Clinton St. Quarterly, Vol. 5 No. 4 Winter 1983

StorzWide dfoUdaMSate POPCORN GIFT IDEAS PULLOVERS PANTS COTTON AND WOOL SWEATERS MEN'S AND WOMEN'S SHIRTS SCARVES BELTS 355fo S.E. HAWTHORNE 231-1718 COTTON S IMMEDIATE D’LIGHT / COVER HAND-EMBROIDERED THAI “HMONG” DRESS HUNGRY? Year-Round Versatility. 700% Cotton $45 Wc h^vo MEXICAN VANILLA! NATURAL FIBER CLOTHING FROM AROUND THE WORLD In Hillsdale Shopping Center Just off Barbur Blvd. Next to Wilson High 246-3417 Stretch ISfatjff fruit Leafier The Simple Snack. AT FAIR PRICES “ 3538 S.E. Hawthorne 236-5195 UMd you tetket give swoefkiog diiiex&d te ym employees, mtemm wot (trends tkb ym (tit Clwbtouw? Have yea been loakiag Jet ike uftiMate gijt jet ikat pepcew fevet in ym homily? Out hatMM pepcew pteducb MOHuhaciuned in Potiland MW come in a deconaied gilt pack with Many delicioM ieledioM available. 340 S.E. 7th 234-0576 Portland, Oregon 97214 AVALON318 SW. 9th FINE ANTIQUES • VINTAGE CLOTHING Clinton St. Quarterly 43