloth robes and carrying mortar boards, the mark of common workmen, a startled cry arose from the audience. “Let me explain, ” said the teacher as he raised his hands for silence. “Your sons are dressed in clothing of the mason, for their destiny is to build. Some will build cities, some will build lives—perhaps one of them may even build an empire. But all will be builders on the solid foundation of knowledge.” The University Seal In 1990, the official seal of Portland State University was redesigned. The front of the circular seal bears the name of the University and a banner stating the motto Doctrina Urbi Serviat (Let Knowledge Serve the City). Behind the banner appears the pattern of a rose taken from medieval imagery, signifying Portland State University’s unique association with the Rose City. The seal was designed by Professor Robert Kasai in collaboration with Professor Linda Parshall, who originated the rose concept, and Professors Rod Diman and John Cooper, who contributed the Latin motto. The name of the University appears in a type style designed specifically for the University by calligrapher Elizabeth Anderson. The image captures the vision of the relationship between Portland State University and the community that surrounds and inspires it. A window lets in the light, and the rose—symbol of unity and hope—reflects our shared future, illuminated by wisdom and understanding. 13
Summer 2000 Candidates BACCALAUREATE DEGREE WITH HIGH HONORS Maggee Starr Bedient Kelly S. Hollis Katherine Francis Simon Rachel Danielle Beohm Beverly Ruth Johnson Zen Slayen David E. Brown Pamela Kenley-Meschino Craig E. Smith Tracy Chris Christensen Jessica Jane Knight Susanne Marie Smith Lisa A. Deneen Elizabeth Rose O’Neil Shelby Dawn Sundby Janice Lynn Dilg Tuyet Van Nhu Phan Jackie Xuan Truong Joshua Christopher Dunfield Patricia Anne Reese Mirae J. Grant Judy Ann Simon BACCALAUREATE DEGREE WITH HONORS Brian Lee Anderson Andrea Ruth Hanson-Garcia Taylor Ellis Olson Michelle Marie Anderson Thao-Uyen Vuong Hoang Sau-Wai Winnie Pow Tammara Avis Ammerman Tri Sinh Huynh Anna Kristel Rattray Laura Jean Bain Shawn Louise Jackson Ann Marie Rivinus Margie L. Bird Andrea Lynn Jones Sanya Margrae Rusynyk Cynthia Marie Brink Nicholas Anthony Kahl John Dirgham Sbait Eliza C. Carroll Christina Joe Kavanaugh Thomas P. Sessa Jaewan Chon Angela Kay LaFreniere Melissa Lynn Smith Marisse Ruth DeThomas Leslie F. Logan Chihoko Takayama Erica Lynn Dickson Dawn Christy Marzolf Phuoc V. Tran Jennifer Lynn Doran Andrei M. Mihailescu Cindy M. Van Julie R. Erickson Esther Y. Z. Milne Heather Claudia Wahlberg Marilyn M. Packer Ross Monroe Jessamyn Grace West Brenda S. Brock Freeman Sarah Catherine Morgan Deanna R. Whitestone Kortney Michelle Garrison Asa Drew Mueller Amanda J. Workman Michelle Martel Gottlieb Atsuko Nagashima Cynthia Young Jessica R. Green Jason Edward Neakrase The students whose names are listed in this section were considered to be candidates for the degree indicated when the program was printed. This is not an official degree list. The appropriate degrees and diplomas will be awarded to those candidates who have successfully completed all requirements by the end of summer or spring term. 14
