Clarion Defender_1971-12-23

THIS NEWSPAPER IS THE OLDEST BLACK PUBLICATION IN THE NORTHWEST DECEHBER 25, 1971 7 •SANTA CLAUS IS COMIN' TO TOWN HAVEN GILLESPIE J. FRED COOTS You bP.tter wateh out, you better not ery, Better not pout, I'm telline you why: Santa Claus ia eomin' to town. He'amakina a lilt and ehec:kina it twice, Gonna find out who'a ~bty and niee, Santa Claus ia eomin' to town. He aeea you when you're ll~n·, He lmowl why you're awake, He knows if you've been hlo or eood. So be pod for aoodneal lake •JOY TO THE WORLD ISAAC WATTS' GEORGE Jo'. HANDEL Joy to the world the Uri il come Letearth receive ber Kiq Let ev'ry heart prepaoe Him I'OOIIl And heav'n and nature Iiiia And lav'n abd nature eina' And beav'n, and beav'n and nature q. Joy to the world the Saviour reiaDI Let men their aonaa employ While fields and floods, rocb, bUll ud plains Repeat the IOUDdina' joy Repeat the IOUDdina joy Repeat, repeat the 100ndin1 JoJ. He rules the world with truth aDd II'MI And makea the a:atioDIIII'Oft The eloriee olllia riahteoume~a And wonden ol Hit llwe And wond81'1 ol Hia loft And wond81'1, wondera of Hia l.cwe. Oh! You better wateh out. YOU better not et'J, Better not pout, I'm telline you why: SantaClaus is eomin' to town. With little tin horns and little toy druma. Roocy-toot-toota and rummy-tum-tuml Santa Claus ia eomin' to town. And eurly bead dolla that toddle and eoo. Elephants, boats and kiddie earl too. Santa Claus ia comin' to town. Tbe ldda in PI-and boy-land Will have a jubilee, They're aonna build a Toyland town AD around the Cbriatmaa tree, So! You better wateh out, you better not et'J, Better not pout, rm t.ellinl you whJ: Santa ClaUI ia comin' to town. •I HEARD THE IELIS ON CHRISTMAS DAY HENRYW. WNGFELWW JOHNNY MAIUCS I beard the bella on OuUtrnaa Day Their old familiar earola play, And wild and sweet the words repeat Of peace on earth, good will to Jl'len. I tboqbt aa now tbia day bad eome, The belfries of all Christendom Had runa 10 lone th' unbroken aona Of pe~ee on earth aood will to men. And in despair I bowed my bead There is no peace on earth I said, For bate is strong, and mocks the 10ng Of peace on earth, good will to men. Then pealed the bells more loud and deep God ia not dead, nor doth He sleep The wrong shall fail, the right prevail With peace on earth, zood will to men. •TWELVEDAYS OF CHRISTMAS On the first day of Chriatmaa My true love sent to me A Partridee in a pear tree On the aeeond day of Chriatmaa My true love sent to me ~o turtle doves and a partridee in a pear tree On the third day of Chriatmas My true love sent to me Three red hens. two turtle doves and a Partridl' in a pear tree On the fourth day or Chriatmaa my true love eentto me Four eallina birds, three red hens, two turtle dovea and a partridee in a pear tree On the fifth day of Cbriatmaa My true love sent to me Five eolden rinp; four ealliq birds, three red hena, two turtle doves and a partridee in a pear tree On the sixth day of Clristmaa My true love sent to me Six eeeae a-layiq~ five plden rinp, four eallina bird.a, three red hens, two turtle doves and a partriqe· in a pear tree On the eeventh day ol Clristmaa My true love sent to me Seven awana •awimmiq, six eeese a-layiq, five eolden rinp, four oalline birds, three red hens, two turtle doves and a partridee in a pear tree On the eipth day ~ Ouistmaa My true love sent to me Eieht maida a-milkina, IeVen IW&n8 a-tnrimmiq, lix eeeae a-layine, five eolclen rinp, four calliJia birdl, three red hens, V,o turtle dov• &Dd a putridp iD a pear tree On the ninth day of Cbrietmu My true love aent tD me Nine ladi• daneina", eiailt maidl a-mDirfat, _... awana a-ewimmine, aix ,._ •I&JiDc. five aoldlll rinp, four eallina lirda, three red ...... two tartla doves and a partridp in a peuo tree On the tenth day of Cbriatmu Mytrue love sent to me Ten lorda a-leapine, nine ladiea daneiq, eilb& malcll a-Jililldna, IeVen awana a-awinuniq, aix ,._ a-layina", five ,Olden rinp, four ·eallina birda, thNe red bena, two turtle doves, and a putridp iD a pear tree On the eleventh day of Cbriatmaa Hy true love aent to me Eleven pipers pipine, ten brcla a-leapine. niDe I.di• cJaneina, eipt maida a-millrine, MVeD IW&DI a-awimmine. six p~~e a-layiq, five aoldeD rinp, four ealliq birda, tbree ncl bena, two turtle dovea and a partridp in a pear tree On the twelveth day of Cbriatmaa My true love aent to me J Twelve drummers clrummiq, elev• pipen pipiaa, ten lorda a-leapinc, nine Wiea danein1. eilbt maida a-milkina, seven BWL"\B a-awimmina, aix ,._ a-layiq, five eolden. rinaa. four ealliniWrda. *– red hens, two turtle doves and a putridp iD a pear tree. l