Clarion Defender_1967-08-25
THEATRES J J PARKEF( ~ ROADWAY. :.t. II! ...N<, jjf,&( ("), ,,,. &.' •' ' 0 "'','1Q r 0 ... 1 1001 S.W. llraoclway- 213-7343 CONTINUOUS FROM 11 NOON o~EJ~' i"'re.,HE PSYCHEK&iC ~ ~oauor ...liE MiPPiEf! tt explodes out of today's headlines onto the screen! RlCHARD TODD ·JAMES MAC ARTHUR ebra Leartine Walker took 'a ride on Nena the performing Ele– phant at the Big John Strong Circus at the Lloyd Center Wednes– day. The show is free and well worth a visit. The circus will be there thru Saturday. Big John Strong and his children are the featured performers. In this photograph Jimmy "Bang-Bang" Walker is the trainer. . . . ~····~············.·······································---························ (: Call . . . . • • . . .. . . . • . . Call Mark Lee, one of Portlands most con- : troversial talk shew moderators •. The timL: to call is from 12:30 to l:OO. Monday thr~f: • ough Friday, on any subject, you name it! , .........................•....................•••.•••••...•...................••....•• : SUSAN OLIVER G~~=~;~r JOE PYNE ffiEtKARGER· HAtCOLLINS ARTHUR DREIFUSS. SAM KATZMAN .ARTHUR CREIFUSS .EASTMAN COLOR ~ A WISE BUY is a Pre-Owned CADILLAC '66 Cadilac Sedon deVil~..................... ..• ..,.. _ full power equipment Thermostat control. heater and oir condition· ing. New tir~ts. Only 1 S,OOO actual miles. Ntor new condition. R• mainder New Car Warranty. '64 Cadillac Convertible..................... '3195 White with white top. red leott'ler upholstery, Showroom cond1f1on. 'Only 23,000 actual miles. 64 Codillac Sedan deVille .................. 1 2895 Lll Power Equipment. Champagne Ggld. Excellent Condition. '63 Cadillac Convertibl" ..... •........... '2495 Full DOwer equipment. white with block top. Red loothOr upholstery. Beautiful. '61 CadillacCotlpecleVille............... '1895 Full fawn finish with scmdalwoad n ....... Makes '66 Rambler Marlin ........................... 1 2335 2 dr Hardtop with automatic tr arnmi nion, power steering and brakes. 327 cu. in. ongino. Yellow with roof. Only 7000 miles. '65 O..vrolet Impala Super Spt .............. '2250 2 dr Hdtp, V-8 engine, automatic transmission, power steering. Only 25,000milos. 1 651uickConvertible ......................... '2795 flodra "225~ w~h full power oquipmont. fWS many oth•r fadory extrcn and new tires. . '65 Iuick Electra "225" Coupe ••••••••••••••. '2695 Beautiful conditio.n. '66 Continental Convertible................... '4395 full power, fadory air conditioning, C~ampagne Gold with black too and blocS.: leather interior, new tires. Remainder new car warranty. '63 Chnrolet Impala Super Spart•••.••••••••• '1725 2 dr Hdtp, 327 V·B eng, auto transmission, pwr stnring, bronze with white roof, Only 30,000 miles. Perfect condition. fN~iMATION Phone CA 8-6248 \\Authorized Cadillac Dealer" I Mon. thru Fri. 'til<l~.~~- Sat. 'til4 P.M. I A NEii' STA.'iDARD oi EXCELLE.\ 'CE . " .-.~.-- ·]·:uar r • -~,ret • AM- • ,.. ,..._ _ cr. 1• It ,., Miss Lisa Walker received car key for a 1964 Cadillac con~·~·- ...... from courteous Sales Manager Chazz Young of Sagner Motors. Chazz has over 100 automobiles available · where twelve dollars down delivers on approved credit. THESE ARE RARING TO GO · 64 Chev Conv.-------------- - - ----- ----- -------------$895 62 Chev Conv.-~----------------- - ---- - --------------$895 64 Chev Conv.---------------- - ---------------------- 62 Chev Conv.---------------------------------------$895 64 Chev Conv.------------------------------------ $1095 63 Olds F-85 .--------------- - -- - ----------------- $1395 64 Olds 442 .---------------- - ---- - -------------- $1895 61 Lincoln 4dr Sdn----------------------- - ---------- $1395 61 T-Bird-- .. ---------- ----------- - - - - -------------- $99 5 64 Chev Conv------------------------- --------------$1245 62 Chev Conv----------------------------------------$995 Remember every car must be sold now. Come see ~s for a real buy. SAGNER 1836 N.E. UNION AVE. 288· 8534 Our Graduates do School & Office Work in Y2 to V4 Former Time, Are of All Ages-Grades 1 thru College, Business & Professional. Possibly One is Your Neighbor . . . Ask Him ' Come In or Call Now! Classes Available from 1-5 Hrs. Doily 6 A.M. to 10 P.M.