Clarion Defender_1966-12-23
Christmas Ham Wears a Cherry Red Blush The first Christmas carols were danced to , according to Encyclopedia InternationaL Carolers took hands and form– ed a ring . singing as they went round. Cherry Holiday Ham garnished with rosy red peppermint pears Timing the Turkey Timing Roast Beef The following chart gives approximate The following times for roasting a standing rib roast cooking times for modern turkeys using 325- of beef are approximate. A chunky roast will take longer degree oven temperature · for t u r keys 12 to cook than a flatter one, for instance, and quality of the pounds and under, 300 for larger birds. beef, plus proportion of fat to meat, will cause variances. Ready-to-Cook To be sure of having your roe;st as you like it, use a meat thermometer. Rare roast beef will register 140 degrees, Weights Roasting Time medium 160 and well done J.70. Oven temperature for all 4 to 6 lbs......... _. 2 to 2Y2 hours sizes of roasts should be 325 degrees. 6 to 8 lbs........... 2Y2 to 3 hours 3-rib roast (8 to 9 lbs.) 2-rib roast (6 to 61/z lbs.) 8 to 12 lbs.... . ...... 3 to 3Y2 hours Rare 2% to 2 1 h hours Hare 13/4 to 2 hours There's no grander or merrier f e a s t i n g event than Christmas dinner. The house is redolent of greens, bright with holly and or– naments a n d the dining room table sparkles in the candlelight. The high p o i n t arrives when the traditional bam comes to the table, hand– s om e 1 y glazed and gar– nished. ready to fall into appetizing pink s I i c e s as it's carved. Red cherry jelly makes an appropriate glaze f o r this occasion. The garnish might be whole peppermint pears, artificial holly and a ribbon bow. A BONE-IN ham makes the most majestic appear– ance and need not be diffi– cult to carve. Before you a r r an g e it on the platter cut a slice off the side - away from the "hump" - and also cut a wedge in the shank end. To prepare it, place the ham ( w h o I e or half b o n e -i n, fully cooked or cook-before-eating) on a rack in a shallow uncov– ered baking pan. The label will tell you which kind of ham it is. B a k e in a 325-degree oven a c c or d i ii g to the directions given elsewhere on this page. Meanwhile, combine one cup cherry jelly and one– fourth cup water; heat, stirring constantly, until jelly melts. T went y minutes before end of baking time, remove ham from oven; drain off drippings f r om pan and trim off rind. Brush glaze over ham: return to 400-degree oven to brown. G1a z e ham twice during browning. Arrange ham on platter. Attach red and white rib- Musician Offers FreeShut·in ~heer I 1 Convalescent hospitals and nursing homes may have a special treat this I Christmas season-if they ask in time. A Southeast Portland resident who is an accom– plished organist has vol– unteered his talents ·and electric organ to provide free of charge, some enter– tainment and extra Christ– mas cheer to shut-ins and those unfortunate to be ·confined over the holi– days. The musician has his I own electric organ, and in t the past has taken care of the transportation ex- ·pense himself. However, this is impracticable at this time, and this would be the only cost to any 1 sponsoring organization, club or church. I At one hospital where the organist played, a bus I was provided and the cus– todians assisted ~n sett- I ing up the organ. For business reasons, the organist declines use of his name. He may be· reached by calling 774- 8024 for dates in conval– escent hospitals, nursing homes and homes for the aged only. - J bon bow and a s p r a y of artifical holly to shank. Ar– r a'n g e peppermint pears around ham. TO PREPARE the peppermint p e a r s, cook p e e 1e d fresh pears until tender in a mixture of two cups sugar, one cup water, one-half cup light corn si– rup, red color as desired and o n e -h a 1 f teaspoon peppermint flavoring. Broccoli with lemon but– ter sauce or glazed carrots go well with ham. Or, you may p r e f e r green beans amandine (just add butter and s li v e r e d almonds to the cooked beans'. We like a simple salad for this menu - Belgian endive ln a tart f r e n c h dressing and garnished. with anchovy and pimien1o strips. You ,\rill want bot rolls and a b e v e r a g e ot your choice - perhap~ a chilloo rose wlne. Dessert should lJe flam · ing plum pudding or mi!lN ' pie