Clarion Defender_1967-11-30
PEOPLE, PLACES & FACES By MAJOR ROBINSON NEW YORK CITY - Frankly, I know that Pearl Bailey doesn't need poor little me to come to her defense, but I would like to stick in my two cents against some Do-Gcioders in · the civil rights field who've criticized the all-Negro cast of the long-running Broadway hit show, "Hello ·Dolly," which Pearlie May heads ·these days. You've probably read the garbage that's eome out of their mouths about how·they don't think that producer David Merrick was justified in staging this formerly all-white cast musical · with· Soul Sisters and 'Brothers. They said it was plain ole segregation. Now let's look at those who've opened their big, fat mouths and let out ill-chosen words at Pearl, Cab Calloway and the rest of those wonder– ful guys and gals who are lighting up the Broad– way theatre these nights and matiness, with .some of the jazziest song and dance routines we've ever heard and seen. What did they ever " do for Pearl before. Did they ever offer her a job when she needed one. Did they ever offer a job to Chris Calloway (Cab's daughter), one of the bright new stars on the horizon? Or better yet, did they go down to the Living Room cafe when she started her song career there, last year, to patronize and give aid and comfort to her? Show people live for one thing, or let's say two. Applause from the audi– ence that warms their hearts and that paycheck on. pay night. I ·don't think they should be too concerned with all these many social issues as long as they're not degrading themselves and their race. And if you sit in the audience and en– joy "Hello Dolly," you can get nothing but pride if you're a Negro. Those dancing dandies an·d d~ls, all dressed '\IP in colol'ful costumes that highlight their brown skins, give you a lift. It proves once and for ail that Negroes don't have to be dressed in bandanas and overalls, to be entertaining. \ Garbed in the attire of the times of "Hello Dolly," they're as handsome as you would glimpse in a picture book. I object to every– body picking on show people. Sirging and danc– ing is their mission in life. THE#I GIFT FOR CHRISTMAS TIES WE HAVE OVER 8,000 TO CHOOSE FROM YOUR CHOICE $125 LEATHER BELTS All Styles ··$1 50 $300 an<:! Widths to MEN'S SOCKS lotestColors-$100 sps All lengths to OTHER POPULAR JEWELRY SWANK· $100 $1500 ENVOY· to DUKE ANDWANTED-------I MEN'S GIFTS • MEN'S COLOGNE • JEWEL BOXES • DRESSER CADDYS • PUZZLES • ClOTHES BRUSHES •TRIM SETS •TIE RACKS •GAG GIFTS TIE BAR LLOYD CENTER • 518 SWYamhill When these same objectors to Pearl & Co. get ready to stage a benefit to raise some loot, for their hustles, whom do they .first contact to help put it over? Why show .peopie, of course. So Pearl, just forget about those few insig– nificant brickbats being tossed your way. Instead, concentrate on bringing happiness and joy to millions who love you madly. That's your mission in life. Every night you walk out on the stage of the St. James theatre on W. 44th St.,• is like a star smiling down from Heaven. ,And right now you Cab, and the rest of the cast are The Stars of Broadway. And if you want to get corny, that is BLACK POWER at it's finest. '"'That's it for this week, folks. Major Robinson, 511 W. 165th St., New York City 10032, NY. • Open 6:4.5-AII Technicolor Ne reMrv~ seats! Poputar pric•..! ALL COMEDY Eliaobeth T oylor * Richord Burton TAMING OF THE SHREW Plus-H you haw• ~Men married. are -riot<! or plan to 1M •• you mutt 1M DIVORCE AMERICAN STYLE Debhie Rey...,ldt, Dick Van Dyb 7 .~~.u L:l!!LW. r•JTIT Open 10:4S Wed. & Thun JarnM Maaon * Sue L~ons • "LOLITA" Glenn 'ord , W'll d p "MONff ~,or ark~r TRAP , WALK TALL" .LE.-- ..... •lfUs · w ''as• ' A.M. • ..- •.M. -a•••, • •••• WONDERBREAD In the newSta-Fresh wrapper stays fresher to taste fresher! You simply can't serve a fresher tast– ing bread than Wonder Enriched Bread, now packed in Wonder's Sta– Fresh plastic bag! This special bag helps hold moisture in, and is actu– ally airtight, too. Wonder's wrapper· has a plastic fastener that you simply twist to open, twist to close. No inner band makes it easy to take slices out, put them in again. When you see Wonder in this new wrapper you 'II notice the Good House– keeping Seal. Yes, Wonder has earned this famous seal ... your added assur– ance that Wonder Enriched Bread is baked with the finest ingredients for a most flavorful and nutritious loaf. The Seal is another good reason why mothers will want Wonder Bread day after day for sandwiches, toast, and with meals . Remember, during the "Wonder Years"-the formative years from one through twelve-your children devel– op in mariy ways. They actually grow to 90% of their adult height! To help make the most of their "Wonder Years" be sure to serve nutritious Wonder Enriched Bread ... now in the Sta-Fresh plastic wrapper. ••• •• .•· •· ltiit1 • t:: ....... · .. h····e···lp·····s· .. b ... u ...... i ... ~ ........ ~ ....... :: .........' ..:... g ...... ..... b . :x ... ·.···D····i···es·····B···'l···~·.······e: w.: ....Aa ... y ..:·.······"' ..........-. Helps build.strong bodies12ways!® LAYER CAKE MIX ALL 33c VARIETIES $1.00 REFUND (Details in Stores) pkgs. BAKER'S TWIN PACK CHOCOLATE CHIPS' 12 or. PKGS. ADDITIONAL 39c EACH FIRST 3 PKGS. ::~t COFFEE.................2r:-s1t' C CARIAnOI I ECREAM ...... ~~~-~ ...89( CORN......... ~~~---······ 5 ~ s1oo M . e · · IIEIOW'S 49 ayonnalse MacleWithFresh ( . .• .. ~~~=:~~s. • .::~~~ . TISSUE ...... ~~;~~~······ 8-=s1oo Prune Juice .. ~~~~~;~~-- 49c CHUCKR Boneless ROllED CHUCK ROAST • 79t.. CYPRESS GARDENS ORANGE JUI-CE · PURE FLORIDA i . 1 ;.• · ~[~: 3 ._.$100 leH'-s Blade •••c•ous PORK ALL THE LOIN CUT
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