THEWINNERS PLEASE F o r t h e 6 t h y e a r runn ing , t h e C l in to n St. Q u a r te r ly h a s w o n a h e f t y t h e a w a rd s in t h e S o c ie ty o f P ro fess iona l Jou rna l is ts ’ (S igm a D e re g io n a l c o m p e t i t io n f o r n o n -d a i ly p u b l ic a t io n s . In e a c h ’ y e a r s w e h a v e w o n f irs t p l a c e in t h e Illus tra t ion e x c e p t io n . C SQ w in n e rs f o r 1985: ’RST ILLUSTRATION ILLUSTRATION / s h a re o f , - g m a D e l ta C h i) - in e a c h o f t h e p re v io u s c a te g o ry . This y e a r w a s n o MARLYSTONE HENKPANDER* RICHARDJ. BROWN REEDDARMON LEANNEP n " ^ Cl ^ LIM' . c ^ G Y LINDQUIST DAV IDMILHOLLAND4 STEWARTHOLBROOK KEITHABBOTT -Trr' ' I r r ^ . **«•<<* s HI iwlupiiurd' amiilh-rv miimwi inamnlnn, ...»iu l HIII .1 MIUII dk ilrhvmvkbr ne Ilului naniixl vadin. i hit ihn I tvjMKX'Jlx-ilklnNupamik w mwitlm amsniavU imu mmilhIulHuntnnI Iul Ixximk-nmre. muks*.ikiaMainlIn ilk'Iwaki M some niik'Avarmarriage handwassixteenamiharkii tlunwn UK I werede _^««l b««n s'«mn tltemwltes.i-'|kvialli Iharo I«a»IxvinnniginMi'|kMtlx1 reasonIk-lilt IXX.IUH- my^pe'fawa'i lieinukkti lumllcIm ixilx-m -IIKX Iul Ixvnpradkalh iibcp.irablvMikedx-na* 1 *a s a broc - lourulk-nlk-nkncdinnull IN llu. amlllkfaitiliatIhadlinalhdeckk-dIwasrealk ap u t llu lorallibiiH-k-NX-"amidlline".a-Ik-ahiai'pointedout. I Iul iowrite. Thaw*-- I Iu lbeenMeduplorweek' intheuikldarkcabinmi WwonKn^tetryingto"" nnpeiti' Thek-^s Ihougbwerebecomingmore ; • « moresotuu It seemed they •*” eiyhome I couldnI loretoween. thow<"- "Z ^ q In "‘^ . o,e« n 6" •*„ '"■"^ ”68' *^tn J to "Olo,^. . L i t R DAMMANN DENNISEICHHORN M IM I MADURO winner fo r the Clinton St. Quarterly. '«n- u : ^ e ^ o U s or eight years we've been knocking on your door with pitches from penguins, pooches, our founding fathers and the royal couple. Each was intended to tickle the funny bone on your check writing hand. We've always disliked the "alternative press" hqbit of crying wolf with boring regularity. Consequently, no matter how taut our financial tightrope has stretched, we've tried to keep a sense of humor. You have seen us through quite an evolution, as the CSQ has grown into a major magazine of the West Coast. Recent national recognition has brought in subscribers from the entire U.S. Your gift subscriptions to friends and family around the country will help spread the word about the CSQ. Attractive postcards will be sent to all those on your list. We can only be as good as the support we receive from the community. Your subscription as we wrap up our eighth year would be a major boost. With your vote of confidence the CSQ can continue to grow and prosper, for we have barely tapped the potential that this magazine can achieve. Thank you. Subscriptions are $16 for two years. 1. N A M E ADDRESS C IT Y STATE ZIP 2. N A M E ADDRESS C IT Y STATE ZIP 3. N A M E ADDRESS C IT Y STATE ZIP 4. N A M E ADDRESS C IT Y STATE Z IP ____________________ * AAAIL TO: CSQ, BOX 3588, PORTLAND, OR 97208