SUMMER 2000 CANDIDATES Candidates for Graduate Degrees CANDIDATES FOR MASTER’S DEGREES Khaled Asad Ameeri, MPA Public Administration; Tigard Robin David Andrea, MS Education: Policy, Foundations, and Administration; Tacoma, Washington Sharon Glennon Bednarek, MS Education: Curriculum and Instruction; Salem Rhonda Marie Bernard, MS Education: Curriculum and Instruction; Salem Angela Irene Binning, MS Education: Special Education; Portland Patricia Millar Boas, MFA Art: Painting; Beaverton Yu Boros, MBA Business Administration; Liao Yang, China Michelle Rae Brenden, MS Education: Curriculum and Instruction; Silverton Daryl Ann Browne, MS Education: Curriculum and Instruction; Portland G. Douglas Bundy, MEd Education; Portland Kimberly Ruth Cadigan, MS Education: Curriculum and Instruction; Lebanon Caitlin Marie Campbell, MPA Public Administration; Portland Kathleen Louise Chase, MS Education: Curriculum and Instruction; Salem Ronda Lu Colasuonno, MS Education: Curriculum and Instruction; The Dalles Jeffrey Christopher Conn, MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages; Vancouver, Washington Jennifer Lynn Crist, MS Education: Curriculum and Instruction; Hubbard Jennifer Lara Cullen, MS Speech and Hearing Sciences; Minneapolis, Minnesota Lynn Desiree DeLorme, MPA Public Administration: Health; Portland Tanya Lee Fantaski, MS Psychology; Portland Sheryl Anne Garrison, MS Education: Curriculum and Instruction; Salem Robin Irene Gillette*Gwinn, MS Education: Curriculum and Instruction; Oregon City Barbara Gilmore, MS Health Education; Fresno, California Cynthia Lynn Goodrich, MEd Education; Portland Kristan Suzanne Gregerson, MS Conflict Resolution; Lake Oswego Kathryn K. Hamlet, MS Education: Curriculum and Instruction; Aurora Douglas P. Harms, MS Education: Curriculum and Instruction; Dallas Danelle Marie Heikkila, MEd Education; Portland Shelley Antoinette Heller, MS Education: Curriculum and Instruction; Salem Shawnee Spring Hoke, MS Education: Curriculum and Instruction; Salem Loren Christien Hotchkiss, MBA Business Administration; Portland Frank Huber, MBA Business Administration; Reutlingen, Germany Amber Lynn Jones, MBA Business Administration; Aloha Amy Kathleen Kasenga, MS Education: Curriculum and Instruction; White Salmon, Washington Allison S. King, MM Music: Performance; Medocino, California Amanda Michelle Kopra, MPH Health Administration and Policy; Hillsboro Sanjay K. Kudrimoti, MBA Business Administration; Hyderabad, India Tami Chartraw Larners, MPA Public Administration: Health; Bend Pamela Ruth Law, MPH Health Education: Health Promotion; Portland Verna Gchee Leong, MEd Education; Portland Matthias Litschke, MBA Business Administration; Bremen, Germany Jamey Leroy Marsh, MS Biology; Portland Theresa Maria McCaffrey, MEd Education; Portland Laurie Ellen Melendy, MS Education: Curriculum and Instruction; Springfield Stephanie Allison Meyer, MEd Education; Eugene Brian Edward Mills, MS Education: Policy, Foundations, and Administration; Portland Jennifer Brittain Mitchke, MS Education: Curriculum and Instruction; Maupin Derron Olvin Moreland, MBA Business Administration; Forest Grove Umanath Nayak, MBA Business Administration; Beaverton Jane Ellen Neufeldt, MS Education: Curriculum and Instruction; Hood River Noan Ba Nguyen, MS Computer Science; Troutdale Susan Denise Olsen, MS Education: Curriculum and Instruction; McMinnville JoAnn Opp, MEd Education; Boring Eric Tyler Overstreet, MBA Business Administration; Ocean Springs, Mississippi Sandra Gayle Peglau, MS Education: Policy, Foundations, and Administration; Portland Michelle Marie Percey, MS Education: Curriculum and Instruction; Tualatin Georganna Dowse Pfnister, MS Education: Curriculum and Instruction; Keizer Sarah Youree Piper, MBA Business Administration; Portland Aure Elie Ponnelle, MBA Business Administration; Lyon, France Vicki Pronovost, MS Education: Special Education; Hillsboro Pamela Kay Prosise, MS Education: Curriculum and Instruction; Salem Jackie Lynn Renoud, MS Education: Curriculum and Instruction; Silverton Angela deJulia Rose, MS Education: Curriculum and Instruction; Salem Khalid L Sailoom, MS Administration of Justice; Portland Caroline Margaret Sanchez, MPA Public Administration; Portland Joseph Y. Sato, MEd Education; Portland Cindi Diane Schmitz, MS Education: Curriculum and Instruction; Stayton David Charles Scott, MPA Public Administration; Vancouver, Washington Wendy Ann Shelton, MEd Education; Portland Nancy Lu Simonson, MPA Public Administration: Health; Bend Edgar Ubaldino Solares, MEd Education; Portland Michael Stephen Springer, MA History; Tillamook Arthella B. Starke, MS Education: Special Education; Lake Oswego Dan Andrew Stevens, MBA Business Administration; Portland Kenneth R. Stott, MS Education: Curriculum and Instruction; Gervais Mary Ruth Stranz, MS Education: Curriculum and Instruction; Mosier 15
SUMMER 2000 CANDIDATES Michele Ann Sullivan, MEd Education; Portland Linda Ann Tenbrink, MPA Public Administration: Health; Bend Carol Lynn Thies, MS Education: Curriculum and Instruction; Sandy Amy Tipelin, MS Education; Curriculum and Instruction; Salem Sheilagh Van Belthowing, MS Sociology; Cedar Rapids, Iowa Courtney Sullivan Villegas, MS Geography; Portland Attiogbe Yves Vimegnon, MPH Health Administration and Policy; Portland Daniel John Vlastelicia, MPA Public Administration; Scappoose Oliver Voss, MBA Business Administration; Frankfurt, Germany Dominik Wagemann, MBA Business Administration; Portland Rena Christine Wagner, MS Education: Curriculum and Instruction; Silverton Blake W. Wakefield, MBA Business Administration; Vancouver, Washington Richard Overgaard Watson, MBA Business Administration; Portland Penn S. Weldon, MS Conflict Resolution; Claremont, California Michael Day Whitesei, MBA Business Administration: Management of Innovation and Technology; Portland Elizabeth Donnelly Whitworth, MPH Health Administration and Policy; Portland Leslie Lynne Wiles, MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages; Tualatin Jeanne Lynn Williams, MS Education: Curriculum and Instruction; Salem Debbie Wroe, MS Education: Curriculum and Instruction; White Salmon, Washington Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees AND Certificates Yaser Zaki Abdel Jawad, BS Business Administration: General; Lake Oswego Vivian Jiyon Ahn, BS Business Administration: Finance; Portland Faisal Abdul Aziz Al-Gain, BA Business Administration: Marketing, Supply and Logistics Management; Jeddah, Saudi Arabi Talal Abdull Aziz Al-Omar, BS Business Administration: Finance; Lake Oswego Guy Louis AlLee, Jr., BS Electrical Engineering; Portland Meshary A. Alhajeri, BA Economics; Lake Oswego Abdulla Mohamed Al-Nakkas, BS Business Administration: Finance, Marketing; Tigard Melissa J. Alpert, BA Business Administration: Marketing, Advertising Management; Lake Oswego Easton Greer Altree, BA Business Administration: Marketing; Portland Kavahn Aman, BS History; Portland Tammara Avis Ammerman, BS Biology, Psychology; Portland Apolinario Joseph Ancheta, III, BS Social Science, History Minor; Springfield, Missouri Brian Lee Anderson, BA Art: Graphic Design; Portland Kevin Alan Anderson, BS Administration of Justice; Beaverton Michelle Marie Anderson, BA English, Professional Writing Minor; Cedar Falls, Iowa Maria Elena Archer, BA Liberal Studies; Beaverton Vicki Elizabeth Arends, BA History; Gresham Jason Harrison Arjavac, BS Chemistry: Biochemistry; Lake Oswego Hasan Jahi Artharee, BS Business Administration: General Management; Portland Erin Elizabeth Atkins, BS Social Science; Redland Seth Anderson Atwell, BA Philosophy, English