
Presiding Marshal John Cooper, Ph.D. Chief Marshals Harold Briggs, Ph.D. Daniel Johnson, Ph.D. Thomas Potiowsky, Ph.D. Franz Rad, Ph.D., P.E. Charles Tracy, D. Crim. Faculty Marshals BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Alan Cabelly, Ph.D. Anne Christensen, Ph.D. Thomas Gillpatrick, Ph.D. Michael Henton, M.B.A., C.P.A. Joanne Klebba, Ph.D. Roseanne Mohr, Ph.D. Donald Watne, Ph.D., C.P.A. Gerald Wygant, J.D. COMMENCEMENT MARSHALS LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES Jagdish Ahuja, Ph.D. Karen Carr, Ph.D. David Clark, Ph.D. M. Jane Dresser, M.A. Kathryn Farr, Ph.D. Leslie Good, Ph.D. Paul Hammond, Ph.D. Thomas Harvey, Ph.D. John Lundy, Ph.D. Rita Moore, Ph.D. DeLys Ostlund, M.A. James Paulson, Ph.D. Shelley Reece, Ph.D. Friedrich Schuler, Ph.D. Mohamed Wader, Ph.D. Carl Wamser, Ph.D. Craig Wollner, Ph.D. EDUCATION Thomas Chenoweth, Ph.D. Jean Edwards, M.S. Hanoch Livneh, Ph.D. Ronald Narode, Ed.D. ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCE Andrew Fraser, Ph.D. Warren Harrison, Ph.D. Kent Lall, Ph.D., P.E. Trevor Smith, Ph.D., P.E. Graig Spolek, Ph.D., P.E. George Tsongas, Ph.D., P.E. Richard T ymerski, Ph.D. 4 FINE AND PERFORMING ARTS Joel Bluestone, D.M.A. Bruce Keller, M.A. T. Stanley Stanford, D.M.A. Emily Young, M.Ed. SOCIAL WORK Kevin Corcoran, Ph.D. Pamela Miller, Ph.D. Vikki Vandiver, Dr. P.H. URBAN AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS Annette Jolin, Ph.D. James Marshall, Ph.D. Gerard Mildner, Ph.D. Margaret Neal, Ph.D. Judith Sobel, Ph.D. James Wallis, M.S. STUDENT AFFAIRS Sharon Brabenac, M.B.A. Kathleen Jones, J.D. Readers Devorah Lieberman, Ph.D. Beatrice Oshika, Ph.D. William Tate, M.A. Lawrence Wheeler, Ph.D.