Clarion Defender_1967-08-03

Del Monte Fruit Cocktail No.303 Sfor$1 Can ----~-- ---- Sea Trader Fancy Chunk Tuna No. Y2 4for$1 Can Folger's 1st $ 2-lb. Can Mountain Grown Coffee 3-lb. s2.12 l-Ib. can 75" Pop Tarts 11 oz. Pkg. Kellogg's- Real Fruit Filling. No need to refrigerate. Ice Cream Half Gal. Choose from 16 Flavors. Old LUCERNE PARTY PRIDE Favorites and new Special Flavors. GUEST QUALITY Sea & Ski Tanning Cream J1.37 "' oz. btl. ·'Batteries Eveready "D" 39c azor Flashlight Pl.g 2 • Blades ··Repellent Off for Insects 98c S ox. Aero bomb 0 ' 'for the tummy'' 2r.ll •25c Sheffield Double-edge .Turns free blode with pkg. Assorted flavors of 5 Shampoo 'Truly Fine 69c 16 OI, btl. Black Flag lnsee\ Killer 79c 7 oz. bomb CANTALOUPES JUMBO SIZE Firm and :iweet · meated goodness SPECIAL for Head Lettuce Green·Beans Local Grown 2 29( Solid Heads for Bluelake 2 39( Variety lbs. Avocados Clip Top Carrots Onions Red Salad Cucumbers Firm Green Tomaloes Small Sixe Bell Peppers Glouy Gre~n Red Potatoes u.s. No.1 Haas Variety Calavos 2 for 35c ~ :: ~~: l PLUM·A·RAMA • 1 Santa Rose laroda Each 10' ~ QueenAnn Nubianna I 2 -lb. 39' Bkt. tb.29' 5-lbs.J9t l Elephant Heart 1 l Your 4 $1 1 Choice Jbs. I Fresh Baked Pastries Only the Very Best lngredietlls I FRESH BUNS : ASST 1 D BRE'ADS Homburgl!!r or Hot Dog 1t's Picnic We other Raisin, French, Butter, Rye, Mony, Many More 15 oz. leaf 4 for $1 ----------- ----t-- ------------ CINNAMON ROLLS Old-fashicnod Goodness with 2 pkgs. $1 Oceans of Cinnamon ct 12 APPLE SAUCE CAKE Spicy 4-layor cake Rich maple flavor icing, Topped with nut• Ea. $1 CLARION, 'DEFENDER ' ' .' Assorted Gelatins ' ' Highway Segment• · Gardenside Whole .. ·Grapefrilit • Jell-well Apricots 3 oz. 15for$1 Pkg. No.303 Sfor$1 Can Sfor$1 No. 2¥2 Can J-·---------- 1------ ~ ----- -~...-- --------.-...- ' Beech-Nut Strained Del Monte Tomato Bel-air Frozen Lemonade l Baby Food ~ 4¥2 oz. 14for$1 '- Jar ~ 6 oz. 10for$1 '- Can 29 EDWARDS ,.t $125 Mandarin Oranges ;~::.~~~s· Broccoli Chopped COFFEE ~-~~· 10 oz. pkg. 3-lb. 5 2.04 1-lb. 69¢ FOLCERS 6oz. 99 Instant 10 oz. $1.49 jar C c FRENCH Skylark 25( BREAD 1 co:;· Western Farms Skylark 29( BREAD 6~;lb;z. c Creme De Fruit l 49( uctrne SALAD Pint Top Round Boneless Steal. lb. 99c USD.A, Choiea . Corned Beef Bonelen lb. 79c Brisket Rotisserie Roast Boneless lb. 98c Sirloin Tip s . S k Boneless WISS tea Bottom Round Steal. ·tb. 89c Ham Roast Fully Smoked lb.S9c Bull Portion Ham Steaks Le~n center steah lb. 98c from Smoked Hams Boneless Roast Waste-free lb. 89c Bottom Round Sliced Bacon Safewt1y or l -Ib. 79 Armour Star Pkg . C Lunch Meats B•r-S Asserted ltor 89c b oz. pl.g. Lamb Chops T ·Bone of lamb lb. 5 1.29 Small lorn Pineapple Juice ;:~::~ .. n Kernel Corn I 0 oz. pkg. Apple Juice Hood River Sweet Peas 24 oz. size 10 oz. pkg. Chili Con Carne H•ley's Orange Juice Florida Juice JS1f2 oz. c•n 6 oz. Your Choice Bel-air Foods 4for$1 6for$1 Smoked Ham Fully Smoked ... Full Shank Half · lb. Unsurpassed for Quality and Flavor "NO WATER ADDED" -Leg ot Lamb 7 USDA Choice and Prime Grade Lamb lb. Long on Flavor-Full Value Trim U.S.D.A. Grade "A" Small Turkeys Great Baked or put on the Rotisserie FRYER· ROASTER 4 to 8 lb. lb. Lamb Roast USDA Choice Pre-carved Shoulder Roost 59' c c c Silk Bathroom Tissue ~~~~e:\~~!~~ Duncan Hines Mixes ia~~r~~ 4 roll pack Pkg. 39c 39' 39' FABRIC White Magic SOFTENER DETERGENT White Magic S •t N k• S Confidets ••• For ani ary ap In Confident Protection Pkg. of 12 Italian Dressin9 8 oz. btl. Wishbone Relish Del Monte Sweet Pickle I4Y-4 oz. jar 43c 3Sc P "ll b B f All-pur- 10 -lb.$] 37 I s ury es poseFiour Bag • Prices effective Aug . 