Clinton St. Quarterly Vol. 8 No. 4 Winter 1986

Take a look at an issue of The Progressive I BY ALLAN NAIRN Then decide if When a Steel Town Fades Encounterin Gaxa DEATH BY PRESCRIPTION * A cate study incorporate greed * and official neglect BY MATTHEW ROTHSCHILD * YOU I tha t Won*t Go Away. >ade Music you’d like to subscribe. Yes, let ME decide—Send me my FREE issue and reserve a one-year subscription for only $16.97. NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP G U A R A N T E E : I f The Progressive isn’ t fo r you, return the subscription bill marked “ cancel” w ith in tw o weeks and that’s that. You’ve spent nothing. You owe nothing. And the sample issue is yours to keep, FREE. P.O. BOX 2049, MARION, OHIO 43306 56036 50 Clinton St. Quarterly