Clarion Defender_1971-12-23

DECE11BER 23, 1971 THIS NEWSPAPER IS THE OLDEST BLACK PUBLICATION IN THE NORTHWEST FROM START TO FINISH. - THE DIRT IS KNOCKED OUT! RiclJ in Emollients, Lon~ Coconut Oil A job Ylell done. LIQUID CONCENTRATE I Jf ~~ 1: ER•• Hit is safe in water, it is safe to use KNOCKOUT • Mechanics • Printers • Painters IF IT'S SAFE .. WATER- WU. C1EAN AHmiiiG rrs SAFE TO USE BANG IANC FIOM A TO Z • workers who really have rough, dirty hands! KNOCKOUT is aiiUJ)OSe. .. It's Unlike No longer is it necessary to stock al sorts ot clecvJers anc1 detergents. Any Other Save~ space!. Save ycu hanck! Save Miley! lANG lANG IS ALL PURPOSE. No .longer Is It necessary to stock all sorts · of cl«mers and detergents. e SAVE CUP.IOAlD SPACE! e SAVE YOUR HANDS! eSAVE MOMm lANG lANG HAS A COMPAlAIU PH . FACTOR TO THE SKIN. • ROUGH R£D HMOS • NO RUBBO ILOVES ORGANIC GUAUIITEED TO SDIO DIRT flYII8! , You mutt try N:::-== to know BIO.DIGIIADABLE its power. "BANG-BANG'S" Knock-Out Cleanser is mode from organic - bio- de- IF IT'S SAFE IN .WATER- grodoble ingredients that ore 10 mirocu- IT'S SAFE TO USE "lANG lANG.• lous they ore revolutionizing the cleaning 100% ORGANIC products industry. The greatest break– through since the invention of soap. -- KNOCKOUT Does what other produds claim to d~Ideal for l. Dishes, utensils 2. Applalces, wals 3. Woodwork, floors, Windows 4. Wax stripping 5. Heavy reaSe 6. Shilnpoo, shaving 7 Woolens, Nylons 8. Fine fabrics 9. Barbecue, ~ls 10. Pots and pans 11. Stain remover 12. Fnits il1d vegetables 13. Automotive-inside ·and out 15. Paint brushes 16. Rugs, l4)holstery 17. &ease and 011 on cement 18. Add to water in waRng rnadine. 19. Use as hinllotion 20. Wil not blm the skin or sting 14. Bath, adljts, biDes il1d animals the eyes. REMEMBER .. If it is safe in water, it is safe to use KNOCKOUT Retail Price - 0•• Pint $1.00. One Quart -·$1.98. One Gallon- $5.95 Five Gallons - $20.00. 15-Gallon Drum - $.50.00. 55.-Gallon Drum - $125.00. IT'S THE LATEST IT'S LIQUID CONCENTRATE THE GREATEST FOR SALE AT: Clarion Defender 319 N. E. Wygant Street 284-1289 Fashion 'Wheel 1637 N .'E. Killingsworth 281 ... 3258' ONE ROUND AND THE Dirt is Out .11 1550 On Your Dial" "1550 On Your Dial" C Y D • I ? Soulful Weekend Soulful Weekend t Jimmy ~B~ng-Bang" Walker . a n 0 u I g . Jimmy .~~g-Bang" Walker Sunday 12-2 p.m. Sunday 12-2 p.m.