Clinton St. Quarterly, Vol. 9 No. 4 | Winter 1987 (Portland) /// Issue 36 of 41 /// Master# 36 of 73

DOWN THE ALLEY throws i tse lf a on New Year's Eve. 0 3 6 3 8 SE H a w th o r n e B lvd . 236 -7 9 7 6 0 727 NW 21S T A v e . 2 4 8 -9 7 4 8 NewYearsEveGaku December 31: ART FINAL GOODBYE PARTY . . . under $10 Hawthorne Auto Clinic,Inc 3522 SE HAWTHORNE • PORTLAND • 232-8845 MONDAY TO SATURDAY 10:30 - 6 • SUN NOON - 5 Mechan ical serv ice and repa ir of im po rt and domestic cars and l ig h t t r u c k s F IAT and Peugeo t s p e c ia l is ts NEW! Huge shipment o f drums, bells, masks and percussion from Cameroon, W s t Africa. Dozens o f new and used guitars. Records and tapes. Exotic percussion. Song books and instruction books. Celebrate one year of struggles and miracles by attending a CHAMPAGNE ART AUCTION. The very last event for ADTA, as i t closes on January 15, 1988. Come say goodbye. Refreshments and fun, amazing art buys--bring your VISA/MASTERCARD. Auctions are funi ART DOWN THE ALLEY 3764 SE H aw th o rn e 235 -0654 “great gift ideas now open in two locations 7 days a week ♦ over 100 frag rances ♦ soaps, bubb le bath, m o is tur izer, lo tions , sk in care ♦ cards, g i f t bags, w r a p , . . . and more Hundreds of great gifts for under $20. ? ARTICHOKE MUSIC® appointments 4307 S.E. Haw thorne . _ Portland, Oregon 97215 Z J 4 J* 117 3 /6 6 5E 2.30-1231 ASHLEY HOWARD RUSSELL LADD CIRCLE GALLERY DECEMBER 3, 1987 - JANUARY 30, 1988 PACIFIC NORTHWEST LANDSCAPES CLASSES FOR ADULTS FOR CHILDREN TRAPEZE ACROBATICS DANCE and many more! ECHO THEATRE 1515 SE 37th 231-1232 Clinton St. Quarterly—Winter, 1987 21