Clinton St. Quarterly, Vol. 6 No. 4 | Winter 1984

To The Good Folks at the.MEthddist Hospital] Desnos some the could bring along my cat Tzara? He the good people at Purina Chow about his extraordinary disposition Avenue North Hops b' t inn55^4^ °r addye; GOOS Clinton St. Quarterly of the not an o serving 335 y I Hopkin’ and yes I someday I’ll and leave bills passed on than the Thank 7oU the other One moment of your valuable time only. You have such a Fine Facility and service so you do not think Thank YOu for your Valuable care industry.. No Bother? I have even writtensd Hopkins Theatr, T ° ° ^ o rs of Jhe addresa I have been along for fifteen yeans, living with my cat Tzara, but I am actively and happy and foresee no problems with my health situation though God Forbid if something happyfts someday I have money and plans to see me through. Many dimes I have been to your cppttal E Excellent hospital to visit ailing friends, quite a few oldtimers who have often deceased but No Not for Lacking Care! They received the BEST treatments and kindness, good food and pleasant quarters. Some whre simply too old and with sadnesses or different difficulties and bless them. As you can disserh I was a Visitor and would sit bedside to read or tell them my storaes. The nurses you employ are Angels, grade A employees, Very Smart and helpful, and apart for checking in on my fieends to adjust the bed or Just To Be Nice(and isnht that sou crucial?) they would all-the t be saying Mr. Desnos May I bring you coffee? or whatnot, and how I appreciated this from sush busy and productive people? Care especially for your Senior Citizen patients who are less ilklucky than I, who',' at 82, am in tiptop condition and alert as a spring chuck? I .take NO mdddines, I Pay My OWn Way, I am active in Senior Programs and jogging (it is my joke that this rock and rodil makes me run for cover!), and 1 am also writing a book about my many times and travelsw. know that being 82 isn’t wkai like being 20 , and that perhaps be a patient or ready to die though Not Just YEt? I have Means mediciir (Medical) programs so I won’t be a Welfare patient and unpaid (it is my jokes that perhaps some of my friends who have at your Excellent Facility were out rather to beat the creditor d e v i l ! ) . But perhaps you can Understank my worry that perhaps 1111 someday be on other side of my humor? and I like to be prepardd. Don’t worry- I won’t needing a bed tommrrow! I have some questions but also I have said what Now heae I am rambling and 1 asfc you excuse this old codger (What a word That is?!) because I am a writdr at heart. I am also a Realist I could also pay Special Charges for this I'd take advantage! time and continued goad works in the heilth wanted- You Toa Know - Such an Exceptional P lace. I will hurry now. One) Are nurses tipped? Now don't say Oh This Old Coot blahblaJp because I don't mean for getting a needle or fixing up the drapes! I mean when I visit and am offerred FREE coffee (or Sanka as this is better to jog With o nd Not Ahead of one's ticker!), should I tip? As a gesture and Thank You. And then if so what is appropriate? I can pay whatever. Two) Someone told me already that I*m silly for even ASking this, but what harm can therey be and perhaps they do'not know? God Forbid, should the day G. Dresser, nve5ide n t old and quiet, perhaps in cat years as old as myself£8$ and like me, he is tiptop, very Well-Mannered! What lAm askingis if there is a Special Section on a Ground Level where I couldsstay, a window left open a crack (he is trim) would enable him to go Outside to do his business and of course -I would bring along his Chow X 12' J