Clarion Defender_1966-12-23
Food For Sunshine Barrel Admits To l(onnie's Party Admission to Konnie's Klub Christmas meeting will be a package or can of food for the Sunshine Division barrel. The meeting will be in the Grand Ballroom, Hilton Hotel, Wednesday, Dec. 21, at 9:30a.m. All members and their friends are invited to this meeting which will have special entertainment Beaver· ton High School concert choir of 85 voices will perform under the direction of Steph– en Stone. There will be dance numbers by members of Konnie's Klub and Ed Berry will be at the organ. There will be numerous prizes. This is one of the ways more than $52,000 in food is col– lected each year. The Sun– shine Division of Portland Police Bureau will dis– _tribute approximately 2,600 baskets of food to the needy for Christmas. Sgt. Leland S. (Bud) Lewis, commander of the division, said baskets would contain wholesome foods such as meat, potatoes, bread, vege– tables and butter. Without this help many families might go hungry during the holi– dayseason, hesai~ In addition to the food placed in Sunshine barrels located in stores throughout the city, wholesalers and businesses donate large quantities of food. . The division provides emergency help year round. When a need is reported, the case is quickly investigated by a member of the police or police reserve and he lp is sent within hours. KONNlE'S ClUB members will share with the needy at their meeting Dec. 21 at Hotel Hilton by bringing _food for the Sunshine Division barrel. Konnie Worth is shown with Sgt. Bud Lewis, commander of Sunshine Division, Portland Police Bureau. This help includes food, fuel, shoes, furniture or even the loan of a wheelchair or crutches. The biggest demand for clothing comes at the start of the school year. Many children could not attend school if they were not help– ed by clothing froin the div- ision, Bud Lewis said. . Clothing is new and ofvan· ed styles so other students can never know where it came from. Money to buy clothing comes from dona· tions by clubs and civic groups. Women of the police .reserves help in making clothing. During the year more Toys than $90,000 worth of help is given the needy by the Sunshine Division of Port– land Police Bureau. No one is employed to solicit funds. This is the 43rd year for the program and·it is the only such program in the nation sponsored by police the year around. by Edgar A. Guest (1881-1959) I can pass up the lure·of a jewel to wear With never the trace of a sigh The things on the shelf that I'd like for myself I never regret I can't buy. I can go through the town passing store after store showing things It would please me to own, With never a trace of despair on my face, But I can't let • toy shop alone. I can throttle the love of fine rainment to death And I don't know the craving for rum, But I do know the joy that is born of a toy, And the pleasure that comes with a drum. I can reckon the value of money at times, And govem my purse strings with sense, But I fall for a toy for my girl or my boy And never regard the expense, It's seldom I sigh for unlimited gold Or the power of • rich man to buy; My courage is stout, when the doing without Is only my duty, but I Curse the shackles of thrift when I ga:ze at the toys That my kiddies are eager to own, And I'd buy everything that they'd wish for for, by jingl If their mother would let me alone. There isn't much fun spending coin on myself For neckties and up-to-elate lids But there's pleasure tenfold, in the silver and gold I part with for things for the Kids. I can go through the town passing store after store Showing things It would please me to own, But to thrift I am lost; I won't reckon the cost When I'm left in a toy shop alone• . . ~ -a.nd warmest. wishes to all our friends 1045 LLOYD CENTER EASTPORT PLAZA A TREND WIVES LOVE Business Gifts Aimed at Home The age old c u s t o m of giving gifts as expressions of appreciation and good– will toward bus in e s s as– s o c i a t e s is taking a new turn. Today, the trend is to– ward c h o o s i n g business gifts the entire family can enjoy, a c cordi n g to the Specialty Advertising Asso· ciation. This is all nart of a ,general movement to be more selective and person· al in the choice of gifts. More than two-thirds of companies gtvmg business gifts now deliver at least ~orne of t h e s e directly to the home, a recent sur· vey reveals. The guidelines to effel!– tive giving are quite sim– ple. The Specialty Adver- t i s i n g Association offers the following tips: • Keep your g if t s of modest value in relation to the importance of each re· c i p i e n t as an employee, prospect or customer. Ex– travagant g if t s smack of bribery. • Choose your gifts indi· vidually, considering the tastes of each group of re– cipients, or, preferably, of each individual recipient. • Choose only high qual· ity g i f t s that are useful, durable and dependable. • Personalize each gift, if possible, with the recip– ient's name or initials. e Package each gift at– tractively and securely. • Ac c o m p a n y each p a c k age with a personal note , greeting card or at least a special gift label. e Deliver each gift with a flair, if possible - per· sonally or by special mes· senger - and preferably to each recipient's home rath· er than to his office. Often it is easiest to se– lect the proper gift quickly a n d painlessly ~hrough a b u s i n e s s gift counselor. You can find these trained experts under Advertising Specialties in the Yellow Pages of your phone book. .. " .. ':"~) of.t the joy of Christmas reach into every heart, as with scripture, song and prayer, W!! recall the wonder of His birth. COAST JANITORIAL SERVICE Complete Janitor Service & Building Maintenance 2500 N.E. Union Ave. - AT 2-0700 .... :;; ... - .. : ... r. _ .. - ,.. •;o ".J - .. ·"" ~
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