0 0 1 " A j.'de o+ Wi+V' hum in co.*. Cli nto n St. Q u ar te rl y— S u m m er , 19 88 NJL uns, nuns, nuns! Live and on stage!!! After my mom died in an auto accident (with nuns in the car) they took over. They even changed my diapers. In grade school, Jimmy Fagan wet his pants. I was Sister Jude Thadeus’ pet. She wanted me to become a priest. weu... iHoow \.K€ I'm ^oi to be ' in AmMCident bofoX i*>‘ a. of Pi ne - JoL skilled. THINK H! I did not fit in. As an altar boy, my cassock was too short. I had sexual feelings and I made up sins. Im grown up now and I have no nuns around me. Yet I’m haunted by them. t W KicK\K!b UAVT Tok A f- ktwa^.1