Clarion Defender_1971-12-23

THIS NEWSPAPER IS THE OLDEST BLACK PUBLICATION IN THE NORTHWEST DECElfBER 23, 1.971 _____.._______ u I To whom it may concern and to the public at large, I Johnny J. Moore and Robert Christopher are no longer I associated with the Clarion Defender Newspa-per as of the I December 21. These two are not and never were connectec I with the 8th Annual Albina Children's Christmas Party. I Although they collected hundreds of dollars throughout the community and mostly ~n the Lloyd Center in support of the 1 8th Annua~ Party-- where the hell is the money? If they try to represent this newspaper or the Christ- mas Party in any way please call 284-1289, or better yet, I call the Fraud Department of the Police Station at 226-7551,. Officer Yocum e-·3·--- --. SCARCER THAN HEN'S FEET FOUR BEDROOMS -- $21,200 Are you eligible for FHA 235? Call now for for further information! ! Double garage, r fireplace, carpeted throughout, built-in range, act quick and choose your own colors and so forth. Call 639-8947 or • evenings 223-3671 or 646-3519. DALE CONSTRUCTION CO. Fine Homes. WANTED A young couple, bondable to manage apart– ment. Initially, it will require a great deal of time and interest. This is a good opportunity to learn how to manage apart– ments. There is a potential future. It will be necessary that you can write clearly and be able to do some typing. Free 2 bedroom apartment, salary and an opportunity for additional earnings. Please write your qualifications and interests to the following address, PRU-REY Co., 5315 N. Vancouver Ave., Portland, Ore. 97217. SOULADELIC byCal Smith Tis the season to be jolly, and I hope all you people have got your Christmas shopping together, because after midnight Christmas Day your living room will be a mess. with all the wrapping paper on the floor and the kid 1 s toys scattered all over everywhere. For right now let's think what Christmas Eve is going to be like. Well, you can believe that there 1 s going to be a lot of parties happening, or should I say a lot of Christmas parties happening. On Christmas Eve it will also become a very Holy evening when many people will be going to midnight church services to welcome the coming of the Lord. Now, getting back to Christmas Day, when the evening comes along families will get together for Christmas din– ner and start over again on the big turkey, or else finish the one that was left over from Thanksgiving. If you want to hear some good rock 1 n 1 roll or some good soul music it's best you play your stereo record player for the rest of this week or else sing to yourself because there won't be anything but Christmas carols all this week on Portland radio stations. That is just one thing that will be happening during the Christmas. Then, a week later, the biggest holiday season of all, New Years Day. This is the time when the ol'd year passes on and a new one is born. It is the time when everyone will still be up and around on New Years Eve waiting for 12:00 o'clock midnight to roll around. And when it does, people will be on their front porches beating on their frying pans, blowing horns, and thanking the Lord for living through another year. On New Years afternoon, I'm sure that if you're a football fan your eyes will be stuck to the television set watching the Rose Bowl, Orange Bowl, Cotton Bowl, and the Sugar Bowl. Well, my friends, what ever you may be doing during the holidays have a good time and have a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year to you all. *********** SOULADELIC PICK OF THE WEEK: THE ''YOU ARE EVERYTHING" Stylistics THE STAFF AND MANAGEMENT OF THE NORTHWEST'S OLDEST BLACK PUBLICATION WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS. DON'T FORGET THE 8th ANNUAL ALBINA CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS PARTY DECEMBER 23 FROM 2 5 P.M. AT CASCADE COLLEGE GYMNASIUM. EVERYONE IS INVITEDJ ..................................... THE NORTHWIST OLDEST NEGitO NIWSPAPD THI NORTHWEST OLDEST NIGRO NEWSPAPER Fearless Informative • • Entertaining Provocative 319 N.E. WYGANT Bob Hughes PUBLISHER, PRO TEM PORTLAND, OREGON Oliver E. Smith POLITICAL EDITOR 319 N.E. WYGANT PORTLAND, OREGON Ph. 284·1289 Ph. 284-1289 Fearless Informative • • Entertaining Provocative Jimmy "Bang Bang" Walker EOITOR 319 N.E. WYGANT PORTLAND, OREGON Kim River RECEPTIONIST· STAFF WRITER Ph. 284·1289 319 N.E. WYGANT PORTLAND, OREGON Ph. 284-1289 Fearless Informative • • Entertaining Provocative 319 N.E. WYGANT Calvin Smith ENTERTAINMENT PORTLAND, OREGON Anna Morrison SOCIETY NEWS & BRIEFS 319 N.E. WYGANT PORTLAND, OREGON Ph. 284-1289 Ph. 284-1289 ·····:··.·.·:. ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥~>J:.!f~~~~¥)1..¥¥¥¥¥._¥¥¥¥¥lfJI..¥· ~~~-" ''- ' ~, , __ ,, , " . :