Clinton St. Quarterly, Vol. 11 No. 1 | Spring 1988 (Twin Cities/Minneapolis-St. Paul /// Issue 5 of 7 /// Master# 46 of 73

PATHS 113 f4» he L ^atie- a« n tune. fiVf terZ z “ S » tretries as to provoke a good deal of ridicule SKETCH A FEW POSSIBILITIES THINK OF TREES AS YOUR PRIME TOOL e gardens tn favor of the earned to such exabandoned tn land; curve ThefashnM PATHS V European Paths In rhe formal garden. ncjp«gfijc ■c-r WRB century, ^ 9 directly frorm siooal garden paths, and, oi .serpentine cw formal a* gave way t® scape scho* revolution . luted paths fulfil! specific li practical level they ® hegments, providiqf mhior Kiir- uhif f and bushes in the Wtunity of winding f credit to himself for to 'nature ' "On a irson, in Gardentny nan who so lengrh- treet to his front door 'it was hard on the ys, and it was said , sewing-machine hiuilij rueday TbeCUnths. ‘*r~~. ml . At rhe most Marriagt by Coie- he newly-nch Mr waimerHS he has iiliiaBwMZfoMaai> the t^ch c e J ^ '. straight hnes were W tltely K ! c . . ftsre^ *%*» "W r ^ r 7* fcs.”:**yM®k DESIGN FOR HARMONY Karen Wirth Planting an Idea PLANTING AN IDEA Clinton St. Quarterly—Spring, 1989 27