Clarion Defender_1967-11-30
APT. FOR RENT Only $ 40.00 for small 1 bedroom apt. for mature quiet person. Near Commercial and Alberta. 288-2935 PRE--HOLIDAY FAMous · LA.EL FASHION SALE! SPECIAL GROUPS Famous Label Apparel SAVE UP 10 ****~~*******~(******~~**********~~**~ C 0 N T R A C T B U Y E R S 2 bed with F.C.B. can be bought on con– tract 4t 1158 3 BED Real nice with F.C.B. - New furnace - Party Room on contract. # 1162 4 BED With-bsmt - lots of R 0 0 M # 1162 CHASTAIN REALTY 7 4 0 5 SE P 0 WE L L B L V D. PHONE 777-3956 **********•k*"~•*************~~*~'~* -~**-1• *i..'"***"lrl Northwest's LargestCandyCaneCorner Selectlrom5' eachto$1•• each Xmas ribbon candy-Santa Claus Mix– -100~o filled candies-Xmas cut rock- --STOCKINGFILLERS--- OLDFASHION CHOCOLATES ~N=ATION Phone CA 8-6248 it4fititMt4Ht4tHHHHHHHH#4t4t4t4t4Hf4t4tMHHHHH##4F4!4Hf4t4t4Ht4t4Ht4tHHH#####H4t4t4t4~4t4;4Ht4HFt .------....--------... MISS TAN PORTLAND JoAnn Twitty wdl tell what you what 1 t s •. SHOE REPAIR e PURSE REPAIR S MA R T PEPI'S 1349 B E V E R A G E S 281-2731 LLOYD CENTER like to •be ""MISS • TAN PORTLAND -Wed. ni te 8pm at the ALBINA - & ORTHOPEDIC WORK LIBRARY 3630 N VANCOUVER * FREE TO ONE AND ALL * . · 4t#4HtH4HHt4HHf4f4Ht#4HHHHHf4HHHHt##M4t4HHHHHFHMHHM#####iHHHHHfifiHF4fH#itH###4ti SHOES DYED - 1DAy SERVICE B 0 D Y W 0 R K ~LOS BODY & FENDER REPAIR CARLOS BODY & FENDER RWPAIR ~09 .N. VANCOUVER 287-8529· .iil work guaranted ************************************m~***** The Beauticians Cultural Club invites you to attend their presentation of "HOLIDAY FANTASIES" Scholarship Benefit Tea December 3, 1967 at the YWCA 1111 S. H. lOth ' 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. We also nil Imported Wallets a_nd Ladles lags. Excellent for Gilt Giving or For Yourself Owned & operated by Mr. ancl Mrs. Steve Marosl LLOYD CEITEI SHOE REPAIR 1139 Uoyd Center . Mon. thru Fri. 9 A.M. 'ti19 P.M. Sat. 'til 5:30 I - . ''THE ALL NEW ULTRA-MODERN ·a 2nd & EAST BURNSIDE SAFEWAY STORE" GREEN HE.INZ BEANS KETCHUP Santiam Cut or Sliced Tastes rich. Coes further. Tender green beans Extra flavorfu I. 14-ox. Btl. 14-oz. c 303 Btl. cans (1st 3) HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE EXTRA BIG D r • 1 n k Pineappl~ Grapefruit 5 $1 Refreshmg taste. . 46-ox. Cans for Dole F C. SANTIAM 5 89( ancy orn J;;~~.. for ·Ti sue Lady Scott 4 89 FaciaJ_;.2QO ct. ( LadyScott . (Toilet Tissue 8 rolls 89') for A. • Double 2 J ax c~!:~~~r 14-oz:. f Can or I COFFEE VALUES I Instant Yuba._ -~:,:~·~.:~~-~~. 89c $14 9 9-ox. Jar Putnam's Inn Coffee :~:~~::. 2·1b. $145 1 1-1b.75c Delicioual Can Can 25 Detergent 59 Stron r ( Than Dirt I ( 49%-oz:. Pkg. Health & Beauty Suave Shampoo 16-oz:. Btl. Suave Hair Spray 13-oz. Can Right Guard Deodorant 3-oz:. Can Safeway Chewable Vitamin C– Btl. of 100 Tablets Bufferin-Btl. of 36 Tablets, ...