Minor; Vancouver, Washington Linda Johnson Austin, BS Business Administration: Supply and Logistics Management; Yakima, Washington Sarah Elizabeth Bagley, BA Art: Graphic Design; Milwaukie Laura Jean Bain, BS Business Administration; Marketing, Advertising Management; Federal Way, Washington Danny R. Baker, BA Art: Graphic Design; Portland April Jean Baque, BA Speech Communication; Portland Shannon Eve Barnes, BA Psychology, Sociology; Woodbum Drew Francis Barrios, BS Liberal Studies, Political Science Minor, English Minor; Portland Amy Christine Barton, BM Music; Pineville, Louisiana Patricia Marie Bates, BS Social Science; West Linn John Christopher Baumeister, BA Psychology; Portland Grace Colleen Beazely, Crt Postbaccalaureate Accounting Certificate; Portland Tammy Lee Beckwith, BS Business Administration: Advertising Management, Marketing; Frenchtown, Montana Maggee Starr Bedient, BS Business Administration: Information Systems; Caldwell, Idaho Sabrina Bedri, BS Biology, Psychology Minor; Tigard Dana Lynn Belber, BA Foreign Languages: French; Huntington, New York Michelle Rene Belcourt, BS Social Science, Black Studies Certificate, Black Studies Minor; Wenatchee, Washington Deborah Sue Bell, BS Liberal Studies, Black Studies Minor, Sociology Minor; Portland Dana Rae Bennett, BS Psychology, History Minor; Portland Karen L. Bennett, BS Psychology; Wilsonville Tonya S. Bennett, Crt Postbaccalaureate Accounting Certificate; Portland Susan Genevieve Benson, BS Psychology; Vancouver, Washington Rachel Danielle Beohm, BA Arts and Letters, Music Minor; Vancouver, Washington Brian G. Bergmann, BA Art: Graphic Design; Portland Gretchen Elizabeth Berkebile, BA English; Forest Grove Bryan David Bettis, BM Music; Portland Athena Bezahaloni, BS Business Administration: General Management, Human Resources Management; Beaverton Sokpak Bhell, BS Sociology; Portland Erica L. Bidiman, BS Sociology; Caldwell, Idaho 16
SUMMER 2000 CANDIDATES Amy Michelle Billings, BS Social Science; Medford Kerri Christina Bingham, BS Arts and Letters, Social Science; Troutdale Margie L. Bird, BA Social Science; Sand Springs, Oklahoma Dionicia Bisner, BA Psychology; Portland David Wayne Bixel, BS Business Administration: General Management, Finance; Portland Jessica Anne Blaylock, BA English; Portland Melissa Marie Boedeker, BS Psychology; Portland Lxjri Beth Bradley, BS Administration of Justice; Portland Jeremy Lee Braun, BS Psychology; Banks Cynthia Marie Brink, BS Music: General; Lebanon Dorothy L. Brost, BS Social Science, Business Administration Minor; Beaverton Dave Brostek, BS Social Science; Baldwinsville, New York China Alanna Brotherson, BS Biology, Black Studies Certificate; Portland David E. Brown, BS Computer Science; Portland Meagan Elizabeth Brown, BS Sociology, Psychology Minor; Portland Tereasa Lavonne Brown, BS Arts and Letters; Portland Westley Adam Brown, BA Business Administration: information Systems, Supply and Logistics Management; Boring Logan Vincent Brucken, BS Social Science; Beaverton Mark Bufano, BS Arts and Letters; Phoenix, Arizona Jane E. Buhl, BS Social Science, Business Administration Minor; Butte, Montana Hien Vinh Bui, BS Business Administration: Marketing; Vancouver, Washington Jill Suzanne Buntin, BA Women’s Studies; Portland Melissa G. Burr, BS Science; Salem Jason W. Burrows, BA Business Administration: Marketing, General Management; Portland Luwanna Faye Busschau, BS Social Science; St. Johns Lisa Butler, BS Geography; Boise, Idaho Jonah Ryan Buttler, BA Sociology, Psychology Minor; West Linn Nicole Lee Ann Byars, BA Theater Arts; Portland Christen Nicole