Clinton St. Quarterly, Vol. 6 No. 4 | Winter 1984

1016 SW Morrison Portland, Oregon 97205 (503) 222-2673 FROM JAMAICA A Flying Colours Story Portland’s oldest and most complete Knitting and Needlework store. Opened in 1971, we continue to thrive downtown on Morrison Street. Over the years we’ve expanded our merchandise and grown in size, though not so much that we can’t give the personal service our customers deserve! POPCORN GIFT IDEAS Haw you I m Coekiug tot Ike uttinude gilt jot that papconn Covet in ym fawify? Would you tcdket give ooMetluHg dimmed io yout eMfcteyeeo, cuolcutceto and liiendt Uut yeat Jot Clwwtwcw? 340 S.E. 7th 234-0576 Portland, Oregon 97214 EUGENE WED. DEC. 12 EMU BALLROOM U of 0 PORTLAND THUR. DEC. 13 STARRY NIGHT SEATTLE FRI. DEC. 14 MOORE THEATRE NONQUI PRESENTS Out foMoua papcete ptodudo n«u«4(iduted in Podland MW come in a deavuded gilt pack wide weeny deticieua oeleclioM available. Great Selection of Unusual Boxed Christmas Cards 2916 N.E. BROADWAY - PORTLAND • 284-4741 Clinton St. Quarterly 27