Clarion Defender_1966-12-23

SAFEWAY STORES WILL CLOSE AT~ • 6:00 P.M. SATURDAY, DEC. 24th :.--·-·-·-··-------- WHIPPING ·CREAM PINT CRANBERRY SAUCE Ocean Spray No.300 Can c Mayonnaise· .R~~~F~::h ~:~ 38' Cream Cheese ~~~ :~~ 29' Pitted Olives N::;t~" E•m 29' T •lny Shr1•mp aurfaer~. 4!4or.J9c Broken Shramp can Fruit Cocktail· ~:::. N~~ 03 sfor$1 Fresh Rolls ·~!!~:~~· Pk'E~:h 33' CRISP CELERY e Crisp & Crunchy .•• Stalk 0 LARGE SIZE CJ N I rang S CALIFORNIA ( ave e 6 =~:~::3.29) lb. Fancy Yams Gr~~:it.h 21b.. 29' Head Lettuce 1 ;i~~e 2h.~d~25' Ml •xed N IS Assorted. 2 89' (ranb • oe:eanspray1 lb. 32' U Variety lbs. err1es E?ttro Fancy Pkg: Delicious Apples::~~~ 6~ .. $1 Avocados F~~~:s 3,or39' Mushrooms ~~~~; IJz .. 39' Broccoli Each 19' Cooking Dates 1•. ~!J· 49'· Brussels Sprouts lb. 29' Asparagus sel·a~r::~zen 39c Broccoli Spears eel·~~:~~zen 2 for 39c FR ESH BUTTER Shodylane. 79c 1 lb. Pkg. Whole Oysters s.~ !~~dar 39c Sweet Pickles Zippywhole 49c 22 oz. Jar Kosher Dills s;;i:~~'d 35c Realemon Juice Waterchestnuts Eagle Brand Milk 12 ot, btl. 6 oz:. con Borden IS or. Pie Crust Stix 8 • 1 ~oc;~der Hot Roll Mix Chocolate Drops Satin Mix Candy.Cane~ Pillsbury 14 01. c~ndy 12 Olo 14 or. 'Bag 10 Peppermint · c;anes 35c 29c 45c 49c 37c 39c 45c 49c Frozen Peas Frozen Corn Bel-air JO oz. Bel-air JO oz. Wines and Champagne Mogan David Fifth 5 1.39 ~~ Burgundy ~j~·~· 69c Pink Chablis :;~k» 85c ~:ill" Mountain Rhine ~::•n$1.39~~ Champagne :~h~:·:~~ 5 1.98 Prices effective Dec. 22 thru Dec. 24 at Safewoys in Portland, .Beaverton, Cedar Hills, Forest Grove, Gresham, Hillsboro, Lake Oswego, Milwaukie, St. Johns, Tigard, Oreg~n City, St. Helens, Vancouver, . Camas & Oatskanie. Jt is our sincere wish that this holidoy seoson be most joyous fo.r you and your family. To help make your holiday feast the best ever, we've gathered a wonderful selection of finest foods from across the lond. Come see how many of your family's holiday favorites owait your choice at Safeway• . ,.. ,.-.-~ . ,.,MANOR HOUSE OR NORBEST GRADE "A" ·.: TURKEYS c Canned Hams ~:~rd Hormel$498 Armour$298 . fre• 5-Jb. 3·1&. Cornish Roasters ~~=:d 1&. 49c Boneless BeefRoast ~~i:i.ctf:.· 98c Bar-S Sliced Bacon t;::~~.a:: h~ .79c Fryer-Roaster Turkeys :~t:. lb. 49c G d AT k Manor House or 39 ra e Ur 8YSNorbest. 8 to 16lb. lb. C Golden Star Turkeys b!::;; 9 rb.SSc Sf ff d T k Armour Star, Pepper- 59 U 8 Ur eyS ridge Farms Stuffing lb. C • FRESH TURKEYS • NORBEST GRADE "A" FRESH TURKEYS AT COMPETITIVEPRICES! HILLS BROS. COFFEE 2 ~t:. First 1-Ib. Can EDWARDS s1.37 69c 3~i:. s1.9s ,st 1st $1 33 3-lb. 2·1b. • • 51.99 . 1~1 5 ~, 67¢ Fresh Oysters Captain'sQoice ea.?9c 10oz. Pork Sausage purepork 0:59c l·lb. roll Boneless Top Ro·und USDA ~89c Choice Beef Cube Steaks Fro~:~oice lb.98c Fancy Geese Armour Star ~tt.69c 5 to 71bs. Ducklings Manor House ~&.59c Plump and Tencler MINCE- PUMPKIN PIES Froztn Bel-air Premium Quality 24 o:. Each 2for69C Br. DerbyBeer =i: 6Pak 79' MarshmallowsA~~~"~~~~~~::25' Lucerne Sherbet~;.~~~ 59' Rich Egg Nijqwi:~99' at. 59c Alka Seltzer For speedy relief 49' - of headaches and Btl. · upset stomachs of 25 Taper Candles ~~ = Each 1 0' The Season's best to you! Cathay Market 2619 N, Williams anniversary o f the : birth of our Blessed ' Saviour, accept our most sincere good wishes for a joyous Christmas to you . qnd yours. PEPI'S ao~ U..,. Cnter, •st te tt. u.-r Sten ATl-2731 Open 10AM to 9 PM WMirday1 Open N- to J :J'O PM Sunclay1 ROSE CITY· PIEDMONT PHARMACY 3831 N.E. UNION