Campbell, BS Sociology; Portland Cynthia A. Cannarile, BS Business Administration: Accounting; Hood River Jean J. Cardoso, BS Social Science; Wilsonville Kristen L. Carey, BS Social Science; Portland Jammie Shanell Carr, BS Administration of Justice, Speech Communication Minor; Portland Eliza C. Carroll, BS Psychology; Portland Judith L. Carver, BS Business Administration: Human Resources Management; Portland Julia Rose Chaddock, BA Art: Graphic Design; San Luis Obispo, California Meylda Chandra, BA Business Administration: Information Systems; Beaverton Joy L. Chang, BS Community Development, Speech Communication Minor; Portland Li-Wen Vivian Chang, BS Business Administration: Information Systems; Taipei, Taiwan Dan James Chapman, BS Business Administration: Accounting; Oregon City Marc William Charles, BS Science; Portland Jean Andre Charpentier, BA Arts and Letters; Cassis, France Annie Chin-Hsiu Cheel, BA Business Administration: Finance, Foreign Languages: Japanese Minor; Beaverton Judy Yan Chen, BA Business Administration: Marketing; Portland Justin Cheng Chen, BA Business Administration: Information Systems; Portland Chad Don Cherry, BS Business Administration: Supply and Logistics Management; St. Helens Angela Christie Childers, BS Business Administration: Human Resources Management, Information Systems; Astoria Jaewan Chon, BA Business Administration: Accounting; Portland James C. Chon, Crt Postbaccalaureate Accounting Certificate; Seoul, Korea Mark Myungjoo Chong, BA Art: Graphic Design; Portland Leah Kim Christensen, BS Sociology; McMinnville Tracy Chris Christensen, BS Women’s Studies, Speech Communication Minor; Portland Charles R. Cinque, BS Political Science; West Islip, Washington Matthew Thomas Cleveland, BS Business Administration: Information Systems; Sutherlin Kelly Ann Cogswell, BS Business Administration: Marketing; Tigard Lucas Adam Cole, BS Social Science; Portland Norma Karen Collins, BS Business Administration: Accounting; Canby Wendy Jennifer Collins, BS Biology; Portland Sherry Lynn Cornell, BA Political Science; Grants Pass Jorge Emiliano Correa, BA International Studies: Hispanic/Latin; San Diego, California Brian Richard Coury, BS Social Science, Business Administration Minor; Kent, Washington Eric Jordan Cowan, BS Science; Portland Daniel Beall Cristofani, BA Philosophy, Computer Science Minor; Portland Thomas Allen Cross, Crt Postbaccalaureate Accounting Certificate; Salem Luis J. Cruz, BS Business Administration: Accounting; Milwaukie Mercy Cuellar, BA Foreign Languages: Spanish, Teaching English as a Second Language Certificate; Gladstone Jamie Sue Cummins, BA Business Administration: Marketing; Newberg Tamra LeAnne D’Agostine, BA Art: Graphic Design; Portland Courtney Elizabeth Dahmen, BS Social Science; Gresham Jason Daly, BS Speech Communication; Lake Oswego Van Dang, BA Business Administration: Marketing, General Management; Portland Eliza Sally Danielson, BA Arts and Letters, International Studies Minor; Portland Betsy Jo Dasenko, BS Social Science; Veneta Robert J. Davis, BA English; Albuquerque, New Mexico Timothy Jefferson Davis, BS Arts and Letters; Dallas, Texas Robert Martin DeBusman, BS Administration of Justice; Portland Marisse Ruth DeThomas, BS Arts and Letters; Nampa, Idaho Ashley J. de Boer, BA Science, Physics Minor; Milwaukie Norman Macalanda De Vera, BS Electrical Engineering; Portland Chad Cameron Delany, BS Physics; Sherwood Rosalino Torres De Leon, BS Business Administration: Human Resources Management, Psychology Minor; Gladstone Lisa A. Deneen, BS Sociology, Psychology, Women’s Studies Certificate; Troutdale 17
