Clarion Defender_1971-12-23

2 DECENBER 23; 1971 THIS NEWSPAPER IS THE OLDEST BLACK PUBLICATION IN THE NORTHWEST WHO SOUNDS LIKE POLITICAL CANDIDATES . OLIVER E. SNITH LET 1 S SECOND GUESS FOR A WHILE OYER THE PAST WEEK. BLACKS THAT SOUND LIKE THEY ARE RUNNING FOR POLITICAL OFFICE. BILL NcCoY-COUNTY CkAIRHAN DEHOCRAT CEN– TRAL UOffffiTTEE, OTHER~ HAVE USED THIS nFFICE AS A SPRING BOARD. HAROLD WILLIAHS-T. V. PERSONALITY, APPEAL· ING TO A FEW HL'ACK FUNCTIONARIES • . SHAG THOHAB-T. V. PERSONALITY AND ALSO DIRECTO,R OF ALBINA ,,CITIZENS TOGETHER. JoHN ToRAN- LAWYER, PooR PEOPL,ES LoBBY. A FEW HORE ARE INQUIRING ABOUT THE HECH– ANISH IN BOTH PARTIES FOR APPOINTffENT, SINCE THE APPOINTHENTSSEEff TO BE THE POLITICAL ffUS– CLE IN THE BLACK COlfffUNITY .' THE BEST APPOINT· ffENT EVER OF BLACKS IN OREGON WERE AL BATISTE BY THE NAYOR AND TERRY JOHNSON. · BY THE GOVERN_. OR. _ HosT O.Fj ,YOU , Ff,AVE FORGO'!' AL BATISTE AND HOST OF YOU DON 1 T KNOW TE~RY JOHNSON. How– EVER, THEY ARE REAL PEOPLE WHO HAVE REAL PUR– POSE. THERE IS NO lfECHANISff SET UP IN EITHER PARTY FOR CONTINUAL CONSULTATION WITH BLA·CK PARTY FAITHFULS ON APPOINTffENTS -- ONLY TWICE -- ONCE BY DEHOCRATS AND ONCE BY REPUBLICANS HAVE THE PARTY FAITHFULS BEEN CONSULTED. THEY SHOULD BE, NOT THE FUNCTIONARIES. THERE IS NOTHING GOING ON IN THE BLACK COffffUNITY BECAUSE THE BLACK COffffUNITY IS NOT A COHENSIVE UNIT ON ANYTHING. REASONINGS ARE OFF IN DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS. You CAN 1 T AFFORD NOT TO READ "THE SPOOK THAT SAT BY THE DooR" ALTHOUGH ITs IN THE SEVENTH PRINTING -- A PAPER BACK EDITION COSTS 95 CENTS. IT 1 S ABOUT BLACK POLITICAL ,NEOPHITES AND IS BEGINNING TO BE THE TALK OF THE TOWN, AffONG BLACKS, WHITES AND POLKA DDT~. ! BLACKS ALL OVER THE NATION ARE BEGINNING TO HAKE POLITICAL HEADLINES! 1. CHARLES EVERS LOST HIS BID FOR GOVERNOR OF NISSISS~ IPPI. 2. REV. JESSE JACKSON RESIGNED FROH THE SOUTHERN CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE. 3. JuLIAN BoND STARTED SuRVEY BuREAU. 4. CARL STOKES HAND PICKED BLACK CANDIDATE FOR NAYOR oF CLEVELAND. LosT. 5. FIRST BLACK CAUCUS HELD IN OREGON. 6. AWARDS TO ffANY BLACKS FOR BEING BLACK. (ONCE THE FUNCTION– ARIES WERE AGAINST THIS IN OREGON.) 7. REV. JESSE JACKSON FORHS NEW ORGANIZATION. I TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO WISH ALL HY READERS THE HOST SINCERE NERRY CHRSITRAB. lfAY THE BLESSING OF THE INFANT BE YOURS AT CHRISTffAS AND THROUGHOUT THE NEW YEAR. ••••••••••••••••••••••••• A RECIPE FROM THE PUBLISHER: HOW TO MAKE A PERFECT UNCLE TOM Special to the Defender A Recipe From the Publisher of Black America, the Magazine that Created Miss Black America: HOW TO MAKE A PERFECT UNCLE TOM by J. Morris Anderson INGREDIENTS 40 boxes of Oreos 25 gallons of Negro powder 50 gallons of white power 29 boatloads of house niggers 40 cups of shame 1 teaspoon of economic security 20 quarts of insecurity 3 teaspoons of political power 5 cups of integration A pinch of common sense 22 tablespoons of bleaching cream 22 quarts of White Anglo-Saxon History Have all ingredients at White House temperature. Blend 6reos white power and shame into the 20 quarts of insecurity. Mix bleaching cream with integration. Beat in White Anglo-Saxon Continues To Aid Thursday; December 23rd at Cascade College from 2 to 4 p.m. will be the 8th Annual Albina Children 1 s Christmas Party. There will be a Black Santa Claus, the Jefferson High School Band, the Ebony Soul Strutters from -Ci-,rant-·High School, and Jack Harris the Magic Man will all be ·there ~ There will be fun galore just as there was in 1969 when the Clarion Defender sponsored the Albina Christmas Parade in a dedication to our Christmas Party for Children. 'tis the Season BUXTON MOTORS AMERICAN MOTORS AND INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS 11 34 S E 252-3458 82nd Ave 252-9365 • History. Sift in Negro powder. Dump in house niggers. Beat well. Add one teaspoonful of economic security to the 3 tea- spoons of political power. Drain off Black Power and add a pinch of common sense for flavor. Serve with a very hot straightening comb. Serves five million 11 neg~oes, 11 five million 11 culluds 11 and five million 11 0reos. 11 Can be digested much easier before the Black R e volution. I !