with hard sauce. But you might prefer a puml->– kin or yam pie with f.luJ'f~ c 1o u d s of whipped cream on top. DENTAL Oldest of all carols, it has been said, was that sung by the heavenly host when the birth of the Saviour was an– nounced to the shepherds on the plains of Bethlehem. Prob– ably, the practice of singing carols at Christmas arose in imitation of this, as the major– ity of carols declared the good tidings of great joy, and the title of Noel, nowell or novelle. applied to carols, would seem to bear out this idea. l Bedroom Unfurn. with Refrig-Range– on No. Alberta $40.00 call-288-2935 CARl~ fOSl,S LESS than Neglect ~Your Dental Health comes first ~ Payments can come Later. * No-Appointment Needed * * No Interest or Carrying Charges Dental Plates -Prompt Service • You ortt lnvitttd to Consult mtt for FILLINGS • INLAYS BRIDGES • CROWNS • PARTIALS GOLD FOIL FILLINGS • EXTRACTIONS PORCELAIN JACKETS • X-RAYS All 2IHI floor SIMUI ILDG. S.W. 3rct & Morrison Phone 227-2427 Hours:8 :30 AM to 5:00PM- SATURDAY 8 :30AM to 1:00 PM Also in SALEM & EUGENE 12 to 16 1 bs. . . . . . . . . . . 3 Y2 to 4 hours Medium 2% to 3 hours Medium 2% to 2% hours · G 16 to 20 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . 4 to 4 Y2 hours Well Done 3% to 4 hours Well done 3 to 3¥4 hours SIS T E R S L 0 AN E r 20 to 24 lbs........... 4Y2 to 5 hours Spiritual reader and advis- ~:115}1!$Ji:II5:115}1!$Ji~M:=i!i:II5:115~1:.S~:II5:115:115~l1!$1i:lllli i!i:ll5:115:=i!il1!$1i:=i!i:ll5l1!$1il1!$1i:ll5:115:=i!il1!$1i:=i!i}1!$Jil1!$1i:=i!il1!$1il1!$1i}1!$Ji:ll5:115~o r • R E A D a n d A D V I S E Y 0 U errs l'ood Timing Baked Ham fuany hams today have directions for baking and serving right on the label. In any event, the label will tell you whether the ham is the ready-to-eat (just heat through) or the cook-before-eating kind. If the latter, bake at 325 degrees for 20 to 22 minutes to the pound, or until the thermometer registers 160 de– grees. Fully cooked (ready-to-eat) hams generally take only 15 minutes to the pound and are heated through · when the internal temperature reaches 130 degrees. Enjoy a bit of heaven. Come out and play in 1 67 "· Stan Terry's PORTLAND MEADOWS GOLF COURSE&: DRIVING RANGE. Duck and Goose in all PROBLEMS small,BIG any MATTER FINANCES, MARRIAGE, EMPLOYMENT. Ducklings weighing four to five pounds should be c a 11 2 3 5 - 0 0 4 2 a n y t i m e f o r roasted in a 325-degree oven for about three hours, or A p p 0 IN T M E N T until leg moves easily when moved up and down with fingers and the skin is crisp, dry and golden brown. Geese, which average 10 to 12 pounds, should have their skins pricked well with a two-tined fork (this will release excess fat during roasting). Then place in a 400- degree oven for 20 min utes. Red uce heat to 350 degrees and continue to roast, about 20 minutes per pound. Baste frequently with a li ttle water or stock and pour off most of the fat as lt accumulates in the pan. A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL ~NO A GREAT RIG THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED GOOD WILL HELEN'S BEAUTY SALON 234 3 North Williams Avenue ~ Offi c e Phone - 281-2005 you the joys of this holy season MII.I.EB . WOOD & COAL COMPANY AT 4-2361 ~t N.E. Union Avenue ~~~~~=-I A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL ~NO A GREAT RIG THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED GOOD WIU. GRANT 1 S GULL SERVICE GRANT 1 S GULL SERVICE Station N. Vancouver at N. Skidmore St. 284-9560 - 284-6677. BANKAMERICARD Welcome. Brakes, Tires, Lube, Car Wash, and Waxing. MAY THE CHRIST OF CHRISTMAS LIVE IN YOUR HEARTS FOR 'UNTO Y 0 U IS BORN ASAVOR" CHRISTMAS COMMUNITY CENTER WISHES TO ALL DLE. I lEIIE ITOII IIOUIUI Wu•..,. I A.M. .. •• ,..M. - CloeN S.'"'•" Enamel Finish, ! Semi-Pneumatic rubber tires, adjust– able chrome handle– bars, white saddle of vinyl for comfort. Bow f o ·r m pedals and step up rear frame. Ball bearing front wheels. SPECIAL $797 FIRE ENGINE RED baked enamel finish! Body 281f2"x13lfz"x3o/4" deep. Puncture– proof semi-pneumatic tires. Rolled under flange edge--safe, smooth comers. Graph– ite bearings never need oiling. Weimer's Hardware Specialists Phone 281-1217 3934 N.E. Union Ave. Portland, Oregon , .. ... • e ... .. .. .. ..
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