Clinton St. Quarterly, Vol. 1 No. 4 | Winter 1979 (Portland) /// Issue 4 of 41 /// Master# 4 of 73

MARCEL, ON HIS WAY TO REPLACE- A FUSE IN HJS AUNT'S T lE lA - F lS Q L U ^ , ACCIDENTALLY STUMBLES INTO AN ANCIENT ANIMAL TRAP T^t, b e d t h e . vacuum c jtan tr; i l l ateace <» menfAt to tp 'iM , d h c o is ■fke pM fib ilitu o f +» +h«i»“ foower t<4enfi+<’«s. Hia.d n j z i t . ElfOKOr W i^a tch ee fo o ts a n . 15oyd Ravokihs e<Ave.s his -w o n he re5+’«</r^«AT- bA te ry 1**1' —de te rM /w<c( d€^on$t'r^h& d e ^ lo r« b /e 25