Clinton St. Quarterly, Vol. 11 No. 3 | Winter 1989-90 (Twin Cities/Menneapolis-St. Paul) /// Issue 7 of 7 /// Master #48 of 73

Beautifyand AVEDA horst educationcenter Anequa' opoonumiveftitwor andemrtnw $6 .50 $16 .00 $30 .00 $11 .00 $10.00 $5 .00 $6 .50 Services: * * • Aromatherapy shampoo, haircut, and style • Permanent wave/relaxer starts at . • Permanent wave for highly textured hair starts a t .................................. • Color/tim . • Therapeutic aromatherapy facial • Manicure . . . • Pedicure......................................... Become a Student at the Horst Education Center for Cosmetology: A Great Place to Learn and Grow • Cosmetology Course 11,550 hours) • Esthiology Course (700 hours) • Nail Esthetics Course (350 hours) Courses start throughout the year Stop by or call (612) 378 7400 for more information; (612) 378-7401 TDD only. • Plus many more services All services performed by supervised students and are offered for every woman, man and child. Call 331-1400; appointments not always necessary. Maximum Convenience: • Free parking behind Institute/bike racks • Located on bus lines Adults and Teens When you take a class at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design, the end result is more than a painting, a poster or a film. It's a change in you. Experimentation in the visual arts is one of the best ways to unlock your creative potential and discover your artistic self. Choose from an ■ outstanding selection of 50 classes and w o rk s h o p s . R e g i s t r a t i o n o p e n s January 8tn Minneapolis St. Paul C l a s s e s b e g i n February 5th MainCampus MCADafMMA 2501StevensAvenue LandmarkCenter ■Continuing Studies Minneapolis College of Art and Design 870-3065 before Jan. 1 I after Jan. 1 874-3765 Call for a course catalogue. >04? tlENNEPIN A V > , HPL^ „ ^ O & & Z } -2A O & Casual D in ing in European Style Ambiance Capers 5Oth & Penn Ave. So. Pasta, Fresh Fish, Seafood, Italian Entrees &Award Winning P izza Open Daily 11 AM Sun-Thurs til 10 PM Fri & Sat til 11 PM Saturday breakfast 8-11:30 AM Sunday brunch 10-2 PM THE NEW FRENCH CAFE BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER WEEKEND BRUNCH 128 N. 4TH STREET 338-3790 ODEGARD BOOKS O F M I N N E A P O L I S CALHOU N SQUARE • 3001 HEN NEPI N AVE SO MINNEAPOLIS MN 55408 • (61 2)825-03 36 2 Clinton St. Quarterly—Winter, 1989-90