THE IMAGE GALLERY >^r ^^5 ■* “MZXICA^ 1983" Christmas Show finds from our last winter's stay in Tatzcuaro, fiichoacanj Mexico! COPPER & POTTERY PINEAPPLE POTS LACQUER TRAYS, CHESTS, DISHES A GREAT SELECTION OF MASKS, PAPER CUTOUTS, EMBROIDERIES, TOYS, NATIVITY SCENES, BARK PAINTINGS BARBARA McLARTY (right), Director of Image Gallery and MARTINA CURL (left) during an exhibition of ALBERT & ARTHUR RUNQUIST The Image. Qatfery shows a rich mixture o fexhibitions. In 1983 we had. the pleasure of showing the drawings of Biff Plympton and the wood engravings of social commentator Thomas Nast. In 1984 special exhibits include paintings by the (ate Albert 81 Arthur Runquist, and new worlds by Jack McLarty. die tailor ourprogram to presentations other dealers cannot or do not show, often mirroring our travels andpersonal taste. 4017 SW MORRISON • ROOM 307 • PORTLAND HOURS 12 to 5 TUES • SAT fo r afestive Christmas experience, visit fh e Image Qatfery between now and (December 24 th.