Iloba B. Odum, MUP Portland Elijah Andrew Akinyemi, BS Social Science; Portland Abdulla Yousuf Al-Abduljabbar, BS Science; Portland Fahad Ragi Al-Bagawi, BS Science; Portland Ahmad Abbas Al-Bannai, BS Social Science, Black Studies Certificate; Gresham Wayne William Aldridge, BS Arts and Letters; Portland Joan Caver Alexander, BS Art; Portland Sarah Saad Al-Jwidy, BS Social Science, Black Studies Certificate; Portland James Anthony Allegretto, BS Economics, Business Administration; Portland Leland Jack Allen, BS Science; Lake Oswego Mahmood H. Al-Makki, BS Social Science; Portland Abdulrahman E. Al-Megren, BS Social Science; Portland Eid M. Al-Mohanadi, BS Science; Portland Dalal Almuhaini, BS Psychology, Social Science; Portland Nasrah Hassan Al-Shashtari, BS Art; Portland Saleh Abdullah Mohammed Nashl Al-Shehri, BA English, General Studies; Portland Alham A. Al-Sowayigh, BS Sociology, Psychology, Social Science; Portland Sandra L. Ammerman, BS Psychology; Portland Steven Forrester Anderson, BS Chemistry; Portland Cristien Beatrijs Anstedt-Storm, BA Political Science; St. Louis, Missouri S. Lynn Bachman, BA English; Portland Scott Palmer Barnes, BA English; Portland Floyd Michael Bates, BS Arts and Letters; Beaverton Rosana Elizabeth Bauman, BS Psychology; Portland Susan Ellen Bee, BS Science, Speech Communication, Social Science, General Studies; Portland Master of Urban Planning J. Kenneth Swan, MUP Portland BACCALAUREATE DEGREES College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Jo A. Benns-Scott, BS Political Science, Administration of Justice, Black Studies Certificate; Portland Thomas Birnie, BA Foreign Languages; Portland Kathryn V. Bjorge, BS Science; Tigard John Patrick Bokish, BS Biology; Oregon City Lorna Lee Solera, BS Science, Business Administration; Portland Susan L. Jewett Bowles, BS Social Science; Milwaukie Jane Anne-Marie Boyle, BS Biology; Fort Jackson, Texas Sonia Aujail Bsaibes, BA English, Foreign Languages, General Studies; Portland Randall Dean Byers, BA English; Portland James Raymond Carskadon III, BS Political Science, Speech Communication; Portland Paul Bruerton Carson, BA English; Portland Charles N. Chiedu II, BS Sociology, Black Studies Certificate; Portland Susanna Choi-Wan Chow, BS Psychology, Business Administration; Portland Della M. Clare, BA English; Milwaukie Kimberly Broussard Clark, BS Psychology; Oregon City Lynne Marie Clark, BS Anthropology; Portland Linda Kay Coats, BA Speech Communication; Portland Alanson Gamble Coss, BS Geography; Vancouver, Washington Denise Yvonne Cousineau, BS Art; Portland Deborah Anne Cronk, BS Psychology; Milwaukie Mohammed Abass Dehrab, BS Psychology, Social Science; Portland Ann Rutledge Demarest, BS Science; Portland Sharon Kathleen Denman, BS Economics; Portland Linda Jean Downey, BS History; Portland 32 Delay Tani Dube, BS Sociology, Political Science; Portland Patrick L. Edmonds, BS Political Science; Beaverton Nasser Ali Ehaidib, BS Mathematics; Portland Bud Eidson, BS Political Science, Psychology; Portland Douglas Edward Elliott, BS Social Science; Vancouver, Washington Anthony Drew Fajer, BS Geography; Portland Michael James Ferris, BA History; Sherwood Penelope Jane Fetsch, BS Biology; Portland Donna Jean Fischnaller, BS Speech Communication; Portland James Terence Fisher, BS Social Science; Portland James Francis Fitzgerald, BS Economics; Portland Tammy Marie Foster, BS Speech Communication; Sherwood William Ivan Frazier, BS Social Science, General Studies; Canby Teresa Marguerite Friedrich, BA Speech Communication, Foreign Languages; Portland Mary Ann Gernegliaro, BA English, Anthropology; Portland Ali Nassib Ghandour, BS Science; Portland Jo Ann Gilles, BS Art; Lake Oswego Patrick Alan Glenn, BS History; Oregon City Kent Orton Goodwin, BA English, Foreign Languages; Portland Michelle Zela Gordon, BS Psychology; Portland Tracy Ann Graham, BS Social Science; Portland Mark Daniel Greenwood, BS Economics; Portland Vickie R. Harke, BS Sociology, Social Work; Vancouver, Washington James Nelson Harlan, BS Social Science; Portland David Victor Harris, Jr., BS History; Portland Barbara Ann Hermanson, BS Psychology; Portland -