-6 .Days a ·Week. Informed Educators Recommend These Ski lis Which Improve Grades Certified Bonded to & Licensed ·by the Oregon State De- 222-9805 Over 9 Successful Years in Portland partment of Education 830 S.W. 10th Facing the Main Library •·•·•••····••···•······•·····························•···········•·•·•·••••••••••••··•·••·•········•••······•·•· The more you put into something-like water skiing-the more you get out of it. Same with Blitz-Weinhard Beer. You get more out of Blitz, because we put more in. We put in more time, hand-selecting nature's finest hops and barley, sun-ripened in our own Northwest country. We put in more time for slow, unhurried brewing and aging... more time for those important extra details that give a beer its character. That's why you'll always enjoy a fine light beer with character in every glass of Blitz. Have one... and see if you don't agree. tAR$ \ M••'a (pe. 50 '65 (o~a ~ 110HPeng, $13 '63 (heY le~_~ir SJ1f S138 5 turq. v.a.. Powerg I tron>,rod•~·A80" ....... .... 5 Ill JMar (pr. White, blat '" ., • d rodio- .. · ••P ' 2069R .... .. .. ( Stock No- I k Spl pe '66 Iuick Skyoti~power $2333 v 8 outom ' Mon:o &. brakes, rodio. steer.r,g 3 • .• • • • • • Stock 1>1°· 1" 5 11 ·· SS 3t)6 Spl (pe 7 7 ,6, Qae'le e $22 t Powerg\ide, power urq. d' stHrit\g, ro 2 ~;2-'o .. .... ••··· Stock 1-lo- "-pala 4 clr Ht lid• trons, '66 (heY '":oint., V·B eng. Pow2erg49 light green~ blo $2 wer steertng, :dioo Stotk ••• , •• , , No.1399............ • 6 sntlclr S1188 11\ue.Stock N:~~~ 3 ~i~~~\~ .• 60 1 7 clr 89 'f!3 lalftu"' $ Gfeen, 6 cy1, . overdrive, rcd~~9A •• •• 0. o. ••· 0 Stock No.H1 \ (~nliftOIIIGI. clr. e cor. V-8, '6~ Unco n thon . a••r•9 CJ8 • . belief • 1 8 A \ow m,\eoge, r $ outomotlt, tull po~e h . c.ond 1 t,onlf'IQo ~· 6 o; ~heY 1f 1 _1on P~ tu:~ .. ~o.13 6 P 1 1 .d ""'rou, reo $2666 "8 I. >P• ' .,~1~n tire~. W!hcor warranty. bolonte ot ne a .. 0 0 • ••• ~.~ ~t;;~sv~·;~n Pic1L•s' 1588 6 cyl . 3 spd. rodiOt heater, go~~~~A ••••••• • • • • ,.,.. Stock t-~o fulura Sport ...,.. 7 7 , fakon . .,., 63 v.a •"'omoi•C·po S11 1\ue, ' \'l me whee\,. steer~ng, c ~;\8"-. • • • •. • . ··• Stock t-~o . .I ,.MI 500 Spl (pe . Crui•omotic. '64 foru- . ..,.s 352 cu '"' 5 White, b\ueb~~~~o.:;ithp~wcr S\55 One ?""ner dio. tess than 20,• ~~~;;~Stock t-~o. 85 " •· 'i.dionWagon •61 (hu~~!y~~,~~YO S $ftCJCJ Beige, fo \"de radiO• ., 6 cyl. Pow•;;~o,: •. ••..••••••..• Stock t>lo. I pala Super ~~ Powerglide, '61 (beY ~eueot>, 327 cu '"v 4 . 88 White, green bu& bro\tei, neW $1 power steertnOh 27 month wor· W5W 1 "•';:'~o. 12111< - · • • • •• rt Coupe ronty.Sto< " rt "1 s- ..,..,., 4 1oc111 .,a • '8 outomohc, r · ·~~d-blo<k i~uckel •eots, V· S 1387 ,,..rtnO, roc! ' The fine light beer with character from the West's oldest brewery 0 Blitt·Wtinhard Co•• Portland, Oreaon ;;~,:~o. 1525" .. . ~- SOO 4 clr Scl~; ••••"ng '63 forcl ~alaJ"s. Crui•omotoc. po'" 6CJ Whit•. turq ·~'~o.l.231<. '4o $11 & brakes. Sto~ mo with no o month icr 3 PP credit • 0 • money down on o . I Sport (oupe Iron> ' '64 (beY \lftpa a V-8, Pow•rghd• . block intor~or, $1666 d,ome whee~S!I .. .. .• •. Coupe Stock t-~o. 15 is' (ul\aSS S,.rtmoti< power '66 0\cll f• . yl interior. "· 8 • outo44' 4 bronzovon . $2 Jton~Bt & brak es, ro d!O· .,..nn9 I ., c.or warrant(• aotcnce 0 ". • ••• \, ••• ,.,ge, . ower stetrM\Q, ~adio- Sto<k .. .. •.. t-~o.'ll.55_.." " .. h t\toCk M rodoo, '64 C•"'"~ .: ••o"''"i'"""· ~M-f 88 350 HP ~-8, I. i'\ $27 wer window,, or po 1 ther seou. blue. "" 12701< •... ••.. .. . Sto<k 1'1•· Stock t-~o. 401 ,,.iioY· SJ1f 8 '63,~1,elrod,ocyl. $1 \ ft 1WO• 0 d'o ~ 3 spcl trons8, ;:R',..•• • • • • • • ••' • • Stock No.
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