~Uitra Brite Toothpaste-3%-oz. Tube YOUR 2 $1 CHOICE for CHUNK TUNA Sea Trader. Light & Flaky Chunk Tuna. No. V2 Tins $ for l Deli-DairyValues J POTATO SALAD 2·10 Milk H~f~~l:n 2tor$1.11 E N luctrne 99 gg 09 Hoff Gollon ( S C Lucerne 30 our ream Holt Pint ( COTTAGE CHEESE Lucerne 49 fresh and creamy ( For added ~oodness Ouart carton 82nd & BURNSIDE SAFEWA 'f ONLY FREE!7 Portable G.E. Television Sets Register at 82nd &. Burnside Safeway Only. You need not be present to win. No purchase necessary. Safeway employees or their families not eligible to win. DRAWING: SAl. JAN.13. ~.6:00P.M. GinS FOR THE LADIES FREE I CIGARS FOR THE MEN BALLOONS. LOLLIPOPS e COFFEE& DONUT SPECIAL SATURDAY FEAlURE! . ''s ld s• I I Dixieland Jau Group e 0 m IX Saturday, Dec. 2 -1:00 P.M. SAFEWAY QUALITY MEArs FRYER PARTS Fresh Goyt. Inspected Drumsticks, Thighs or Breasts c: lb. BEEF ROAST 7-Bone Chuck U.S.D.A. Choice Flavorful pot roast. ·c lb. Center slices N.W.-Silvers Salmon Steaks Flounder Fillets fro:~::~,:nd lb.98' 1b.59c Two 81 G cHRisT~~~~!~~~~; Sliced Bologna ~7::,%:~· ~:k: 49' Columbus Boychoir B f L 4 9 .NAT KING COLE ee ··ver Selected young lb. ( and lhe Steer livers Children's Choir High Fidelity recordings s f F. k 59 ol lavonte Christmas Jb ( music by top vocatists. a eway ran s All-meat Skinless • LIMITED EDITIONS Vacuum Packed Pkg. y;~~~t"$11Saorewoay Sl.lced Bacon Safewaylean streaked 69' ENJOY Freshly smoked & sliced lb. BOTH I Por Alilll CAKE~,;;~ EAC~ 1 29 DOG FOODStor$1 Lamb Chops <~:::·~~:::· Jb.1': ~:~fKd:gcfo"od~ Beef 1 C~~~· SKYLARK BREADS Leg 0 f Lamb u.:~~~~~~h~~:ed~rade lb. 79 Safeway Frozen_Foods Danish Crispies Fancy Butterharns 4 for 39c Potato Rolls Favorite Dinner Roll 2 Doz. 49c Cheese Bread Seasoned wilh hearty cheese . Loaf 29c SAVE EVERY DAY AT SAFEWAY ~:::.~l~;b~":v:n:i~~ 3 89( ~::,~=~or ltahin Rolls for ;:~~;:;~;:,:·:;.~;:; 3~~·1 FISH DINNERS Age Captain's Choice Sole, Scallops, or Haddock. Reg., DELICIOUS APPLES CAULIFLOWER ~:,c:~oh'ft~ 19( Northwest Grown Extra Fa_ncy Red ... Favorite for fresh eating or in fruit salads ................... . lbs. Red Lettuce ~~:~ 2aun.29c Green Cabbage:~~~.1b.lOc Potatoes U.S. No.1 ~·d Turnips-Bagas Grapes Emperor 21bs. 39c Grapefruit RRu.7 8 ~~~ 79c Prices -effective Tkursday, friday and Saturday, Nov. 30, Dec. 1-2 at Safeway in Portland, Beaverton, Cedar Hills, Forest Grove, Gresham, Hillsboro, lake Oswego, Milwaukie, St. Johns, Tigard, Oregon City, St. Hele·ns, Von· couver, Comas, Newberg ond Clatskanie. heads .•• Each Head TANGELOS Florida 2 -39( Sun lbs. Ripened POTATOES U.S. No. 2 Russets 20~;59( Grape Juice ·Gra::'j:;~;:~::~~ans ., 6for$1 Orange Juice Fr•s~·:~~c': ~~:r!~~ans '6 for$1 Kubla Khan Chow Mein or PoriC 39c Fr. Rice 12-o:r:. Pkg. Half Gal. Lucerne 5 gc SHERBET ·. ·:.~:.d New ••• Safe·way 2-lb. COFFEE A Rich, Deep- ~~a;::;::e 99 Coffee ( _ ...a ....
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