Clarion Defender_1966-12-23
I I I I I I I r-------------l(ISSING UNDER Tl-IE MISTLETOE---------------. Christmas Story Plant Legends Have Part • Ill Many plants havE' a part In 1 the significance has ~hangrd.l. the earth. It also protected 1 Mistletoe symbolized peace 1 The !<1nd. b<>g:m to darken and [rrd. In England a piece of hoi- II wood. Mistletoe had been a tree I In a 500-~·<>ar-old legend, Jn-·· the_ Chr~stmas story. 1 greens are an inhC'rcnt part of !them from witches and severe 11nd hope in Roman limes. The there was great mourning. Aft- i ly u~ed to be. placed In each at one time, they said, but when seph is an old man wa.'king in Centunrs ago, Ion~: before the Chr1stmas season. ! w ral.her. And if 11 sprig of hol- northern European Dru1ds made er three days, because of h1s 1 beeh1ve at Chnstmas t1me. for 1t realJzed the part Jt had ,a cherry gardrn 1nth h1s young Christ's birth, evergref'ns were 1 Holly w11s sacred tn the Dru- lly pl;wed on the bedpost, 1 it an important part of their mother's love. Balder rdurnrd 'I it was said that when Jesus I played, it shrivelled in shame. :bride, !vTary. She tells him of lmporr.ant in winter celebrations I id~ because its eternal green i one w0uld have only pleasant religious ritrs because of thr from the deild. his light shone, was horn, the bee~ sang a song in parts of central Europe it I the angel's visit, and he is and reremonies. Today, though proved the sun never deserted 1 dreams. 1 plant's powers. They believed and his mother's tea rs became ·for Him whieh they have been was customary at Advent to troubled with doubts about the ------------------------------- 1 mistletoe was a sacred spirit mistletoe berrie~. Overjoyed. humming ever since. I break a branch from a cherry 1 mes~age. When she asks him In the Spirit ~ Christmas . us turn our thoughts to the first Christmas and capture in our hearts all the peace, love and understanding of that Day. • 8 n the true spirit of Christmas, we wish you a happy and holy Day and pray that the blessings of the season will truly be yours. .. which warded off evil, promo!- she kissed enry person be- Mistletoe, brcause of its close I tree and force its growth in- ·to pick some cherries for her, cd fertility, cured ailmenL~ 1 neath the plant's br<Jnchcs and association with pagan rites. doors. Around Christmas time I he refuses. But upon her re– tAmerican Indians chewed mis- !decreed that henceforward all h:~s seldom been sanctioned fori the branch would burst into quest, the branches bend to llctoE' for toothaches) and, if .who walked under mistletoe church use. Early Christians I blos~om. This was considered her. JosPph, full of remorse. ' should be ki~srd . thought the plant evil. They a good luck omen, !'specially asks forgiveness. 11s an angel 1 ,, , ~.,' _!' --~ · Early churches objected to bel~e-~ed it was the "forbidden J for the girl _whose branch flow- 1appears announring the coming the use of decor?.tive greenery frmt of the Garden of Eden.1 rred on Chmtmas Eve. for she 1 birth because of its pagan s~·mbol- Others thought Christ's. cross i would be married within the 1 • /ftj. , ism. But they eventually re- had been made of m1stletoe :year. ~ lented and many wonderful leg- --------------------– brewed and drunk, gave the gift of prophecy. I A Norse legend relates that the sun god Balder told his 1 mother he had dreamed of his coming death. She called upon I all the powers of nature and pleaded with every Jiving thing not to harm her son. But she I ignored the mistletoe, and short- ly thereafter Balder was killed I by an arrow of mistletoe wood. I • I ends sprang up. Medieval Chris- tians thought greens represent- ed Christ "who would spring up like a tender plant, always green and flourishing , and live for evermore." The Christmas wreath origi– nated; it is said, from Christ's crown of thorns. Another story is that the crown of thorns was made of while-berried holly, but that when the pointed leaves were pressed into Christ's brow, His blood turned the berries SPECIAl. OI.D FASHION POPCORN BALLS ~:;!r"nJOc White ea. VISIT OUR CANDY CANE ~' , CORNER "*"". ~ argesf seledlon -,. priced from · l for $149 ¥ ·:. .Sc to · CHRISTMAS CANDIES * cut rock mix * ribboncandy ~~~~$1.aADJL'.L 9h1lllfin.q.L! Step into i ~~~~r.