Clarion Defender_1966-12-23
. Accident Free Holiday Can Be the Best Gift It is a grim irony that the home, which most of us c o n s i d e r a sanctuary of safety and security, is the site of countless accidents, minor and major. And at no time is a home accident more disrupting than dur– ing the Christmas season. Unfortunately, h o 1 ida y festivities s om e what in– c r e a s e the likelihood of h om e accidents from the t w o more p r e v a 1 e n t sources - fires and falls . Several factors contribute to this. One is the general excitement of the season, particularly am on g chil– dren. Another is the fact that in most homes there is more confusion and disar– ray than u s u a I. And, to compound the risks, there is often more drinking than ordinary during the holi– d a y s and consequently, more impaired judgment. A c o m m o n source of Christ m as fires is, of course, the traditional tree. In ihose households where the time-honored custom of trimming the tree with real candles is s ti 11 observed, the greatest care should be exercised to keep children a safe distance from the flames and to make sure that all candles are com– pletely extinguished before going to bed. If you trim y<>ur t r e e with electric bulbs, check carefully for defective wiring, which can easily set off a tree fire , particularly if the tree has dried out. Another source of home fire disasters dur· ing Christmas is the fire– place, ideally the glowing center of family hospitality and happiness. A fireplace without the proper screen- ing or one in w h i c h too many people take on .the responsibility of keeping the fire burning bright can shed s p ark s out into the paper-littered living room and quickly get out of con– trol. For many children, fires are compellingly fascinat– ing. No matter how dill· g en t I y they have been trained never to strike matches, they yield to the temptation if matches are with i 1\ reach an<t if the children are not watched. Many parents who do not ordinarily leave their chil· dren unattended may do so for a few minutes during the holidays. The mother may r u s h down to the neighborhood shopping c e n t e r for a last-minute, all-but-forgotten gift, or the parents may go down the street for a quick holiday cup with the neighbors - just for five or ten minutes, but long enough for chil– dren to start a fire . The hazards of injuries from falls d u r i n g Christ· mas time run high during the preparatory days when trimm i ng the tree and' I OREGON'S MARKET FOR TYPEWRITERS and ADDERS decking the halls lure peo– ple into unaccustomed gymnastics. Don 't try to crown the tip of the tree with that fin a 1 star, or h an d the mistletoe from that high c e i I i n g without using- a sturdy step ladder. Piling books on boxes and boxes on chairs to gain the u p p e r reaches is inviting disaster - although it al– ways seems not only possi- We Have 'em! ble but fun to try, if you are fortified w i t h holiday drinks. On Christmas day, with g i f t s open and strewn a b o u t, the r isk of falls again incr eases. The floor is likely to be covered with new acquisitions , often un– seen because they are cov· e r e d by wrapping paper. All the accustomed path· ways throughout the home became obstacle courses. CORDUROYSPORT COATS Loden Green, Gold, Beige $249 l af'!d 3 ~Matton models • • • • • • • • LLOYD CENTER Tip-Off Lunch Dec. 27 The sports committee of the Portland Chamber of Com– merce will co-sponsor the an– nual Far West Classic Tip-Off Luncheon Tuesday, Dec. 27, at the Sheraton Motor Inn. Announcement of the Cham– ber committee's participation was made by chairman, Don