BRIDAL SHOWERS GRADUATION BIRTHDAYS GIFTS FOB ALL OCCASIONS m NW 21st Ave. Monday - Saturday IO TO 6 Sunday NOON TO 5 Escential PARFUMERIE , , Lotions , , Oils Soaps Moisture Creams ti Cards ,, Some people will still call it The Nobby Tavern! Remember when the freeway to Salem was known as the Baldock and the one to Vancouver was the Minnesota? To some people they still are. The Civic Stadium was renamed years ago but it is often referred to as the Multnomah Stadium. Some people still call our bus company Rose City Transit and Delta Park is occasionally called Vanport. The zoo is sometimes called the Portland Zoo rather than the Washington Park Zoo. Some people will always call the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall the Paramount Theater. The Nobby Tavern has a new name and new owners. Stop in sometime and have a great meal, a drink, and listen to our hi fi. For hamburgers & homemade desserts 33 NW 23rd Pl 223-0287 Mon-Fri 8:00-7:00 Sat 8:00-4:00 FOOTHILL AAickoel Sears, <Gt\irop Pectic P hysician Serving /Northwest /\Uiglu»orl\c»ocI with Q uality <Shiropractic CLcxre • "-Healing by Eland" • AJeurological, AAuscular, Skeletal diagnosis & treatment • /Natural. Botanical Remedies • ^Nutritional Balancing • U re ven-five H ealth C ure maintenance for a more enjoyable life • 225-0255 (24 hours) Northwest 23rd ® Lovejoy 2609 A)W T-HURMAA 724 NW 25nd 224-6572 Clinton St. Quarterly EARLY Childhood BookhousE QUAliiy books FOR chi Id REN & ihEiR fRiENds 27