SUMMER 2000 CANDIDATES Misty Dawn Derrick, BS Social Science, Administration of Justice Minor; Stayton Erica Lynn Dickson, BA Business Administration: Information Systems, Supply and Logistics Management; Portland Christopher Scott Dietrich, BS Computer Science; Grants Pass Janice Lynn Dilg, BA History; Kalamazoo, Michigan Peter H. Do, BS Chemistry: Biochemistry, University Honors Program; Portland Tuan Anh Do, BS Electrical Engineering; Portland Brian Doan, BS Computer Engineering, Computer Science Minor, Physics Minor; Portland Wendy R. Doggett, BA English; Portland Brigid M. Doherty, BA International Studies: Hispanic/Latin; Winchester, Virginia Jody Koefelda Dolan, BS Speech and Hearing Sciences; Portland Jessica Michelle Dolin, BS Psychology; Portland Katie Marie Donahue, BA Sociology; Hood River Ryan Lee Donnelly, BA Science; Portland Jennifer Lynn Doran, BA Arts and Letters; Portland Johanna Marie Douthit, BS Psychology; Portland Matthew Ryan Downey, BA Music: General; Portland Kellyann Duckworth, BS Health Education: Health and Fitness Promotion; Salt Lake City, Utah Karen Elizabeth Dudley, BA Foreign Languages: Spanish; Portland Joshua Christopher Dunfield, BS Computer Science, University Honors Program; Corvallis Helen Ann Dunlap, BS Psychology; Milwaukie Melissa Lorraine Durst, BS Psychology; Portland David Eyre Easterday, BS Community Development; Portland Jennifer S. Ebel, BS Health Education: Health Sciences, Economics Minor; Coeur d’Alene, Idaho Robb A. Edwards, BS Science; Portland Leslie A. Eisenberg, BA Speech Communication; Portland Tamir S. El-Tobgy, BS Business Administration: Advertising Management; Portland Erica M. Elledge, BS Science; Hillsboro Shana Ann Ellis, BS Social Science; Portland Greta Lea Ellwood, BS Business Administration: Human Resources Management; Portland Christina Lee Enloe, BA Psychology; Lake Oswego Julie R. Erickson, BA Arts and Letters, Theater Minor; Portland Terri L. Erickson, BA English; Portland Kariena Quine Ertsgaard, BA International Studies: Hispanic/Latin; Portland Ivard Percy Everts, BS Business Administration: Supply and Logistics Management; Beaverton Marilyn M. Packer, BS Child and Family Studies; Portland Lynn Catharine Fairweather, BS Social Science; Wayne, New Jersey Ian Michael Falconer, BS Social Science; Lake Oswego Erica Beth Fanning, BA Anthropology; Vancouver, Washington Sean Patrick Farrell, BS Psychology; Spokane, Washington Rachael Melissa Feldman, BS Business Administration: Marketing, Information Systems, Psychology Minor; Portland Catarina Felix, BS Psychology, Women’s Studies; Pendleton Linnea Colleen Ferrin, BS Administration of Justice; Cottage Grove William Gary Ficek, BS Business Administration: Marketing, General Management, Geology Minor; Portland Casey Raylene Filice, BS Psychology, Sociology Minor; Salinas, California Maya Bianca Fitzgerald, BS Science, Biology Minor, Black Studies Minor; Portland Rashad E. Floyd, BS Speech Communication; Oakland, California Matthew Robert Fowler, BA Foreign Languages: Chinese; Hillsboro Douglas Ray Franklin, BS Psychology; Portland Susan Marie Franko, BS Health Education: Community, Sociology Minor; Johnstown, New York Ronald Gerald Frashour, III, BS History; Gresham Brenda S. Brock Freeman, BA Art: Graphic Design; Portland Blythe Lynn Friedmann, BS Social Science; New York City, New York Joshua William Fryer, BA English, Arts and Letters, Philosophy Minor; Anaheim, California Shoko Fuchigami, BA Arts and Letters, International Studies: East Asian, Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language; Portland Tomoko Fujinaga, BA International Studies: