Clarion Defender_1968-06-13
. CLMION DIRNDBt Society and Clubs ST. MARTIN DAY NURSERY held its second Open House and Tea for the parents and friends of the child– ren and staff at the nursery, on May 19. A display of the children's art work combined with demonstrations in songs, dances and poetry made uo the program. Refreshments were served to the ;~~~parent~ and friends after the pro ram. Ann Morri snn - Funeral servic~s were held Monday at 3:00 p.m. from Vann's Mortuary for Mrs. Gloria Kurney. Rev. Brown officiated. Mrs. Alice Robertson was soloist accompanied by Mrs. Helen Heard. Mrs. Kurney was the wife of Benjamin, mother of Calbrice, Marlyn, Geery, Anthony, Mona, Medina, David and Melette. Daughter of Mrs. Vivian Crawford and Elisha Hair, also several sisters and brothers. Internment was in Rose City Cemetery. OLD RESIDENT DECEASED Bishop Robert Searcie, founder and elder of The House of Prayer of All Nations died Thursday at his home. He had been a resident of Portland since 1911. Funeral services were held Monday, June 10 at 11:00 a.m. from his church. · Services include seven daughters, five sons, 15 grand– children, 10 great grandchildren and a sister, Mrs. Ellen Kellog of Harney, Ill. Internment was in Rose City Cemetery. Vann's Mortuary had charge. ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP Miss Jennefer Wasson received the Annual Scholarship given by the United Ushers Board Sunday afternoon in the Mt. Olivett Baptist Church. Miss Wasson was a graduate of Jefferson High School. Miss Mrs. E. A. 'for a tour students. August. EUROPEAN TOUR Carol Ann Morrison, daughter of Mr. and Morrison,departed Thursday by airplane of Europe with a group of high school They will be away until the middle of O.M.E. CLUB The O.M.E. Club met with ~rs. Irma Ware last Thursday evening. After the business session the members enjoyed a social get-to~ether . .. DAHLIA TEMPLE Dahlia Temple, No. 202, Daughters of Elks, held their semi-annual election Tuesday evening. The Dist. Deputy Daughter, A. L. Randolph, presided. Officers elected were: Daughter Ruler, Edna Baskett; Vice Daughter Ruler, Jessie Brown; Assist. Daughter Ruler, Helen Hendericks; Chaplain Daughter Mildred Nelson; Escort Daughter, Pearl Bonds; Doorkeeper Daughter, Bobbie Baker; Gatekeeper Daughter Janet Turner. .Following the election a social session was held honoring the elected daughters. Daughter Elise McBell, Social Chairman, had charge. Mrs. Greene of St. Paul, Minn., is a pleasant visitor in our city for a fortnight. She is the guest of Mrs. Georgia Greyhoye. MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR SENATOR KENNEDY A memorial service was sponsored by the N.A.A.C. P. Sunday afternoon in the St. Andrews Catholic Church in tribute to the late Senator . Robert F. Kennedy. They marked from the N.A.A.C.P. head– quarters on Williams Ave. to the church on 8th and Alberta St. About 200 persons were in the march. FANNIE COOK MISSIONARY SOCIETY Mrs. Roberta Vann was hostess Thursday afternoon for the Fannie Cook Missionary Society of Bethel A.M.E. Church. Preceding the business session a lovely luncheon was enjoyed. Lesson discussion was ;ed by Mrs: L.. Brock. Miss Minniefell Johnson is the President of the Society. Miss Mary Ann Kresnak at the piano. Tracy Stone, Devorah Polk, David Hollins, Anita Johnson, Dawn Brid~es, Lynn Burton, Oscar Johnson, Stephanie Benjamin, t;ric ,Tones, Deni ta Hard, Bridp-et Brmlfn, and teacher, r~rs. Hampton. I'Uss f-~ary Ann Kresnak - piano. Vicki Hridges, Kelly Hro wn, Darlene Smith, Rebecca Krauser, Mrs. Diane Jean- teacher, Gloria Rentie, Diana Smith, Christine Ward, Alicia Stron~, Kristine Bird, Tracy Smitb, Angela Cration. Debra Hollins, ~~arla Crolley, Christine Hamlin, Brian Sims, Salvatore Stokes, Raymond Hicks, David ~ ~ack, .J eanetta Polk. t \ Andre' Po?ers, ~racy ~mith, Duran Washington, Clenton Holmes, Rene' Haydel, Perry Jones, Angela Cration, Christine Pard, Kristine Bird, Darlene Smtth, Gre~ory McGruder. - -
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