
ORDER OF CEREMONIES Processional George V. Guy, Ph.D., Presiding Marshal M. Dawn Dressler, B.A., Faculty Marshal Edward L. Grubb, Ph.D., Faculty Marshal Alice Lehman, M.S., Faculty Marshal Music "Pomp and Circumstance, "Sir Edward Elgar Symphonic Band William J. Tuttle, D.M.A., Director Special Music Portland State University Chamber Choir Bruce S. Browne, D.M .A., Director "Christus Factus Est," Anton Bruckner " Si, ch 'io Vorrei Morire, "Claudio Monteverdi "Sol'v'yem, "Traditional Russian Folk Song "IfI Got My Ticket, Can I Ride?" Spiritual, arranged by Robert Shaw Opening Remarks Representative of the Oregon State Board of Higher Education Loren L. Wyss, M.B.A. Remarks Ralph Thomas Wells Class of 1984 Presentation Distinguished Service Awards Joseph C. Blume!, Ph.D. President Leland H. Johnson Louise K. Scott Branford Price Millar Award for Faculty Excellence Bruce L. Stern Presentation of Award Joseph C. Blume! George and Virginia Hoffmann Award for Faculty Excellence Frederick 0 . Waller Presentation of Award Joseph C. Blume! Charge to Class Joseph C. Blume! Presentation of Candidates for Degrees Margaret J. Dobson, Ed.D. Vice President f or A cademic Affairs Conferring of Degrees Joseph C. Blume! Doctoral Candidates Jeffrey T. Fouts, Community College Education "Institutional Environments as Perceived by the Faculty and Admininistrators at Six Small Liberal A rts Christian Colleges" Adviser: David E. Willis, Ed.D., Professor Emeritus ofEducation 2 Nancy E. Gast, Public School Administration and Supervision "The Role of the High School Library Media Specialist as Perceived by High School Library Media Specialists, Principals, and Teachers in the State of Oregon " Adviser: John D. Lind, Ed.D., Associate Professor ofEducation Jacqueline Conner Waggoner, Public School Administration and Supervision "Metropolitan School Administrators: Work Values, Role Perceptions and Burnout" Adviser: David E. Willis, Ed.D., Professor Emeritus of Education Bruce Eugene Dumdei, Environmental Sciences and Resources "Determination of the Reaction Products of Toluene Under Simulated Atmospheric Conditions" Adviser: Robert J. O'Brien, Ph.D., Professor ofChemistry Ebrahim Moshiri, Environmental Sciences and Resources "Computer Modelling ofPhotochemical Ozone Formation-A Simplified Approach'' Adviser: Robert J. O'Brien, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry Ruth-Ellen Miller, Systems Science "Stories as Scenarios: Enhancing Impact Assessment with Extrapolative Fiction" Adviser: George G. Lendaris, Ph.D., Professor ofSystems Science Martin L. Abbott, Urban Studies " The Outcomes ofa Quality Circle Program in an Electronics Manufacturing Firm" Adviser: Gerald F. Blake, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Urban Studies Tarek Ali Fadaak, Urban Studies "Urban Housing Policy Evaluation in the Kingdom ofSaudia Arabia" Adviser: Sumner M. Sharpe, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Urban Studies James N. J. Kollie, Urban Studies "The Effects ofScattered Site Public Housing Projects on School Performance in a Northwest Urban Community" Adviser: Anthony M. Rufolo, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Urban Studies Diane L. Pancoast, Urban Studies / " The Contribution ofSocial Support to the Successful Functioning ofMen with Epilepsy" Adviser: Nancy J. Chapman, Ph.D., Professor of Urban Studies Conferring of Doctoral Degrees Recognition of Graduates Special Recognition of Honor Graduates Margaret J. Dobson Recessional "La Procession du Rocio," Joaquin Turina I. Triana en Fete II. La Procession The audience is requested to remain seated during the processional and recessional.