East Asian; Portland Megan Judy Funes, BA Speech Communication; Portland Julie Andrea Funk'Marshall, BA English; Portland Elizabeth Fuss, BA English; West Linn Timothy Raymond Gallagher, BS Health Education: Health and Fitness Promotion; Gresham Stephanie Rae Gamroth, BS Child and Family Studies; Salem Marlena Jane Gangi, BS Social Science; San Bernardino, California Francisco D. Garcia, BS Theater Arts; Salem Jason Lee Gard, BA Business Administration: Finance; Beaverton Garth J. Gamer, BS Electrical Engineering; Portland Ivan Jamil Garner, BS Speech Communication; Los Angeles, California Kortney Michelle Garrison, BA English; Portland Sindy Lu Garrison, BS Psychology, English Minor; Fairview Christopher Michael Gay, BS Administration of Justice; Spokane, Washington Mary Ruthe George, BS Psychology; Cypress, California Rory Gil Gerard, BS Psychology; Washington, D.C. Katherine Roselle Gildersleeve, BA Psychology; Gresham L. Desiree Gittins, BS Psychology; Aloha Jennifer L. Gloor, BS Business Administration: Human Resources Management, General Management; Fair Oaks, California David Scott Godfrey, BS Business Administration: Supply and Logistics Management; Beaverton J. Miguel Gomez, BS Social Science, Psychology Minor, Speech Communication Minor; Newbury Park, California Heidi May Gonzalez, BS Biology; Vancouver, Washington Maria Estela Gonzalez, BA Anthropology; Woodburn Duane Clifton Goree, Jr., BS Social Science, Sociology Minor, Psychology Minor; Tulare, California Molly J. Gorman, BS Social Science, Sociology Minor, English Minor; Portland Michelle Martel Gottlieb, BA Business Administration: Accounting; Lake Oswego Joyce 1. Graaf, BS Social Science; Portland Frederick Hadley Graham, BA English; Stayton Maggie Graham, BA Anthropology; Virden, Illinois 18
SUMMER 2000 CANDIDATES Mirae J. Grant, BS Women’s Studies; Portland Jessica R. Green, BS Speech Communication; Washougal, Washington Tamara Vicki Green, BS Biology; Portland Brian David Gresham, BS Business Administration: Marketing; Medford Luke Cour Griffin, BA Social Science; Portland Casssandra Rennette Griffith, BS Social Science; Portland Keith S. Griffith, BS Liberal Studies; Baton Rouge, Louisiana Aaron Christopher Gross, BS Psychology; Portland Adrienne Margarita Guitron, BS Business Administration: Finance; San Francisco, California Amy Jo Gunn, BA Child and Family Studies, Social Science; Seaside Andrew Dean Gurevich, BA English; Portland Anatoliy Sergey Gurnik, BA Business Administration: Accounting; Portland Brandt Michael Guttridge, BS Business Administration: Finance; Tigard Paul S. Hagnauer, BS Geography, Geology Minor; Wayland, Massachusetts Clifford Reeves Haithcock, BS Mathematics, Computer Applications Minor; Greenville, South Carolina Stacy Rebecca Hall, BA International Studies: East Asian; Hood River Terry Gene Hames, BS Business Administration: Finance, Information Systems; Milwaukie Charles Andrew Hamilton, BA English; Poulsbo, Washington Jodi Ellen Hampton, BS Arts and Letters, Sociology Minor; Red Bud, Illinois Braden Thomas Hanna, BS Geology; Portland James John Hanson, BS Social Science; Milwaukie Mark L. Hanson, BS Business Administration: Information Systems; Vancouver, Washington Andrea Ruth Hanson-Garcia, BS Business Administration: Accounting; Beaverton Chad Michael Hardy, BS Speech Communication; Portland Leanna Danielle Harmon, BS Sociology; Salem Kiva Jacob Hartfield, BS Administration of Justice, Sociology Minor; Lake Oswego Alan Wynn Hartley, BS Liberal Studies; Portland Stormy M. Haruyama, BA Applied Linguistics, Foreign Languages: Japanese Minor; Portland Jennifer Elizabeth