Clarion Defender_1968-06-13

CoRN GREEN GIANT 5 · $1 •••••• 0. 0 ~~~~~ ~.~~~~. • • • • • • • • :.:~ 51 d ·. CARNATION 79 • CHOCOLATE • VARIETY ( • FRENCH VANILLA en er..... . DUTCH CHOCOLATE • 0. PKG. . DI :NNERS MI~!=bNI 2 39' MEXICAN OR ITALIAN PKGS. ••••••• STYLE •••••• • COFFEE ..; .... ~~!{!~~~~~~ ...... 3 ~~~ $1'~? Peaches..... ~;~~~~~~~ ... 3 ~:s 85ft\ Orang. e Ju·· 1 ·ceCYPRESSGARDEN 79.' CHILLID, READY HALf TO SERV& • • • • • • • • GALLOI Fabric Finish ... ~~~~:!:\,N59c •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• FRESH FRYER PARIS . *DRU STICKS BREASTS Oregon Grown All From Fresh Dressed Fryers THIGHS ••• 59~ •. WINGS ••••••• 29~ •. \ FRESH LYNDEN FRYERS Pan-Ready ·3 9 c Pound CANTALOUPE BIG HEAVY MEATED MELONS U.S.D.A. CHOICE PRIME-RIB ROASTS LARGE-END Oven-Ready The Friendliest Stores In Town Since 1908 CLAtiON ·DEFENDER Spanish Method For Fish Fish and -seafood of all kinds, shellfish included, are featured prominently in the everyday m e n u planning of the citizenry of Spain. So it is no wonder that Spaniards have gained great renown for their fish cookery. Many West Coast– ers are equally fond of fish and shellfish and appre– ciate them with a Spanish flair. So without further ado, we pass along this simple recipe for Spanish Sauced Fish Fillets. FISH FILLETS 2 pounds fresh or .frozen fish fillets of your choice · % cup chopped onion ¥4 cup chopped green pepper 3 tablespoons virgin olive oil or butter 2 tablespoons flour 2 cups canned tomatoes 1 teaspoon salt lh teaspoon sugar Dash of pepper 1 whole bay leaf 1 clove Cut fish fillets into serv– ing-size pieces; place in a single layer in a well - greased baking pan or flat casserole. Cook onion and chopped green pepper in olive oil as the Spanish would, or in butter, until tender. Blend in flour; add canned toma– toes and seasonings; · cook until thick, stirring con– stantly. Remove bay leaf and clove. Cover fish with sauce. Bake in moderate, · 350 de– gree, oven 25 to 30 min– utes or until fish flakes easily with a fork. Recipe makes _6 servings. These Are Two Good Ways for Those Berries Strawberries with marmalade cream is a recipe from Victo– rian England. To make 6 servings, beat to– gether until smooth 1 (8-ounce) package of softened c r e a m cheese and 'h cup of h e a v y cream. Stir in lh cup of bitter orange marmalade. Chill. Serve with 1 quart of fresh strawber– ries, sliced. FROSTED BE~RIES Frosted strawberries make a pretty, fresh and simple gar– nish for summer desserts and beverages. They're delicious, too, as a confection. To gar– nish a 6-serving recipe, use 1 pint of fresh sqi\}Vberries that are completely·~. Hold each by stem or wo<lfen pick. Brush with 1 egg white, beaten until foamy. Sprinkle lightly with granulated sugar. Dry on rack. Wheel We're going to the (dwards Shoe Store NADEAU'S JUNIOR BOOT SHOPS