Clarion Defender_1968-06-13

- .. ... CLARION DEFENDEft -~-------------------· The Big Happenings! By Golden Harrison At the YWCA a summer program will be given for teen-age girls who are interested in doing voluntary work in the Albina district. It will be a five week-end live-in program at Cascade College. The program will start on the 23rd of June, and girls mostly entering their junior year in high school, or older. Exceptions will be made for anyone younger. Admission is $60 and scholarships may be obtained. For further information contact Miss Claudia Johnston at the YWCA, 223-6281. CAR WASH The Debutante Club is giving a Car Wash on the 15th of June, Saturday. The Car Wash can be found on 7th and Fremont. SWINGING SOUL BAND That swinging soul band who played Monroe Senior Prom performed at the Teen in the Colliseum last Saturday evening. Tans is the name of the band that turned a great success. at the Age Fair The Royal out to be KENNEDY On Sunday a March was given in honor of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. Robert Kennedy talked with Negroes in Dawson Park and gave a wonderful speech during his stay in Portland before his death. It was a great shock to many people; and a great loss, when the horrible tragedy was learned, for this man had done so much for this country. Sunday marchers marked from N. Williams to Alberta, where a memorial service was given at St. Andrews church. WEDDING Shirley Johnson, a former student of Monroe High School, will be joining hand to hand with Raymond Richardson. The wedding date will be on the 22nd of June, at St. Missionary Baptist Church A church reception will follow. Willie Stoudamire, all-round athlete, has been selected as one of ten outstanding Portland area high school graduates by The Press weekly newspaper. TEEN AGE FAIR Sly and the Family Stone performed Sunday evening at the Teen-Age Fair, in the Colliseum. The entertainers gave a great performance and gathered a crowd full of swinging teen-agers. -- Will dig you later! MISS TAN FINALIST'S FIANCE DRAFTED INTO THE US ARMY Lovely Barbara Rutherford, one of the ten finalists .for the coverted Miss Tan Portland crown has experienced her fi~nce, Isiah Campbell, 835 N. Blandena, being drafted into the U. S. Army. He i in basic training at Fort Lewis, Washington. . ~ .. . • • ~ • • if ROSE CITY PIEDMONT PHARMACY e 281-3967 For Presalpllonl ULTRA WAVE - POSNER$ - ULTRA SHEEN Fount•ln • Greeting C.rds • Gift .......... Amerlaln bpNu Money Orden . , . ~ ~ . ~ . 3837 N.E. UNION - PORTLAND, OREGON (left to right) Mr. Charles Garner; mother, Mrs. Irva Kinbred, Teresa Kinbred, Mrs. Eugene Boyd, Sr., Rev. Eugene Boyd, Sr., Mrs. Carol Truitt. Teresa Kinbred, a recent graduate from St. Mary's Academy, is pictured here with her mother and grandparents and some well wishers. She was the only Negro in the graduating class and one of only a few Negroes to ever graduate from St. Mary's in the Academy's history. Last Friday's Junior Rose Festival Parade was highlighted by these youngsters representing Martin Luther King, Jr., School (formerly Highland) and the Neighborhood Center and the Grant Rally Squad boo-ga-looing down Broadway. TAKE OFF THE SHA.DES! It's nightime ... . time for big moonlight savings at SUITS From our regular stock of all wools and dacron • wool blends. Stripes, sharkskins, 1 ~ plaids, etc. , 2 . Regular $70 to $9S , • , • PRICE SPORTCOATS Both regular" and summer weights in the traditional 1 ~ Aden and Josi styling. . Regular $3S to $85 , . . . 2 PRICE SPORTSHIRTS Short sleeves, traditional but- to~ downs, solids, plaids, 2" stnpes. Values to $9. • , ••..••...•