Clinton St. Quarterly & G A RR E TT < CO LLEC T IO N INTERNATIONALPUZZLES ■ ■ ■■ ■H1I 1. GEOMETRY IN STAINLESS The origin of this type of puzzle was first proposed in the tenth century. This stainless puzzle challenges you and others to rearrange all the pieces into the simple e legance of six geometric shapes. These shapes a re a square, rec tang le , rhomboid, Greek cross, right-angled triangle and a trapezium. Use your ingenuity with this historically known puzzle. $19.95 2 HEARTBREAKER This type of puzzle was popular decades ago among the Pennsylvania Dutch. It is made out of steel and the object is to remove the heart. The display stand comes with it. $19.95 3. CHECKS ON LEATHER Use your skill in the games of chess or checkers on this fine leather piece. Silk-screened in the traditional chess board pattern. Luxurious for the home and pe r fec t for travel. Checkma te on this makeover of a classic! 14 inches square—playing pieces not included. Chess board—$40.00 4. BALL PUZZLE Transfer the ball from one hanging loop of cord to the other. Your wits will be tested. Centuries ago the ball puzzle was used in magic rites by African tribes Our version is solid brass $19.95 5. Tangram. Scholars be lieve tangrams originated in China. The earliest known reference was published in a Chinese book in 1803. Many versions have been invented and have proven to be popu lar through history. Use all five pieces to make a five-inch square. This puzzle, made of indestructible rubber, is more baffling than it appears $9.95 gifts fo r those with curious minds 6. PYRAMID. Use these two wooden pieces to form a pyramid. The pyramid is made of exotic hardwood. Innocently decep tive .‘ This stylization is of American origin. $10.95 7. MAGIC SQUARE. On this plexiglass tab le every row, co lum n and d ia g o n a l must a d d up to fifteen . Mathematicians enjoy the magic square. In Ancient Egypt, priests used the square to predict the future. $2495 8. PICKING CHERRIES Disengage the cord and balls from the leather rectangle. Picking cherries is a perfect mind teaser. Originating in Europe, this type of puzzle has been played for centuries 11.95 9. THE HATCHING EGG. Break apart this handmade terra cotta egg and see how many bird varieties can be made. Let your imagination fly and be inventive. $19.95 10. CHANGE OF HEART. As in most matters of the heart, this game is purely abstract. It could be the beginning of rendering new geometric possibilities This handmade terra cotta heart can be formed into fanciful shapes and curves. Shown are examp les o f the puzzle reassembled. $19.95 11. TANGRAM Sailing / Dancing. This Ancient Chinese puzzle is made out of myrtlewood, grown in Oregon. It is surprising the variety of boats and dancers that can be achieved using all the pieces Challenge yourself to form the examples shown or invent new ones The grain of the wood will enrich your designs $9.95 ORDER FORM ITEM# ITEM NAME PRICE NO. ORDERED TOTAL PRICE TO: Name: Address: C i t y : S t a t e : Z i p : FROM: Name: Address: Dead line for Christmas orders December 15 ,1986 PRICES INCLUDE UPSSHIPPING C i t y : S t a t e : Z i p : _ □ VISA □ MasterCharge □ CHECK Credit C a r d # E x p i r a t i o n Date SEND ORDER FORM & PAYMENT TO: Clinton Street Quarterly Box 3588, Portland, OR 97208 54 Clinton St. Quarterly