Maureen L. Sempert, BA English, Professional Writing Minor; Portland William John Serdar, BA English; Portland Dierdre Ann Shaffer, BS Arts and Letters; Portland Krista Jean Shaner, BA Foreign Languages: French; Gladstone Makeba Libre Shaughnessy, BS History, Black Studies Certificate; La Puente, California Jennifer Jaye Shawcross, BA International Studies: North Atlantic Studies, Economics; Portland Doris Sue Shawler, BS Psychology, Sociology Minor; Boring Laura Anna Sherburne, BS Biology; Vancouver, Washington Dave Bahadur Shrestha, BS Biology, Psychology; Portland Diane Marie Sicotte, BS Sociology; Portland Morgan S. Sidhe, BS Social Science, English Minor; Los Angeles, California Stacy Siegel, BS Psychology; Beaverton Catherine Connor Simmons, BA Political Science; Portland Jason Siri, BS Physics; Portland Joel Mark Siri, BA Social Science, History Minor; Portland James Andrew Sisson, BS Sociology; Milwaukie Beth Crystal Skiles, BS Psychology; Hillsboro Douglas M. Smiley, BA English, Economics Minor; Beaverton Craig O'Dell Smith, BA History, German Minor; Beaverton Cynthia Jean Smith, BS Social Science; Aurora David Robert Smith, BA Arts and Letters; Portland Kenneth Phillip Smith, BA History, French Minor; Anchorage, Alaska Carla Ann Snell, BS Social Science, Psychology Minor; Warrenton Sarah Jean Snyder, BA English, Black Studies Minor; Portland Patrick Robert Soles, BS History; Portland Gina Leonor Sonera, BA Foreign Languages: Spanish, lnternational Studies: Hispanic and Latin American Studies; Portland Lara W. Sonniksen, BS Social Science; Portland Eric Gregory Sorenson, BS Science; Portland Clarke Eric Sowers, BS Biology; Portland Bethany Ann Speed, BS Biology; Portland SPRING 1994 CANDIDATES Jonathan Isaac Speer, BS Sociology; Salem Mark Alan Spiker, BS Social Science; Portland Peggie Spinner-Love, BA History; Keizer Byron L. Spires, BS History, Black Studies Certificate; Portland Janice Lynn St. Laurent, BA History; Portland Irene Stagner, BA Arts and Letters; Newberg Sherri Lynn Stallings, BA Sociology; Portland Eric Dustin Steele, BS Speech Communication; Tigard Addam Christopher Stell, BA Philosophy; Portland Janet A. Stephany, BS Geography, Professional Writing Minor; Portland Thomas John Stewart, BS Psychology, Sociology Minor; John Day Douglas Lee Stidd, BA Economics; Albany Connie Lynn Stone, BS Psychology; Alsea Eric Leon Stone Ill, BS Geography; Beaverton C. Kalei L. Strange, BA International Studies, Political Science, Hisrory Minor; Milwaukie Brian Gregor Strawn, BA Foreign Languages: Japanese, International Studies: East Asian Studies; Salem Mary Elizabeth Sturtevant, BS Psychology; Portland Chieko Misaki Suda, BS Biology; Portland Charles Sullivan, BA Philosophy; Portland Barbara Anne Sumerlin, BS Social Science, Arts and Letters; Portland William Joseph Szolonyinka, BS Philosophy; Portland Lynne Marie Taccogna, BS Sociology, Urban Studies Certificate; Portland Rebecca Sisay Tadesse, BA International Studies: North Atlantic Studies, Business Administration Minor; Portland Hiromi Takeda, BA Psychology; Kanagawa, Japan Mayumi Takeda, BS Biology; Portland Kathryn Ann Talley, BS Biology; Goldsboro, North Carolina Sandra A. Tate, BS Psychology, Social Science, Sociology Minor; Lincoln, Nebraska Jeffery Duane Taylor, BA English; Portland Krista Marie Taylor, BA Speech Communication, English Minor; Sherwood Douglas Andrew Tesch, BS Economics; Portland 26 Gregory O'Neal Thackston, BS Psychology; Tuscumbia, Alabama Adam G. Thistlethwaite, BS Social Science; Portland Lori Denien Thompson, BA Psychology; San Diego, California Sandra Kay Thoms, BS Science; Portland Lance Russell Thurman, BS Science, Biology Minor; Prineville Laura J. Tils, BS Economics; Portland Julie Louise Payne Tobin, BS Psychology; Vale Barry Randolph Todd, BA English; Portland Diane Elizabeth Tooze, BS Science; Milwaukie Tye Joseph Trepanier, BS Science; Portland Deborah Ann Trieu, BA Anthropology; McMinnville Kyle Martell Triggs, BS Science, Biology; Portland Jonnathan E. Triton, BS Psychology; Yorba Linda, California Lance H. Tsukimura, BS Psychology; Pearl City, Hawaii Shannon Louise Turk, BS Political Science; Portland Brent E. Turvey, BS Psychology; Tigard Regina W. Twardawa, BA Psychology; Portland Nancy Lynn Tweet, BS Psychology; Clatskanie David James Ulrich, BS Physics, Mathematics Minor; Beaverton Deborrah L. Ulvestad, BS Economics, Psychology; Portland Michelle Louise Unger, BS Social Science; Portland Sandra Lee Urbanski, BS Psychology; Portland John C. Useldinger, BA Political Science, Black Studies Certificate; Portland Wayne Jeffrey Van de Kraak, BA History; Vancouver, British Columbia Johanes A. van Es, BA Foreign Languages: German, University Honors Program, Linguistics Minor; Portland Kathleen J. Vandermoss, BS History, Sociology Minor; Portland Timothy J. VanSlyke, BA Arts and Letters, Teaching English as a Second Language Certificate; Portland John R. Vanson, BA Foreign Languages: German, Teaching English as a Second Language Certificate; Vancouver, Washingron Krystal Gentian Vasiakin, BA Foreign Languages: Russian; Newport Rebecca Colleen Vaupotic, BA English; Portland