Clarion Defender_1967-08-03
NO CASH DOWN . 01 ApprOMief eMit ' .. ~ ' * No Interest or tarrying C2acnJes · ·· 11~~~f_l5 . .:;~L No Appointment Nwclecl IRSUIANCI Detroit Gu.ardsmen• 'Shot Everyth~ng' By D.J.R. BRUCKNER Special To The Defender (TPS) - Every ghetto and every "poverty po– cket" in a big city tends to live on rumor -s . Once the street warfare started in De– troit, the police and the troops are liv– i ng on rumors. In the total absence of what military commander would call "intelligence" the enormous armed forces roaring around this city were often fighting a phantom enemy. . There were rumors about arsenals, org– anlzed gangs of snipers, fore fights which neve r happened, killings of police which did not occur. PRISONER KICKED: And there was the sorry irony of see– ing the anarchic violence of the burning and l ooti ng mobs transfer itself to the police to the national guardsmen on the st reets. * Prompt *' Official Forms A.ailoble Dental Plates REPAIRS anc~eomptet.c~torvov. ......,. In the presence of a ' reporter, two policemen kic ked a bleeding and handcuffed pr isoner being dragged to a jail. ~· In front of another reporter the pol– i ce punched a wounded prisoner in the groi– n. w fleer SIMID Btcl::-s:;::w "~1011 . DENTI$1: They ri pped up homes of the innocent in search of t he non-e xistent weapons and they forced women to stan d up against wall– s t o be searched . Hovrs..Ja30 AM. to Spc) PM- SATURDAY 8:30 AM. to 1 :00 PM PHARMACY JID NE. UNif)ll AY£-I'IJATLAN" ~NON£ OI-J961 PAESCRIPTIONS The national guardsmen were even wild- er. At on e time there were 8 ,000 of them in the ci ty, ru nn ing arou nd in tan ks , arm– ored car s and t rucks . carryin g machi ne– guns , sho t guns, t ea r ga s and r ifl es. There were al so hel i copters and Na t iona l Gua rd j et pl anes overhead. TANK ATTAC KS There was indeed sn i per f ire; one re– porter was caught up i n it severa l t imes . But i t was nothin g li ke the f ire of these troops. ll's A sound , a cr ac k wh ich mig ht or might not be a shot , wou l d br ing f rom th e t r oo ps a huge roar of gu nf i re s pr ayed in t o houses and buil dings, an d down s treets . There were t ank at ta cks on empty hous– es . There we re tan k att acks based on rum– or . Two t anks blasted enormou s hol es i n l'ood a bi q brick ho use said to l odge an ars ena l ; t hey flushed out t hre e t een-age boys and on one small r i f le which no on e cou ld prove was ever used. at.L_I_ A ~r ightened man l yi ng in a roomwhi l e the t rooos roared arou nd outside li t a cigarette. The l i ght brought a vol l ey of fire areat enouq1 to rock the entire buil di ng, cave i n hunks of ent i re pla st er and s ol in– ter wooden fr ames . It also kill ed a ~c u r year -o 1 d qi r l l y i no on th e f l oor . .,_ •n• • f ,1;e I A.M. ..... f.M. - Cln•• I •••• SUBSCRIBE TODAY Contributing-------------;,.----.,:. __ --- •$10•.00 a year Regular Rate------------------- .