Clarion Defender_1968-06-13

TIME IS SHORT! HURRY TO 'ET YOUR SHARE! NEVER BEFORE A BAR,AIN EVENT LIKE THIS! R _.. to•l9.95 our ~-:~~· sMART DllSS~S Liquidation Pnte S988 \ection ~ne Larg~ _. sestyles prKed a ktnu t' 0 quick se\lou • •19.95 suMM£1 DR£SS~S liquidation Prate st4aa . summer Large selee:onprice t~at fabrics at uick buy•n9 demands q action! · ~39.95 Our Reg. to CAl coAt~ l . 'dation Prtte ,qu' 88 5 t4 . around wear . lu'l ~or year rduroY• wool! Suede cloth, coFOR FUTURE LAY-AWAY WEAR ss9.95 o"SMARt coAtS . SSiiBB taken fron\ Special grou~ Out theY go! regular stoc;· NOW! sAVE LAY-AWA T070% Our Regular to 5 69.95 SMART KNIT SUITS Just arrived for early summer selling! One of a kind styles by Famous Costume De· 4f88 'Our Regular to 1 49.95 All Weather COATS New for year around wear! Smart individu· al styles! Priced for quic!c buying action! Our Regular to 5 69.95 SMART CAR COATS Suede cloth Corduroys, 2f88 wool and wool blend fabrics! Out they go! . LAY AWAY FOR FALL! JACQUEliNE'S liQUIDATE s10~,000 WAREHOUSESTOCK Huge S store warehouse stock must be liquidated regardless of cost or loss! Famous label apparel now goes at cost! NEAR cost! BELOW COST! Here is beyond a doubt the GREATEST Apparel value event ever seen in this entire area! Buy FINE COATS ••• KNIT SUITS ••• SMART DRESSES at prices that are small fractions of true worth! But hurry! Thousands of bargains will sell quickly! While they last! While they last! Our Reg. to 1 29.95 Women's s COATS· SUITS· . DRESSES Fabulous! Our Reg. to 1 19.95 SMART DRESSES Spec!al close out group of fine dresses! Fabrics for Summer all occasion wear! Smart individual styles! Hurry! s Special group taken from regular stock and priced for a quick sell out! Be in line when doors open for these! Limit 1 - llo Men - llo Millfi'S limitl-llo Men -llo Miners FANTASTIC VALUES TO SELL HUGE STOCK QUICKLY! HURRY TO SAVEl WOMEN'SSMARTNEWCOATS! ATSAVINGS UP TO 50Cfo- 60% -70%AHD MORE! THURSDAY 10 a.m. SHARP Our Regular to $59.95 FABULOUS COATS We have taken the knife ond slashed prices to absolute rock bottom! Buy for Foil and save as you hove never saved before! Here are COAT VALUES that demand quick buying action! LAY AWAY FOR FALL WEAR! Our Reg. Values to $69.95 Smart lEW COATS Late fashion arrivals in smart fabric& for oil seasons wearl Soon these smart coots will sell for a much high– er price! LAY AWAY AND SAVEl Our Regular to 1 89.95 Year Around COATS Sove more than HALF! Never before and probably NEVER AGAIN ·will prices be so low! Out they go! SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD! ' - -