Clarion Defender_1968-02-01

Punctuate the following sentences: That that is is that that il not il not is not that it it il. "It was and I aaid not no., ANSWERS 'S! II lll 18l(IIOU 8J •10U SJ ~IOU SJ IUql l&ql ~ SJ 'iJ 18ql 18'1J, youR AGE Your friends wnl think you are a mathe– matical wizard when you try this with them. Ask them to write down numbers accord– ing to the directions you give them. An example of the directions and · results Is shown below. Age Double Add I 12 24 25 126 Add 5 130 Multiply by I0 1300 Subtract 100 1200 St!ike-off last two digits 12 Color the design. CLARION OfFENDER . _ . FEATURES FOR LETTERS-SCHOOL THE CHILDREN STORIES-POEMS COLOR DRAW ••••• DOTS ••••• MAZES • PUZZLES THINGS to DO Oh, dear, what do I want f o r my birthday besides EDWARDS Todlins? NADEAU'S JUNIOR BOOT SHOP LJoyd Ce n t er ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------------------------z E IN EACH BOX THERE IS ONE OBJECT WHICH DOESNi BELONG.WHICH IS IT? CAN YOU HELP ... -~ FIND HIS WAY THIS LITILE PUP TO THE BONE? c D 1 2 34- AN~WERS (J•h'ON 'X08 9-£·oN 'X09 :>-Z'ON XOS