Hawks, BA Anthropology; Vancouver, Washington Elena Marie Hawley, BS Art: Drawing/Painting/Printmaking, Psychology Minor; New York, New York Renee Michelle Hayes, BA Speech Communication; Vancouver, Washington Tunzel Hayes, BA English; Fresno, California Michele Kathleen Heafey, BS Economics; Sacramento, California Eric Matthew Heft, BS Political Science, Anthropology Minor; Portland Martin Edward Hehman, BS Psychology; Beaverton Bobbe L. Hendricks, BS Social Science; Los Angeles, California Erin Marie Henery, BS Sociology; Portland Clark W. Henry, III, BA Community Development; Los Angeles, California Sarah A. Hepner, BA International Studies: Hispanic/Latin; Eugene Efrain Saul Hernandez, BS Business Administration: Finance; Dayton Courtney Michelle Hildebrand, BS Psychology; Beaverton Kerri Elaine Hill, BA International Studies: Hispanic/Latin, Liberal Studies, Black Studies Certificate; Portland Jonathan Ray Hillman, BS Business Administration: Supply and Logistics Management; Granite Falls, Washington William Hinsvark, BS Social Science; Woodbum Taka Hirayama, BS Health Education: Health and Fitness Promotion; Hakodate, Japan Chinh D. Hoang, BS Business Administration: Supply and Logistics Management; Portland Thao-Uyen Vuong Hoang, BS Business Administration: Information Systems; Gresham Preston L. Hobbs, BS Arts and Letters, Architecture Minor; Scales Mound, Illinois Kim Anne Hoffman, BS Women’s Studies; Portland Kelly S. Hollis, BS Computer Science, Physics Minor; Prineville Jeannine Christina Angel Holm, BS Political Science; Portland Evelynn Lorraine Holman, BS Child and Family Studies; Portland Jeffrey J. Hook, BS Environmental Studies, Biology Minor; Portland Jane Emerson Hooper, BS Social Science; Portland Steven Richard Hooper, BS Psychology; Portland Jeremy Howser, BS Science; Antioch, California Stacie Anne Huff, BA Foreign Languages: French; Roseburg Darcy Elizabeth Hunter, BS Health Education: Community; Oregon City Tri Sinh Huynh, BS Computer Science; Portland Alice Sun Im, BA Political Science, English Minor; Tualatin Brian Richard Ipock, BA Economics; Bend Bruce Payton Irby, BS Mechanical Engineering; Santa Barbara, California Brian Christopher Itami, BS Business Administration: Information Systems, General Management; Milwaukie Shawn Louise Jackson, BA Arts and Letters; Portland Brianna Baili James, BS Psychology, Sociology Minor; Portland Kimberly Rebekah Janik, BS Computer Engineering; Cave Junction Joshua Doherty Jessen, BA English; Portland Antoinette Arunthathy Jeyanthan, BS Psychology; Vancouver, Washington Beverly Ruth Johnson, BA English; Hillsboro Chad T. Johnson, BS Business Administration: Finance; Portland Jonathan Houston Johnson, BS Social Science; Portland Kirsten Chartier Tuck Johnson, BS Science; Portland Andrea Lynn Jones, BS Psychology; Vernonia Dennis W. Jones, BS Speech Communication; Tualatin Michael Lawrence Quinton Jones, BS Computer Science; Beaverton Rachel Allison Jones, BS Business Administration: Accounting; Milwaukie Rebecca Ann Jones, BS Arts and Letters; Boring Rudolph Jones, III, BS Mechanical Engineering; Portland Kristin Michele Joplin, BA International Studies: Europe, Foreign Languages: German; Cornelius Nicholas Anthony Kahl, BM Music; Portland Jennifer Marie Kallgren, BS Business Administration: Human Resources Management; Forest Grove Sheka S. Kamara, BS Business Administration; Information Systems; Portland Sara Margaret Kane, BS Health Education: School Health; Portland Kasey Koikoi Kanekoa, BA Foreign Languages: Japanese; Vancouver, Washington Yong Sil Kang, BS Business Administration: Finance; Portland 19