Clarion Defender_1971-12-23

8 JJECENBER 23, 1971 THIS NEWSPAPER IS THE OLDEST BLACK PUBLICATION IN THE NOR1'HWHS'i' urnls In compiling these sheets it has been the wish of our edi~or, Jimmy "Bang-Bang" Walker to provide a collection of favorite carols, anthems, and songs that may be used to carry on and have the joy of a merry, singing Christmas. T Wish You a Merry Ch · Traditional English Folk Song I l I ,.. ~ l l'in~~lp "1 - p p - - wi:;h you a Mer-ryChrist-ma.•;,And a hap-py New Year! Good ti-dings to ..... ill- -~ l'in~ ;R- J • ... I r r ' I" I" ~!P youwher- ev • er you are; Good ti-d.ings forChrist1tlaSand a hap-py NewYear! We A ay AM ger Martin Luther (Luther's Carol) J. E. Spilman t) p t. A - way in a - 2 0 Be near me, Lord ..; ; n man-ger, No crib for His bed, The Je-sus, I ask Thee to stay Close Je-sus Laid down Hh; ~weet head: The stan; in the heav-e ns Look 'd downwhere Ht~ ev-er And love me, I pray: Bless all thtl dear chil-dren In Thy ten-der .; ,..;n ...~. ..~. I .,.. I I It f.:e !tfe L~rd ~e-s~s ~-sl~ep fn tre ht. ~e ~at-:le ~re l~w .. :ng.~he card,Andtakeus to heav-en To livewithTheethl're.A-way in a man-ger,No JJ JJIJ.JJ.JJ.J Ji I I I I I ttj j f" r ~ I I I I I r 6f ~ I I . r [ poor ba-by wakes,But lit-tle Lord Je-sus No ~y- ing He- makes 1 I loveThee,Lord crib for His bed, The lit-tle Lord Je-sus Laid downHissweet head;Thestars in the " J J J~ I I I ~I II -r . -r Je-sus, Loo~ down from the sky, And stay by my cra-dle To watch l_ull-a - by. , heav-eru;LookCidownwhereHe lay, The lit-tle Lord Je-sus, A-sleep m the hay. ..L..L 0 ..L G.\ •• •) ~· ... / ~l·~ ~!.,. • .. • <2); •Q), · • •C), • t Ca~uc; J on the l\'1 gnt Clear Edmund H. Sears Richard S. Willis . ___.. 1. ~t came up-on- the m~d-nightc!ear,That glo. rioussang of old,_ 2 oSttll through the clo - ven ,;ktes theycome Wtth peace-ful wino-sun .. furHl- 3. 0 ye, be-neath life'ti crush-ing load Whotie forms are bend-ing low ' 4° For lo! the days are hast!ning on,' By prpph-ets seen of old:= p From 0 ~n- geloti benq-ing near the earth -r;o touch their harps of gold:_ ~nd :ohll thetr heam-ly mu- ~1c float>; O_er all the wea. ry world:_ \~ ho tot! a- long the cl11nb-mg way Wtth pain-ful steps and slow!_ \\hen wtth the t·Y- er .. cir-clingyearsShallcome the time fore .. told,_ .......... "Peace on t 1e earth,good-will to men From heav'n'::; all rrra- ciou,; A • hove its ,;ad- and low - ly plains They bend- on hov .. 'ring wmo- _ ~ook now, for glad- and gold .. en nours Come swift .. ty on_ the wing;_ t \\hen the nt'w heavh and earth shall own The Prince of Pt'are,their King,_ .-="....-::::; .._, -;-----. Har ! the Herald Angels S · g Charles Wesley Felix Mendelssohn Joyfully t. Hark! the her 2. Christ, by high - 3. Mild He lays '-– sing, Glo - ry to the dored;Christ, the ev- er - glo - ry by,- Born that man no ..i .d J J ..1. ..1. new-born King; last-ing Lord; more may die, J ..i .J P~ace on earth Late in time Born to rai,;e and !r. C',Y mild,_ God and sin .. ners re-con-ciled! be- hold Htm come,_ Off-spring of the Vir-gin's womb, the sons of earth,_ Born to give 'them sec-ond birth. JoY,- ful all ye VeiJCi in flesh the Ris'n with heal-ing .J ; J J "-- - na-tions, rise,_ Join the tri-umph God-head :;ee;- Hail th'ln-car-nate in His wings, Light and life to J i J With th'an-gel- ic host pro-claim,Christ is_ in -– skies; ty,_ brings, J .d Pleased as Man with man to dwell, Je .. sus, our Ern- man .. u - el! Hail, the Sun of Right-eous-ness! Hail, the- heav'n born Prince of Peace! JJ;JJJ.J . J..J Hark! the her- aid 1~10 NEWSPAPER IS THE OLDEST BLACK PUBLICATION IN THE NOR2YWEST JJECENBER 23, 1971 n ·J •• ~·~ ...