Clarion Defender_1968-06-13
-- - r,-·-··-···--·=::----, • • • • • • l anAerq I • • • • • • i HEATING & FUEL CO. i • • • • i -AIR MANAGEMENT SPECIALISTS- i = ~ = a FURNACES-AIR CONDITIONIN6-IIEAnNG i = COMMERCIAL- RESIDENTIAL -= • • : Complete lnstollotions--2-4 Hr. Repair Service : • • WE FEATURE NATIONALLY KNOWN IRANDS • • • • CALL ANYTIME = • Automatic Oil Delivery • I • • Cy-Cio Kleen Furnace E. Cleaning -• • Oil-Gas-Electric : • • • Furnaces • • FREE SURVEY • : • Complete Repair Service AND ESTIMATE : • • • • • 500 N.E. UNION A.V. • = . ............................................... ~ Endurance Test JHE BANG-BAN KNOCKOUT JjQ MORE RUBBER GLOVES. ~ MORE ROUGH, CHAPPED HANDS. THE "BANG-BAN·G' KNOCK-OUT CLEANSING PRODUCT IS SO MI·RACULOUS. ALL THE WORDS 'IN THE DICTIONARY COULD NOT DO IT JUSTICE. ''8/INfJ IIINfJ'' Ill .. 161111/C You must try KNOCK-OUT to know its power. 11 BANG-BANG'S 11 Knock-Out Cleanser is made fr~m organic- bio- de~ gradable ingredients that are so miracu– lous they are revolutionizing the cleaning products industry. The greatest break- through since the invention of soap....... ORGAN IC-810-DEGRADABLE AND SAFE. ''BliNd IIINfJ'' Does what other products claim to d... BANG BANG IS ALL PURPOSE. &SAil IF IT'S SAFE IN WATER- ~ ~ IT'S SAFE TO USE "BANG BANG." 9 ·~-.i: ~. ~;:~~~~~~·:::,.::':~ents 0' .BAN~ BANG" odors. 4. Non toxic - non inflammable. 5 . Leaves no detergent scum taste or residue on utensi Is. ' ' 6 . Works in cold, hot, hard or soft water. 7. Will not burn the most delicate skin or smart the eyes. 8. Will not pollute rivers, streams, or clog septic tonks. 9. Leaves no harsh detergents in clothes or socks to couse body rosh or odors. 10. Bong Bong makes harsh deter– gents old fashioned. eMECNIMIC$ • ,61111161 •_,,,.,,.$ • Wl6/tE61 wit r••lll ,.,. , ••,,. iltll l•llill BANG BANG HAS A COMPARABLE PH FACTOR TO THE SKIN. Apply Bang Bang undiluted on face ond honds before you start work - ot end of doy, wash point, grease, ink ond dirt away like · rnogic. Leaves hands soft, ond cleon. No longer is it necessary to stock oil sorts of cleaners and detergents. e SAVE CUPBOARD SPACE! e SAVE YOUR HANDS! e SAVE MONEY! IDEAL FOR - 1. Dishes, utensils. 2. Appliances, wolls. 3. Woodwork, floors, windows. 4 . Wax ·stripping. 5. Heovy grease. 6. Shampoo, shoving. 7. Woolens, Nylons. 8. Fine fabrics. 9. Barbecue, grills. 10. Pots and pons. 11 . Stain remover. 12. Fruits and vegetables. 13. Automotive--inside and out. 14. Both, adults, babies and animals. 15. Point brushes. 16. Rugs, upholstery. 17. Grease and oil on cement. 18. Add to water in ·woshing machine. 19. Use as hand lotion. 20. Will not burn the skin or sting the eyes. 503 284- 1289 1224 N. E. ALBERTA • PORTLAND, OREGON 97212 Jinr-mg ((IJang JJang ''Walker CnterpriJe, . PUBLISHER OF: THE NORTHWEST OlDEST NEGRO NEWSPAPER THE CLArtiON DEFENDER THE MISS TAN PORTlAND BEAUTY PAGEANT
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