Clinton St. Quarterly, Vol. 7 No. 2 | Summer 1985

TOW p m CMimN) But it jumped out of the bou/l ( and £ f?und Stiff q^d de^A l/vhen 1- A my in other h & ywvn p;$.». »,, x ne^er krxeuu o,^01^ kkose special duhe - Sorter bo+tk; so 31 knew H -was vjro^y^ tut 1 tr^d t? perk. jabbing him uA+k a. Wly ^Ib/TQH piy became pencil .. . dehydrated. &ut T tkouyhf he ■waf bei*^^ n^ mother iaid fkc SifuatioA vjm hopeless. +keft" I should hi HA out o f ki$ 5 © % kiM ouf fo f^Q backward and killed ki»*n untf a, troeu^t P allet... ’ J buried h;m |okind Ake Although I •felt ^ ‘Itj abbut ; ^ i Kept d’ggi’h^ hiw ^ee hdW much cdec<?^yo$e<d Ne^t} I- Cjat c\ turtle. Redd.i) Harris had some ta.d\<5,t°o , > <Ahd 4*je r«.ced vkem. Reddy slashed hi 5 turtle 4^iih his foot"... tattle ArieA in the Sunlight of the 'UJiv'dcTW' Sill . >. MeXt, I re^/v-ed <\ docj -for mu Utlv (oirfln^ da.ij. sister uccidert-- a\^ kipped A daircVer \Apon if 5 h<.«»-d., khis ^uve the Lovi-self- es+eem "Uih-ich lasted <xll his life, rip at fke kidS 9 -which dismdjed^Ay father. . did notkiirg tut L*y ofWud PYx tap <jf Vhe picnic t^ble an<d W^uld Someft'm^s Boy । uihen they start - t^ t vxlpp ‘ tasinesc 46 Clinton St. Quarterly