Clarion Defender_1968-06-13
q.ARION DEffNDER ~'Men must seek aueptanee of their views thru reason ,, • • • .'~ ... y "As far back as I can rememtier, politics was taken with special fervor and relish in our house. We came by it naturally on both sides of our family. Our Grandfather Fitzgerald-"Honey Fltz"-who had been a Congressman and Mayor of Boston, talked frequently with us about his colorful career which epitomized the rise of the Irish politician. But it was more than that. I can hardly remember a meal time when the conversation was not dominated by what Franklin D. Roosevelt was doing or what was happening around the world." -speech, 1964 "Whenever I receive an award or am present when other people receive an award it takes me back to my days in high school and in college •.• You know, when the graduating class gave the award for the best athlete and for the best scholarship and for the person who was best in Latin, and best in Greek, and who wrote the best composition-1 received a prize for being the fellow with the fifth best sense of humor in my graduating class." -1962 "People are making too much of my so-called conversion to liberalism. • • • But Ubel'als had an emotional thing about me, maybe because of [Joseph] McCarthy, maybe because of my Roman Catholicism, maybe because of my fights with Humphrey and Stevenson. I'm not that different now. I know more now and I stay up late at night more often thinking about these problems. But I was never all that rntbless, as the liberals said." -May, 1966 "People keep bringing up the time when my brother was looking for the best lawyer in the United States to make Attorney General and happened to light on me, and when be asked what was wrong with giving me a little experience before I went out and practiced law. " . . • You know, you can hear all that just so long, and if you are a sensitive soul it begins to affect you. . . • I would have thought it had gotten thru to . . . you that I got out of law school and went to work in the Department of Justice as a regular attorney in 1951. "It is not as if I had had no uperience when I worked there. I worked very bard. I took my work home at night. I was diligent, industrious, and then 10 years later I became Attorney General." -1964 "Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world which yields most painfully to change. . . . I believe that in this generation those with the courage to enter the moral conflict will find themselves with companions in every corner of the world." -1966 Robert Kennedy with Jacqueline and Caroline at the funeral of President John F. Kennedy . [Before leaving home one morning, Sen. Ken– nedy carried the newspaper upstairs to his wife. When he came back downstairs, he turned to a friend and said:] "That's my good deed for the day. Now I can go back to being ruthless." (The above quote reprinted courtesy of Droke House Publishen, Inc., Anderson, S. C.) "
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