Clarion Defender_1973-05-04

Text of Nixon's Address to Nation --------- ------ -- ------- 1urn Inmate ~'tJad Expected to Be Killed' Mrs. Poindexter ... hold~ picture of Co,>pcr. 1-1" ~ B i 11 (Dorothy) Poi n J ext e r , star o f the 19-0 Rose Festival Parade, on the .\lbi na Flcat, suffered a double trage~y in Omaha \cb. resently. 1 1h·s. Poindexter, had h·ent ot Omaha to be ,,-i th her JT;otheJ·in Jaw \,·ho \\·as \'el:' ill, she arri\·ed on iuesda;., J...prll 1-:-, hent to her r..other ·in la\\S house, ~n~ found out that ~rs Hannah Poindexter, 8Ll ye:.ns old had died ~!onday. I Irs . Po index t e r , brother . I r vi n Cooper ''a s a nrisoner in the State Penitentiary at Lincoln, \eb . . she had recieved many letters from him, telling her that he would be killed, just as George Jack– son. ~Irs. Poindexter was going to see him FriC.ay ,\pril 20. after half \vay recuperating from her ~o th e~ -i n-Jaws death. Friday morning the phone . it was the chaplain from the State l'e n itentiar;r asking for her, Irvin Ccoper, her brother was stabbed that A.\1., with a hand made knife. while in a corridor on his wav to breakfast: He di~d en rcute to a hospital. a shakedown of · nrisoners revealed a knife on a man whc entered the prjson Thursday afternoon, sai~ Lancaster Cou– nty :\tty. Panl Douglas. He was identified as Tho~as Ralls Jr. 24, white, of Lincoln, Nebraska. Rdlls was admitted to the prison after receiving a 10 year sentence for robbery. It was the fifth time he ~ad been in the complex. Cocper had been in prison since he was 19, for a $4.00 robbery. Mrs. Poindexter said that her brother was afraid. "He's been hTi'.::ing me for money and begging me to get a lawyer to help him she said". "I wanted to help him so bad. It's too late now". She said she visited her brother last lune and was told by her brother and another in– mate that his life was in danger. She was told that the Warden and gaurds hated him. She was ,lso told that her brother was beaten and kicked Jown stairs. His teeth were rotting to the gums an cl they r e f u s ed to have t hem [ i xed . He ~,-a s g i \' en an additional 5 years for stabbing a guard which he said he didn't remember doing. He was also put in the hole for 6 months for a knife that was 'Found' on his bunk bed which he denied knowledge of. She wa told by an inmate that her brother \\as innocent of this but he couldn't afford to stool on the guilty one. She said she wrote Gov . .J.J. Exon, ·of Ncb. last year after learning of her brcthers [e~lYS and r cc e i ve d a 1 e t t e r in r e t u r n t e 11 i ng he r \H 1 t e t he Prison Officials. Mrs. Poindexter stated that it is very strange that a new prisoner is admitted dit·cctly to the prison proper without first being in quarantine anJ that a nc\v prisoner wou1d have access to a home made knife after only one night "in". to Page 4 The chronology of Watergate Turn to Page 2 THE NORTHWEST OLDEST NIGRO NIWSPAHI May 4 , 19 73 :\IYRETT. .J.. PE\TO\ \ls. ~!yretta Penton. chairlady of the :\!iss Black Oregon Pageant 1973, and :\!iss Black 01egon 19-2 Jo Ann Brunson, ~ill be presented in the feature race, Friday \lay 4 at Portland \IeadoKs. \!iss Black Ore– gon ''ill give the 1dnnillg JOcky a Cooler, the event Kill be around 8 p.n. Joe & John ~Iullen, is GranJ Opening sale at Old Store, 3933 \f Union ave. Grand opening Friday ~:30 of upcoming fashions, big fashions. ready for their big Blood's Men Fashion With a Funktion ! til 9pm. Big preview 25~ discount on many Her brcther complained of guards trippi_ng him down ~nJ other forms of abusement and he sa1d that if I cn1v knew what he was going through - I would get him. a L:wyer - His last words to her. Wednesday April 25, Mrs. Poindexter went back to the grave site, where she had only a few days ear1 icr morned for her mother-in-law. This time for her brother -- The graves of Mrs. Hannah Poin– dexter 84, and that of her Brother Irvin 37, is next to each o-.::her . . side by side.