3 thru Aug. 5 at Safeways in Portland, Beaverton, Cedar Hills, Forest Grove, Gresham, Hillsboro, lake Oswego, Milwaukie, St. Johns, Tigarc:l.. Oregon City, St. Helens, Vancouver, Camas, New· berg & Clatskanie. ' Clothes White; s 9 C Brings Fresh 17 oz. 49 C Dishes Bright Softness BoHle 491/4 oz. Pkg. to Clothes HANDI- FORMULA WRAP 409 ,_,.,, 9 All-purpose 89 C isasnap 200' s. C Household cleaner. with Roll 22 oz. lottie Handy-Wrap Agitator Jailed 60Days In Municipal Court Wednes– day, Lee Parker, 18, no ad– dress given, was ordered to spend 60 days in the City Jail after a brief trial. PARKER, charged with dis– orderly conduct for throwing a bottle against an unmarked police car and for cursing po– lice officers, pleaded not guil– ty to the disorderly conduct charge. The city presented two witnesses who testified that Parker was one of three or four youths heading an unruly 60-to-80 person mobl heading east on NE Fremont · Street between Union and 7th Avenues Monday evening. Parker presented no wit· nesses. He told the court that he was not part of the mob but was on his way home from a swimming pool when he was arrested. Municipal Court Judge Phil· lip T. Abraham imposed the sentence, considered "stan– dard fare" for riot · connect· ed cases. Joe Cornelius West, 19, of NE 12th Ave., ai!eged to be the youth who beat and rob· bed Irving Park attendant Ira G. Williamson Sunday , was granted a Friday prelim· inary hearing and given a court · appointed lawyer to de· fend him against a charge of robbery by force and violence. West, also known as "Little Joe", is a former amateur boxer who won the state Gold· en Gloves lightweight title in 1964. FOUND GUILTY of disor– derly conduct was Themous Woods, 19, of 4817 NE Gar· field St. A presentence inves– tigation was ordered. Trial of Clarence Hamick, 19, of 20 N. Shaver St.. on charges of disorderly conduct was reset for Friday after he withdrew a guilty plea made Tuesday. He informed Judge Abraham he had not under– stood the charges made against him at the time of hi's earlier appearance in court. Scheduled for trial Aug. 8 on charges of disorderly con· duct is McKinley Harper Jr., 18, of 5707 N. Haight Ave. Judge Abraham also set Aug. 8 as the date for prelim· inary hearings fo: Andrew . Ray Lawson, IS, of 2616 NE : 12th Ave., Larry Bradley, 18. ; of 70 NE Fargo St., and Roy : James White, 18, 9201 N. Se- ' ward Ave. All are charged with u n I a w f u I assembly. Charges of possession of a fire bomb and carrying a conceal– ed weapon against all three were dismissed. A COURT appearance was scheduled Aug. 9 for Lawrence Ellgene McCallister. 18, of 4126 NE Garfield Ave.. charg· ed with resisting arrest. Larry Earl Jackson, 18, of 3522 N. Michigan Ave., Roger Pete Sanders. 18, of 517 NE Knott St., and Harold Eman· uel White, 19, of 3964 N. Mass· – achusetts Ave., all pleaded not guilty to disorderly con– duct charges and their trial · was set for Aug. 10. Char~es of possession of a fire bomb and carrying a concealed weapon against White were -dismissed. A trial date of Aug. 16 was ~ set for Anthony Perz's, 27, of' 606 N. Fargo St., charged with disorderly conduct. Employed Youth Shun Trouble Only 4 of 430 youths enrolled in the in-school Neighborhood . Youth Corps were arrested during the recent civil disturb- ' ances in Albina, the coordina· lor of the program said Wednesday. "I think this proves the worth of the program, and that these kids will work and stay out of trouble if they're given the opportunity," the coordinator, Joel Sappenfield, added. The in•school Neighborhood Youth Corps, a part of the war on poverty, gives part· time and summer employ– ment to youths from low-in· come families to enable them to continue their education. Sappenfield said U1e youths are working in dozens of jobs, including a special nur.>ing education program at the Uni– versity of Portland and the , computer ·department at Port-, land r.olice headquarters. Assault Nets 6-YearTerm Archie Lewis, 29-year-old t r a n s i e n t, was sentenced Wednesday to six years in Oregon State Prison . by Cir– cuit Court Judge Dean Bryson after pleading guilty to charges of ·assault with a dan· gerous weapon. Lewis was accused of threat– ening Mrs·. Rosie Mae John– son, 20, of 406 N. Beach St., with a loaded pistol in a gar– age on N. Williams Avenue Jast Feb. 20. He was giver. credit fflr time served in the Multnomah County Jail since his arrest. ·-