-----$ 5. oo· a year At 1 ~ast t he ~ n iper s we re selecti ve , di scrimi nating i n thei r t arge ts. They too k rather bad ailT~ , but ve ry de f in ite aim at sold i er s , pol i ce an d f i remen. The gua rdsmen were ent irely i nd iscr i m- ·i na t e . , Send To The Clarion DEFENDER Newspa,pe~ Z74Z N~ Williams Ave. Portland,Oregon 9~Z21 fhey sho t uo everyt hing i n sigh t. So Some of the 111 used t anks and heavy m a chi~e gun s l1ke kids pl aying wi t h new t oys, and most oF them 111ere very ea s il y spool<.ed. N.AM.E---- .,-------------------- ---_-r.--~- ~-----~----- In the new sty le of ur ban warfa re, or.e concludes, the national guardsmen have a lot to lear n about carry i ng t he batt l e t o th e e ne~y wi t h ef fi ci ency and ca r e. Thi s became very obv i ou s when one comrrared the conduct of t hese guardsmen 1t1ith tha t of 5,000 regul ar army pa r atroo p– ers who t oo k ove r a secti on of the ci t y , sealed it of f and paci f ied it with i n hours and with only a f ew shots- fi red. ADDR.ESS-.----- ------- --·-- -- _._ ___ ------- --~-- --- STATE--~,..;-------- ............... --- ............·..... -- __ Name any orange drink. See! 1 Orange-Crush. 1 is the first thing that pops into your !mind. ~~llilff.'~~%"!:'?:W~~::mmm::t\t5:@i%>:?><1:m<.;i:"'-""m:i:<ti?M~;11:1ii~;;mwi:W~;m~~·~: ; PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL , m W I I· Lineme;· &b C~bi~foS,Iicers I I Portland and ::roous locations I I : ~~;·.,:: .. ~::·,;;:~Oregon ~ - * Regular increases ~~ m * Liberal benefits & pension pran . h : ~ Must be high school graduate with traininq at exp..-iencot ;,.. b.asic !·•. ~.· electricity or electronics pref,rred. Armed forces tra·ining in com- ~~ m munications, radar, sonar or related schools acceptable, MJJst ~ have qood dlivinq record. Phy•ical examin.ation required. fi! Coli at our Employment Office ~ ' Monday t~?u 9 F~{;j'a~ 0 ;;3~ 0 1~nt~ 4:30 PM • I Saturday 8:30AM to 2 PM. m I "'"~::.:?.~'".!'~:.'::~ "' I I tj\ Pacific Northwest Bell I ~ ~ Part of the Nationwide Belt System ~ ~~'B,W.~~~~m-f.';;i:r:::::•::::l\'::::H~Dl'&::M~oil"!;ii::;;ll'ml:;~~.m?'oo·:·~~; I USICBO M Fox '"" --··~;a 815 S.W. BROADWAY • 226-6843 -DOORS OPEN 11 :45 A.M.– I '-Mohaoati2,3:30,7:05&10:3S .,... * LAUGH-A- ·. ) . Ml.'Vl 'TE! .· WALT DISNEY AND *AT BOTH THEATRES* Doris Day and Rod Taylor "THE GLASS BOTTOM BOAT" KGAR .1550 A GO GO Pepsi-Cola cold beatS any cola cold! I I I ••••••••••••••ttllllllffiJil I Dnr k. Pe~sr c.Qid- tne colderthe better Peps1·Co1as taste ~~EfJ~ thM was created for the co:d That spec1al Peps1 taste comes ;- /fO.A bethats theld '~ · o ersco <l!~e 1nthe c?:d ~hnch1ng. ouench1ng taste:hat never , . Pepsi ··· g1ves out beiOre vour th1rst g1ves mPeps1pou rs1t on 1 ~ ·,.- pours it on! (;,1111hl L· Jn,· . p,,rcL•nl! , lire . NU TAX! LARRY SEGER WATCH & JEWELRY REPAIR MORRIS ROGOWAY Oia_mond_SJ»K-ialin__ M~o:....:r~ris Rogoway 1 Jeweler 837 S. W. Broadwa'/ - next to Fox Theater CREDIT? GLADLYl A LiHie Down. Balance in Small Weekly or Monthly Payments Phone: 226-2919 NO INTEREST - NO CARRYING CHARGES - ASK FOR· Our Gra~uates do School & Office Work in y 2 to y; Former "frme, Are of All Ages-Grades 1 thru Colleg~ Bus!ness & Professional. Possibly One is Your ' NeJghbor . . . Ask Him ' Come In or Call Now! Classes Available from 1-5 Hrs 6 A.M. to 10 P.M.-6 Days ·a Week. 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