Clinton St. Quarterly, Vol. 9 No. 2 | Summer 1987 (Portland) /// Issue 34 of 41 /// Master# 34 of 73

NOWOPEN! For Changes, our NEW clothing shop featuring work by American Designers. Presented by The Real Mother Goose. DESIGNS-TO - WEAR 927 S.W. Yamhill (Next door to The Real Mother Goose) 223 -3737 WE’RE EXPECTING RAVE REVIEWS! • BRIGHT • CHEERFUL • BED &. BREAKFAST • IN CHINA- TOWN/NORTH BEACH • BASQUE CUISINE • ROOMS FROM $30 • 1208 STOCKTON ST. • SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94133 • (415)989-3960 • OBRERO HOTEL & RESTAURANT IN THE BASQUE TRADITION 31 8 S .W . 9 TH A V E . No Woman Need Suffer the Discomforts of P M ’S M E N O P A U S E O S T E O P O R O S I S Thanks to CIELO (See-a-lo), a topically applied moisturizing cream, these conditions can be relieved when used along with proper diet and food supplements. CIELO provides remarkable and often immediate relief of PMS and Menopausal symptoms. It arrests the onset of Osteoporosis (and in some cases can actually reverse it). CIELO absorbs quickly, leaving your skin smooth and soft, and no “ greasy” residue on your skin. Wrinkles fade and brown spots on hands and face diminish. CIELO has been successfully and happily used by thousands of women since its introduction in 1978. Many physicians and other health professionals recommend CIELO to their patients. Copies of letters from doctors and consumers on file will be sent to you on request. CIELO contains Natural Progesterone (from a plant source). Aloevera, natural Vitamin E, and other ingredients of the highest quality. When you use CIELO according to instructions (included with your order), your satisfaction is Guaranteed or your purchase price will be refunded. Use this form to order CIELO My check or money order is enclosed. Please send □ 1 1-oz. jar @ $12.50 □ 3 1-oz. jars @ $27.50 Prices include handling and shipping charges. Name______________________________________________________________ Street Address (for UPS) ______________________________________________ C i t y / S t a t e / Z i p : T e l . No.:4_____ )_________ Your satisfaction Is guaranteed or the purchase price will be refunded. Mail to Professional & Technical Services, Inc. 3331 N.E. Sandy Blvd. • Portland, Oregon 97232-1926 Telephone 503/231-7244 Tie Open Door Astrology and Tarot Readings METAPHYSICAL BOOKS RELAXATION MUSIC SWEDISH MASSAGE X ACCUPRESSURE Resurrections & Conversions Drag 'em in Wheel 'em out Try a Free Sample of our ? "Coffee of the Month" 33 Coffees 45 Teas Open 10 A.M. Daily 1644 N.E. HWY. 101 994-2488 1914 SE Ankeny Street Portland • 2 3 9 -0 5 5 3 NEXT TIME YOU FEEL LIKE PLAYING A ROUND.. Try a round of Cards or maybe ^ ■ ^ a round of Dominoes. Then a g a in s t there's Pigmania or laughs, Uno for fun. . .221-B Baker Street when you're feeling keenly logical. . .or Pente and Othello when you're strategically inclined. Fall back on those favorites ‘^ 'backgamm on uL^^and Chess or charge ahead intoW^Dungeons & Dragons. Relax with a Jigsaw Puzzle or meet the challenge of a Cube Puzzle. Maybe you just feel the urge, but don't know what to play. . .Come to the expertsl Whatever your game is, we've got it! SEndvames PORTLAND 200 S.W SALMON (503) 224 6917 EUGENE CLACKAMAS TOWN CENTER (503) 652 1434 " OF XT I f you really want a second opinion... PORTLAND NATUROPATHIC CLINIC ° W ® 255 -7355 0 W 1 z 11231 SE MARKET V PORTLAND, OREGON The Teaching Clinic o f the National College of Naturopathic Medicine. . , ( LUNCH DINNER COCKTAILS 1331 S W WASHINGTON 223-0054 Clinton St. Quarterly—Summer, 1987 29