
·.-<HOFFMANN• AWARDFOR ., FACULT,Y EXCELLENCE. '' MARVIN 'HowARD BEESON An;tong'the quilities most • cherished by the late Gebrge •tJoffni.anpwas collegiality, and that collegiality is /l fundamental aspect of Profess'or Marvin Beeson's relation to Portland St.ate University.. • More than40 mernbrrs,of the •faculty wrote in suppm;t ofhis > ,· ;nc;imination, cith1g his fairness~ , , • professionalism, dedication to ~ • : • university service, and interest in .students, and praising his commitrnent to the higheststandards , •.in teaching, scholarship, and ' · research. • Heis also a11able representative of theUniversity fo the larger • comrrninity; serving the state of Oregon as a consulting geologist;· working with numerous planning .and site surveys, and,forthe p·ast severalyears, working to produce,a' •. geologicalscience·component in the Multnomah County Educational • Service District's science education pro~ram.· . , 9 His devotion to service, both with1n and outside our walls, gives t.he University a_human face.