Clarion Defender_1972-06-29
10 JUNE 29, 1972 THIS NEWSPAPER IS THE OLDEST BLACK PUBLICATION IN THE NORTHWEST o ___ J l Q+h 7~M u ~ -, ~'[ Albina Art Center 8 N f l<.ilHngsworth }{£ ~,~oe~!El:l~ to Sl'OtlSOJt, On£ Olt£~0llla.Q "CO ~~ ......– ):'~ 1s $1150) on a.- su 'L'IC::-1~...._ 197.LS £ll2.J~ S}'Ol1.50l7Sb BY ~ll~nteo n lh. coopeJ0t:.lOn. w1 • OJ= lJOOlU~ Sr.- ell£ \4. OJ=' ll=E 1tl. n1q€Jt.1~ 1Uim5. P~ES 59 .assistants cut in the budget for • the Portland lnter9Cholastic League for 1972·73 wit~ mean elimination of an est1mated 59 assista'nt coaching posi· dons, .District Athletic Dlrec· tor .Paul McCall said Tues– day. A sum of $115,000 was pared from the budget. '"- paraDe Productions• ................................. ED JULY 5 thru SUN JULY 9 MEMORIAL COLISEUM "Colorful as a rainbow, dazzling as a pot of gold." -Chicago Daily NewJ 4MATINEES Fri. & Sat. 2pm . Sunday 2pm & 6PM 4NIGHTS Wed. thru Sat. 8pm TICKETS ON SALI Memorial Coliseum 235·8771, Stew•• & Son, Lloyd Cenlef and Snt.t"'l Meier & Fronk, downtown Portland; linroln Sovi•a• & Lo<Jn, Beawrion; ....d Fields' in McMinnville. For gr~up !<1le• ond ~ckot infnrrr10~n • 235-8771 OIDIR I Y MAiu 5ond cn•<k payoblo to 011ney 0.. Pora~o, Portlond M"""'rlal ~ Bolt 271o6, Portkrnd, 97208.Specify dote & tiiM. Ecnlole 2$' handling cha.,_ But McCall said there will be no programs eliminated. Along with the coaching pos· ltion eliminations, about $54,000 in equipment pur~ chases will be cut. liZ 5 VANCOUVER AYE
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