IN 1854, JAPAN WAS TOLD TICHl AANT1NO NATION IS AN - ^^ore than 200 years of isolation were ended, I J L / \ I N I_ Aand she was thrust into a world in the midst of industrialization and war. The traditional ukiyo-e art of Japanese printmaking was greatly influenced by this sudden exposure to the West. The artists readily adopted new techniques and subject matter, and their fresh view of the world dramatically changed the art of Japan. Don’t miss this landmark traveling exhibition Ki MB IMAGES OF A CHANGING WORLD JAPANESE PRINTS OF THE 20TH CENTURY PORTLAND ART MUSEUM NOVEMBER 30 - JANUARY 8 Organized and circulated by the Portland Art Museum, sponsored by Mitsubishi and supported by the National Endowment for the Arts. Additional support has been provided by the Contemporary Art Council and the Asian Art Council of the Portland Art Association.