McCutcheon, Lund, Mc C u t– cheon and McBride. ·McCutcheon, who will act as master of ceremonies at the luncheon for the fifth consecu– tive year, said that coaches of all eight participating teams will take part in the program. They are: Steve Belko, Ore– gon; Paul Valenti, 0 reg o n State; Mac Duckworth, Wash-• ington; -Marv Harshman, Wash– ington State; John Kundla, Minnesota; Lou Watson, Indi– ana; Joe Brehmer, St. Louis; and Bucky Walters, West Vir– ginia. ·Luncheon ticket sare avail– able at the Portland Chamber of Commerce office, 824 S.W. 5th Ave., McCutcheon con– cluded. Holiday Rites Set At Kenton The pu blic is invited to two Ch ristmas services at Kenton Church, 2115 N. Lombard St. Th e a nnua l Chr istmas Eve service will begi n at 6 .30 Saturday, Dec. 24. It will be "A Servi ce of Scripture, Carols and Cand le ilghting." The Christmas Scripture wi ll be r ead an d many of the famili ar Christmas carols will be sung. Christmas Sunday morn– ing, th e re will be a service of "Christmas Worship fo r the Family" a t 11 o'clock. T here will be no chu rch school that morning. T he choir wi ll pre– se nt the canta ta , "Star of Spl e nd or." Following the wors hi p service the churc h sc hoo l classrooms wi II be open for viewing the Christ– mas di splays. A nursery will be pro– vided fo r both services. © ""CHR-ISTMAS BLESSINGS 'tO ALL OUR FRIENDS GOLDBERG 'S RESTAURANT&. DELICATESSEN CORNER NORTH MALL AT HALSEY STREET. ORAL HYGIENIC MOUTHWASH & GARGLE only limited number ••• all new. Some are still boxed, some have been demonstrators, All WITH SCM 5-YEAR GUARANTEE. RQY~t: Portable ELECTRIC SUBTRACTION REG. 89 50 5975 PORTABLES 49 5 !dup ONLY 6.50 mo. RENTAL-PURCHASE DOWNTOWN S.W. 5th & Wash, CA 3-6223 ?fozfll' BANKAMERICARD, PARK FREE AT ANY LOT DOWNTOWN .......'"'.... R LLOYD CENTER AT a-4864 1111 WillametM Dl 2·2463 DECORATIVE SPRAY PAINT 58c REG.89c POINSETIAS PLASTIC FLOWERS lO~aac Easy Squeeze Mop and Reflll SCOPE sac 88'~ SNOW BALL LIGHT BULBS &~sac REG.39c LADIES PARTY, CHRISTMAS, AND FULL APRONS sac ow, 0 sproy thot con– trols o hord -to– monoge set with- . out gumming it up! REG.29c .(-47-J~ ASSORT. ac Hard-to-Hold COLORS EA. Hair Spray ITALIAN IMPORT LIGHT SCENTED VOTIVE SETS CANDLES $148 12~88c VALUES TO $4.00 MARX MINIATURE FRICTION DRIVE BLINKING RACE CARS LITE SET 39c VALUE 16 BULBS 6 F sac sac 0 R Beg.'5" Reg. '9.9~·Save '3.99 7ft. VINYL PillE TRE $ Also a Complete Selection of Corsages-Cut Flowers – Potted Plants-Christmas Greens-Open Every Day 9 Ia 9 (PENCHRISTMAS DAY POT Jlef. '6.99 • S•ve '1.89 TWINKLING OUTDOOR SET 25 LIGHTS A real life-like beoutyl Re• tains Its good looks from sea• son to season, Eosy to store, Compl!te with wooden bose. Weatherproof independ· $ ently burning lomps that twinkle In a rainbow of colors! Jlege•7e77 ·Save'l.77 GIAIT SET OF 50 LIGHTS Espectafi)' ntct for big outdoor trees or Clecoratlng your house• Weatherproof Independently bumtng lamps. .... ---- .... 45" ELECTRIC LAMPPOST 1 hPrlct SPRAY SlOW lleg.81e Jle,.$1.29 18" ELECTRIC CAIDLE 99' ' Sturdy vlny1 construe• tlon for outdoor use. Can $3 88 be weighted for use en porches, lawns, etc, VIIYLWALL PLACQUES 77( 44c Ref• J$.18 31"Euat1C SAlTA $388 this brlg!.t red vinyl Santo will glow so warmly, bngM reel vinyl candle will look so 11lct on• your buffet, B eg. 69e 8ax of 10 GLASS OIIAMEITS 2 for$1 Shiny 2-1/lo" Glass ornaments In as• sorted colors. STEEL FIREPLACE GRATES saar $ AA Reg. '1. 99 ~ , 6 Jar Reg, $2.19 • 1 1 79 7 Bcr Reg. $2.49 • SJtt Jle,.Ne FIREPLACE CRYSTALS 77c Reg. 98c FIREPLACE MATCHES 77c NIEI
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