YOU TOO CAN (STILL) JOIN THE CLINTON 500! F o r the fifth year running, the Clinton St. Quarterly has received multiple awards in the regional competition staged by the Society of Professional Journalists. They include Isaac Shamsud-Din’s first prize in the Illustration category, a category in which we’ve placed first each of those five years and won 13 of the 15 top prizes. We received another first prize in the Environmental Reporting category for Melissa Laird’s report on the nuclear waste repository at Hanford. And David Milholland, CSQ co-editor, received first place in the Editorial category. Over the years we’ve won multiple awards in the Arts and Criticism, Education, Government, Minority Affairs, Investigative Reporting, Comprehensive Coverage, Humorous Writing, Sports, Personalities and Business News categories, 37 in all. That’s nearly two per issue. We work hard to bring you a paper of substance that both stimulates and amuses. We’re proud of the issue you have in your hands. THIS YEAR’S WINNERS: Isaac Shamsud-Din, first in Illustrating Susan Gofstein, second in Illustrating Melissa Laird, first in Environmental Reporting David Milholland, first in Editorials John Callahan, second in Minority Affairs Katherine Dunn, second in Arts and Criticism Musicmaster, second in Humorous Writing Lynn Darroch, third in Government Reporting Late last year, we announced the creation of the Clinton 500, a distinguished group of individuals and organizations which would support our efforts by pledging $100 each. The response to date has been most gratifying. But we are still short of our goal. Support has been received from writers and publishers, elected officials, small businesses, but most importantly, from dozens of individuals, many of whom had never given $100 to any non-profit organization in their lives. Some wrote out a check for $100 and sent it off; others are paying it off in chunks. Either way is much appreciated. We ask you to consider pledging toward our sustained growth. Your donation is tax deductible. Because we take controversial positions and hew to no party line, we cannot depend on massive financing from the powers that be. We need the support of our readers, extraordinary people like yourself. Members of the Clinton 500 automatically receive lifetime subscriptions. Don’t delay in helping us make publishing history. And thanks for your support. The Clinton 500 Pledge I want to be a member of the Clinton 500.1pledge to contribute $100. Name Phone Addrest state □ Contact me to talk further about this Pleasereturn toClinton St. Quarterly, Box 3588, Portland, OR97208. Thankyou. “It'll be a cold day at the North Pole before I subscribe to the Clinton St. Quarterly!” Said Mike McGee of North Pole, Alaska And yet this unretouched photograph, sent through the mail by government courier, is proofpositive that Mr. McGee didjust that! Perhaps it was a change of heart or the impinging dread of months without sun that drove this retired Air Force colonel into the arms of the West Coast’s premierejournal of political commentary, humor, fiction, features, and ultra snappy graphics. , But ever since that fateful moment when Mr. McGee put a chilled pen to paper, his mailbox has been just a wee bit warmer. Of course you don't have to live in faraway places to subscribe to the CSQ. The fact is, anyone can do it. So if you've ever thought that you'd like to see the CSQ at your door instead o f having to chase it down, consider filling out the handy subscription form below. And while you're at it, how about sending a subscription to a friend? Maybe someone down the street. Or maybe someone in a far-away place. I Subscription for you 1 For a Friend? | Name Name 1| Address 1 Address (We’ll send them a card saying the Thoughtful Friend is you.) Send only S6 for first subscription, $5 for each additional one to: The Clinton St. Quarterly P.O. Box 3588 1520 Western Avenue Portland, OR 97208 Seattle, WA 98101 Clinton St. Quarterly 45