- • • . #('}_),' . •Ch • Deu.l{ he Hall Traditional Rollicking f Old Welsh IJ 1. Deck the hall with boughs of hol-ly, Fa Ia Ia Ia Ia, Ia Ia Ia Ia. 2. See the blaz-iDg Yule be-fore us, Fa Ia Ia Ia Ia, Ia Ia Ia Ia. 3. Fast a-way the old year pass-es, Fa Ia Ia Ia Ia, la Ia Ia Ia. f I 'Tis the sea- son Strike the harp and Hail the new, ye -fl- ~ • I Don we now our Fol - low me in Sing we joy-ous t I I .. ... to be jol- ly, join the cho-rus, lads and lass-es, I I 1 I gay ap-par - el; mer - ry meas-ure, all to-geth .. er, Troll the an-cient Yule- tide car .. ol, While I tell of Yule-tide treas-ure, Heed-less of the wind and weath-er, Fa Ia Ia Ia Ia, Fa Ia Ia Ia Ia, Fa Ia Ia Ia Ia, .. --4 Ia Ia Ia Ia. Ia Ia Ia Ia. Ia la Ia Ia. r r ' r 1 1 L I I I Fa_ Ia, Ia- Ia, Ia Ia Ia. Fa- Ia, !a_ Ia, Ia Ia Ia. Fa- Ia, Ia_ Ia, Ia Ia Ia. J .. J ~ .. "- of'_ '-"' Crt!BCo I Fa Ia Ia !a Ia, Ia Ia !a Ia. Fa Ia Ia !a Ia, Ia Ia Ia Ia. Fa Ia Ia Ia Ia, la Ia Ia Ia. Jingle Bells J, Pierpont 1. _ Da,;h-ing thro' the snow 2.A ctay or two a - go 3. _ Now the ground i~ white, n a one- horse o - pen sleigh, I-· thought Hi take a ride, And _ Go it while you're young, O'er the fields we go, _Laugh-ing all the way; -Bells on bob-tail ring, soonMk;s Fan-nie BrightWas seat- ed by my side;The hon;ewa; lean and lank, Mi:>-. Take the girls to-night, And sing this sleigh-ing SO!lgjlt:,1 get a_bOO-tailed nag 1 Thoo- Mak-ing ~pir- its bright;"What fun it is to ride and sing A ~leigh-ing song to-night! for-tune~eml:l his lot, He got in- to a drift-ed bank,And we, we got up- sot. for-ty for his speed, Thenhitchhimtoan o- pensleigh,AJJ:icrack!Jotill tallethe lead. o- pen :,leigh! . ' ' ~· • • •c:k .• - • Silent Night Joseph Mohr Franz Gruber fJ I Harmonized by Sir John Stainer ·;:::-., "-.._;: 1. Si - lent night! Ho - ly night! All is- calm, all is bright: 2. Si • lent night! Ho - ly night! Shep-herds quake at the sight! 3. Si • lent night! Ho · ly night.! Son of_ God, love's pure light! P.P ... .. ... - ._. ..... Round ~on Vir .. gin Moth-er and Child, Ho. ly In-fant,so ten-derand mild, Glo- rotes stream from heav-en a- far, Heavh-ly hotits-sing AI-le- lu- ia. Ra-dtant beams from Thy hoo·ly face With the dawn of re-deem ·inggr~e, . • .. ~· • • - r ·~ r 1 II I I ,;;;;;-., ltJ .... .. i ......... *' f:?t Sleep in heav-en-ly Christ, the Sav-iour, is Je - sus,Lord, at Thy " peace,_ born,_ birth,- ..--. 1..__... Sleep in heav-en-ly p~e._ Christ,the Sav-iour, is born 0 _ Je .. sus,Lord,at Thy birth._ I 1\t\ ~~ - ........ - 0 Little Town of Bethlehe Phillips Brooks 1111. 1. 0 lit - tie town of 2. For Chri:;t is born of 3. How si- lent- ly, how 4. 0 ho .. ly Child of mf Lewis H. Redner Beth-le-hem, How still we_ see thee lie! A- J\la - ry, And gath- erCi all a- bove,While si-lent-ly The won-drous gift h; giv'n! So Beth-le-hem! De .. scend to- u:;, we pray; Cast I L , IV - I I I _., • r I 1 hove thy deep and mor- tal,; sleep, the God im-parts to out our sin, and I .. .. dream-less ,Jeep The si - lent stars go by; Yet an- gels keep Their watch of- won-d'ring love. 0 hu-man hearts The bless- ing!' of Hi,; heav'n. No en- ter in, Be born in- u,; to· - day. We I in thy dark streets :;bin- eth The ev · er- la:,t · ing Light; The birth! And sin; Whtlrtl morn-ing star::;, to - geth- er Pro .. claim the ho - ly ear may hear His com- ing, But in this world of hear the Christ-mas an .. gel,; The great glad ti .. dings tell; 0 hopes and fears of prais- es sing to meek souls will re .. come to us, a .. all the years Are God the King, And , ceive Him still, The bide with us, Our met in thee to .. night. peace to men on ·earth! dear Chri::;t en- ters in. Lord Em - man - u - ell 9