Clarion Defender_1968-06-13
• • ORGANIZING COMMITTEE OF THE BANK OF FINANCE (left to right) V. F. Booker Roy Granville, Silas Willia ' Onie B.Granville Lewis . ms' Dr· Booker T. ' SOURCE OF PRIDE The Defender takes great pride in reporting that the Superintendent of Banks of the State of Oregon has approved an application to organize and operate a new State Bank in Portland, the name of which will be BANK OF FINANCE, and it will be located at the intersection of N. E. Mallory Avenue and Killingsworth Street. The bank's authorized capital stock will be $400,000, having a par value of $5.00 per share, and $100,000 established for a Guarantee Fund, and $100,000 allocated to surplus; which is a total authorized capital of $600,000 divided into 80,000 shares to be SOLD for $7.50 per share. TEMPORARY OFFICE ALBINA CHILD CARE SERVICES Joint Advisory Board Elects New Officers: Mr. John Jenkins, 1233 N. E. Mason, was elected Chairman of the Joint Advisory Board of the Albina Child Care Services. Miss Mary C. Rowland was chosen vice chairman; Mrs. Carole Horsley was elected secretary. One half of the members of the Joint Advisory Board are parents of youngsters served by the program. The remainder of the Advisory Board is composed of representatives of each of the Pockets of Poverty, the sponsoring agencies and the community at large. The Joint Advisory Board is responsible for the conduct of the program, the continued improve– ment of the program, and serving as a liason with other organizations. Albina Child Care Services is a full day program of care of~ungsters from infancy until school age. The Volunteers of America sponsor the portion of the program which cares for some 65 youngsters in individual home situations. St. Vincent de Paul sponsors the portion of the program which cares for some 120 youngsters at the Albina Child Development Center, 58 N. E. Morris. The total program is financed by the sponsoring agencies in conjunction with The Office of Economic Opportunity, through the Portland Metropolitan Steering Committee. Currently there is discussion concerning expanding the services of Albina Child Care Services to include more youngsters and a wider area of the city. Albina Child Care Services Seeks New Director: Mr. Sam. Granato, Director of the Albina Child Care Services, will be leaving on Friday, June 14, 1968 to take a position in the EAst. Mr. Granato has served as Director since July 1967, during which time he assisted in getting the program underway and directed its establishment. Albina Child Care ·Services currently provides care for almost 200 youngsters both in family day care homes and at the Albina Child Development Center at 58 N. E. Morris. This full-time, all– day type of care was the top priority in the list of needs drawn up by concerned citizens in The temporary office location is 5 17 N. E. December 1964. This dream of the first committee Killingsworth, just off Union ·Avenue, telephone of the Albina Citizens War on Poverty Committee number 288-6188. became a reality in the fall of 1967, when the Onie B. Granville, President, will be in Services began operation. charge of the temporary office; if, there are any Albina Child Care Services is jointly span- questions please contact Mr. Granville. sored by St. Vincent de Paul, which is responsible ,-----------------------------------~~~-------------for the Albina Child Development Center at 44 N.E. G Weekdays 9 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. _ YOUR FRIENDLY CORNER GROCER "We Acce~t Food St:am~s" Subscribe to Po tl d N , r an egro .newspaper. Find what s happening in civil rights in Portland in the nation. Rate $5 a year. The Clarion Defender newspaper 1 323 N. E. Fremont Street Portland, Oregon 972 12 Name Address State • I' 4 I out and Morris, which houses over 100 youngsters 3 to 6 years old. The Volunteers of America sponsor the family day care program, which primarily cares for children from infancy to 3 years of age. Currently there is much discussion about the need for even more day care, and the expansion of this program to include more youngsters and a wider area of the city. The Joint Advisory Board of the Albina Child Care Services under the leadership of Mr. John Jenkins, as Chairman, is currently seeking a new Director for the project. All those who are interested and feel qualified to direct a program of this type are urged to apply. In keeping with War on Poverty requirements and standards experience may be substituted for educational qualifications. Applications for Director are available from Mrs. Barbara Owens, 3533 N. E. 7th. There are a number of other positions currently open or soon to be open at the Albina Child Care Services: Child Care Supervision; Nurse, and various aide positions. Anyone interested in these positions should contact the Child Care Services office at 58 N. E. Morris St. Again, in keeping with War on Poverty regulations, there is concerD for advancement and experience may be substituted for educational requirements. DUTCH VILLAGE JEWELERS Fine Diamonds 4~47 N.E. Sandy Blvd., 282-5801
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