
Bonnie L. Comegys, BS Biology; Portland Marc Anthony Compos, BA Sociology; Portland Tom G. Conlon, BS Geology; Oregon City Christopher James Conroy, BA Mathematics; Portland Julie Lynn Corning, BS Psychology, Sociology; Portland Pamela Cris Cory, BA Political Science; Portland John Lloyd Cowan, BS Philosophy, Biology; Portland Kimberly Ann Cox, BA Foreign Languages: Spanish, German; Portland Richard C. Cram, BS Computer Science; Portland Jerry King Cranmer, BS Biology; Hood River Catherine Susan Crisalli, BS Psychology; Portland Neal Keith Cummings; BA Arts and Letters; Portland Linda R. Cummins; BA Foreign Languages, Geography; Tigard Shirley Annette Dahlsten, BS Art; Astoria Pamelyn Nance Dane, BA English; Portland Thuy-Trang T. Dang, BS Chemistry, Biology; Portland Eric Lenn Davenport, BS Sociology; Beaverton Cathy Sue Davis, BA Social Science; Portland Deborah Ruth Davis, BS History; Portland Margaret Ellen Davis, BS Biology; Beaverton Zarrin Davoudi, BS Mathematics; Portland David R. Deery, BS History; Vancouver, Washington Andrew Neal Dentino, BA Foreign Languages; Portland James Clifford Dernbach, BS Geology; Portland Jerry John Dettwiler, BS Biology; Hillsboro Michael L. Devine, BS Geography, Social Science; Gales Creek Timothy Joseph Di Carlo, BS Science; Portland John Anthony Difalco, Jr., BS Speech Communication; Portland Eileen Ann Dolan, BS Geography; Portland Phyllis Jean Donivan, BA Arts and Letters, Social Science; Beaverton Arthur Edwin Douglas, Jr., BS Computer Science; Portland Janmarie Dielschneider Draper, BS Political Science, Social Science, General Studies; Portland Sondra S. Dudley, BS Psychology; Vancouver, Washington Noelle Dominique Duncan, BA English; Portland James M. Dunn, BS Social Science; Portland Suzy Renee Eatherton, BS Speech Communication; Beaverton Kenneth Roy Edwards, BA English, Arts and Letters; Portland Diane Jean Elizondo, BS Psychology; Portland Musaddagh Mohammed El-Krewi, BS Psychology, Geology, Science; Portland Emelike Udensi Emelike, BS Economics; Portland Margaret Mary Engelgau, BA Foreign Languages; Salem Anthony Jacob Esch, BS Psychology, Philosophy; Milwaukie Martha Louise Faghani, BA Art; Los Angeles, California Siniva P. Faiai, BS Science; Portland George Albert Ferrell, BA Foreign Languages, University Scholars' Program; Portland Patrick D. Fesler, BA Psychology, Portland Mark Benjamin Fisher, BS Economics; Portland Darcy Sue Fix, BS Speech Communication; Lake Oswego Christina Joy Flaxel, BA Biology; Portland Kathryn L. Fleishman, BS Political Science; Astoria Kenneth Donald Flora, BS Biology, University Scholars' Program; Portland Eleanor Elizabeth Flores, BA Foreign Languages: Spanish, French; Portland Laine Arnold Fluckiger, BS Biology; Portland Donna Jean Frederick Forrest, BS Psychology; Beaverton Linda Yuvone Fountain, BS Psychology; Portland Kevin Paul Fox, BS Social Science, History, Arts and Letters; Portland Julia Lynn Frank, BA English; Beaverton Kathy Jean Freeman-Hastings, BA Art; Portland Nancy J. Fuhrman, BS Psychology, Business Administration; Portland Maged Wanis Gadaffi, BS Mathematics, Science; Portland Ronald A. Gallinat, BS Economics; Gresham Juana Garcia-Forcadell, BS Political Science; Portland Pamela Ann Gardenier, BS Anthropology; Portland 12 Timothy Mabry Gardner, BS Biology, Chemistry; Portland Margaret Anne Garfield, BS Psychology; Portland Malea Brunk Gayton, BS Philosophy; Portland Douglas Johnson Gentner, BA History; Portland Christopher Lane Germond, BS Economics; Lake Oswego Younis Hamad Ghesheyan, BS Economics, Social Science; Portland Anne-Elizabeth Gibbons, BA Foreign Languages, University Scholars' Program; Portland Anthony Kevin Gildow, BS Geography; Portland Julie Ann Gillett, BS Psychology; Portland Richard Charles Glanz, BS Sociology, Psychology; Portland Clayton George Glasgow, BS Geography; Portland Edward S. Glasheen, BS History; Portland Otto Meoto Gobina, BS Mathematics, Electrical Engineering; Portland Diana C. Godfrey, BS Speech Communication; Portland Timothy Habberton Gold, BS History; Portland Raymond Geoffrey Good, BS Economics, Business Administration; Hillsboro Sherrie Lynn Gradin, BA English; Portland Alan Michael Grant, BS Geography, Urban Studies Certificate; Newberg Joseph Curtis Gray, BS Biology, Chemistry; St. Helens Charles John Greendale, BS Biology; Portland Vincent Bruce Greer, BS Chemistry; Portland Shirley Jean Grimm, BS Psychology; Portland Sara Lynn Grindle, BA Arts and Letters, Dance Certificate; Portland Jill E. Grossnicklaus, BS Arts and Letters, Women's Studies Certificate; Sherwood Christina Marie Grucella, BS Biology; Portland James Robert Hale II, BS Computer Science, Philosophy; Portland Marian R. Hale, BS Arts and Letters; Gresham Lavinia Anne Hales, BS Science; Aloha Lisa Eileen Hamilton, BA English; Portland Michele A. Hamilton, BS Psychology; Tualatin