¥l~:; ult;male ;n luxur;ous oomfon phu r, snuu1 good look.s that last for years. These are the Gualities d1a1 have made Stacy-Adams first choice with America's discrimina1ing m~n since J87j. Try ou a pair today Lege11ds Follolv \ViseMcii ''W~> thr~>P kin~:~ (If Orll•nt :ll'e ••. " hP:~rinl( l(ifts to honor the Infant. .lf'~ll.!t. Many ll'gf'nds h~tve 5:rown np around the three wise mP.n who followed the bright. 6tar to Bethlehem. Some historians believe the Magi were Melchior, ruler of Nubia and Arabia, Balthasar of Ethiopia and Caspar of Tarsus. They are usually depicted as representing the three ages of man: Melchior as an old, long– bearded man, Balthasar as miL– die-aged and swarthy, and Cas– par as a tall, beardless youth. The word "Magi" means "au– J:ust" and was given to the priest-teacher-astrologrrs of an– cient Media and Persia. It is said they started in Baby– lon and the provisions the~· car– ried with them never dimin– ished in amount. According . to legend, the three Magi lost their guiding star in Jerusalem. King Herod sent for them. He told the wise men to search diligently for the Infant a n d bring word back of His where– abouts. They continued on their way and stopped at a well to re– fresh themselves and their cam– els. When they looked into the well, they saw their lost guiding star reflecting ir, the water. Looking up into the hea– vens, they saw the star shining more brightly than ever before. ~ _ _ IIE-LDS i IITTM!ltQJ~~7 I I I I * hard candies LEW'S MAN'S HOUSE OF STYLE 113 N. RUSSELL It led them to the Christ child to whom they presented gifts. The gold they gave symbolized acceptance of Him as their King, the frankincense symbol · 101 H GRANo'lfiXIl\1~ BE 2..0181 ~~~~~~~~~~~ ·~~~--------_. ... _ ...... ·-·-~· ... SELECT YOUR TREE FROM OUR COMFORTAB INDOOR LOCATION-NO MUD-RAIN-OR COLD A TREE TO SUIT ANY TASTE • NOBLE FIR • GRAND FIR • DOUGLAS FIR • SILVER FIR • SUB ALPINE • CEDAR • PINE •CONCOLOR • WREATHS • HOLLY • MISELTOE • BOUGHS • CONES • STANDS • CORSAGES • MISLETOE THE CHRISTMAS TREE STORE WALNUT PARK BUILDING 3 DOORS FROM KILLINGSWORTH anniversary of the birth of our Blessed Saviour, accept our most sincere good wishes for a joyous Christmas to you · (lnd v.ours. PEPI'S ·~ U.p C..tor, ••• te ,.. ll'f•tr SIIN AT·l-1731 0t-t10AM to 9 PM WHI&claya Open Noon to S:3'0 PM Sundays I! !!Ill!= ::i !!IIIII! MEADOWS PONTIA 28th & NoE. SANDY • ~ ••••••••••• oooooooo .......... 23·5-4101 GIFTS at Discount Prices! ' The Finest in WATCHES Ladies .,.Watches from $24.50 up Mens Watches from $34.50 up Diamond Wedding Sets . frOITI $55,00 Up DIAMOND And ENGAGEMENT Bracelets ... Clips ... Rings Beautiful Cultured Pearl Necklaces ... Earrings ... Cuff links .WEDDING RINGS on Yellow or White Gold Chain Regular $5.95 - Cut t.o $2.95 Charms ... Cultured Pearls $ 98.50 Set Cut To $ .49.75 $ 149.50 Set Cut To $ 89.50 $ 198.50 Set Cut To $119.50 $ 275.00 Set Cut To .$169.50 $ 385.00 Set Cut To $244.50 $ 575.00 Set Cut To $345.00 $ 750.00 Set Cut To $425:00 $1000.00 Set Cut To $565.00 $1500.00 Set Cut To $895.00 MENS WATCHES 17 Jewel Shock Proof Water Proof Sweep Second Hand Radium Dial All Stainless Steel Reg. $49.50 . . . Now $29.75 Ladies and Mens WEDDING RINGS from $12.50 up LADIES WATCHES 17 Jewel Shock Proof Guaranteed Reg. $39.75 ..• Now $19.75 OPEN EVERY NIGHT 'TIL 9:00 P.M. FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING ~13 CREDIT? GLADLYl A'. Little Down. Balance in Small Weekly or Monthly Payments 837 S. W. Broadwa·y- next to Fox Theater Phone: 226-2919 MORRIS ROGOWAY Diamond Speclalllf NO INTEREST - NO CARRYING CHARGES - ASK FOR· \ MORRIS ROGOWAY LEE SCHMADEKE DIAMONDS, WATCHES COSTUME JEWELRY, TROPHIES MARJORIE AUBE PEARLS, CHARMS LARRY SEGER WATCH & JEWElRY REPAIR
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