Clinton St. Quarterly, Vol. 6 No. 2 | Summer 1984

yiiim c g e o r H n n. e e ” a d B d c e li i n h ti e i z n s e d n b s t l h a e o re f h th o e e u a t d N l t i h n o e e rt s h n w e h e w a s s s t . b “H ee e n rb aic i l d o e n g S p a r n a d y i a nt g ti B m a e n s n e lo d n e in ly W ba a t s t h le in f g ot u o g n h t a n b d y O co r n e ­ ­ In an important new book, A Bitter Fog (Sierra Club Books, 1983), activist Carol Van Strum chronicles this struggle in the forests, homes and courtrooms of our region. Excerpted here is one tale of many that activated an unaware populace to resist the horrors of better living through chemistry. A Bitter Fog (An Excerpt) By Carol Van Strum June 22-28 (France/Algeria) 35 mm, 112 mins Eugene Premiere Bogart & Hepburn Ettore Scola s brilliant, proFrench history July 13-19 SEEING J ^ y ^ 2 6 THE LAST WAVE Richard Chamberlain stars in Peter Weir s mesmerizing (USA 1976) Aug. 3-9 woman's eye view A rare and memorable portrait with gentle story is a Mary Hartmamsh plight played lor comedy, not Dirty Dishes is the lirst feature by director Bunuel (daughterVibeke Lokkeberg (Norway 1984) Director Dusan Makaveiev (Sweden 1981) 35 mm extraordinary acting without a single word being spoken " S F Chronicle lawyer defending an aborigine accused of murder and is drawn irtto modern symbolism and ancient tribal rituals woman around, anywhere who will not relate to Dirty Woody Allen is a schnook enlisted by blacklisted writers Io put his name on their scripts during ihe 1950 s witchhunt era Also with true blacklisted Zero Mostei in this bullseye comedy with a serious Iheme • Judy Davis (My Brilliant Career) gives a riyeHmq performance as an activist leader itallhng Sydney developers in this fast paced, tightly constructed Suspense film Irom Australia Academy Award Nominee 1983 Best Foreign Film. Silver IO BE ARRANGED sensitivity, says S F Chronicle. Set al Ihe end of World War II and told from the point of view of Kamilla (beautifully acted by Nina Knapskog). a 7-year-oid who watches the breakup of her middle class family Ms Lokkeberg. who also wrote Ihe screenplay, stars as Kamilla s mother in this loving, bitterihrougn India contrasting the colonial Bnhshwoman of Gretta Scaccni Exquisite, most exotic and enchanting Crist Saturday Review Noi seen in years. Strangers on a Train is first-class Hitchcock.. From Patricia Highsmith's novel about an exchange of murders Farley Granger is Ihe lenms pro to whom Robert Walker is at- lached II has an endless series of doubles and an unforgettable July 27- Aug. 2 wave Ihnfler A piece ol divine madness, full ol comedy, romance, opera-and murder " MAILING LIST: Sign up in Ihe lobby It you would like to receive Cinema 7 schedules by mail. (USA 1983) 16 mm. 100 nj|ns Shows Fri & Sat 8 00 p m . Sun -Thurs 7 30 p.m Sun matinee 2.00 p m (USA 1951) 35 mm. 105 mins ill \ Shows Fri 4 Sal 8 00 p.m / /u Sun -Thurs 7 30. Sun matinee 2:00 p.m Join souse Bogart (who won ah Oscar) and spinster Hepouri travelling up Ihe Congo with their lively boat. Ihe African ‘ Queen ' Endless pleasure in this cinema classic showing in the original technicolor version. zl Ifred Hitchcock ‘a ■ - — ■1 ■ .USA 19511 ~ ,36 mm 101 mins - ■ Sun Thurs9; 10 lltOOdStlll Sun mat 3 50 Sun matinee 3:45 p m A high spirited polilico-comedy about wife (Susan Anspach) of .i wealthy Swedish businessman whose maddeningly dull lite is changed when she becomes entangled with free living, loving group ol Yugoslovian expatriates June 29-July 5 w r /lFH ICM QUEH ! July 6-12 Oregon Premiere Director: Michael Cacoyanms (Greece/USA 1964) "ZORBA 35 mm. 146 mins T i l t Shows Fri & Sat. 9 50 1 U R E E A Aug. 17-23 Eugene Premiere Director Joyce Buhuel HEAT and DUST Director James Ivory Aug. 10-16 Special Return Engagement | Director Jean-Jacques Beineix (France 1982) 35 mm. 123 mins Shows: Fri 4 Sal 8.00 p.m Sun -Thurs 7:30 p.m. Sun malmee 2 00 p m SUMMER ’84 2nd floor ■ ATRIUM ■ 687-0733 "THE FRONT’ Big Eyea Beans from Venus JAN BUSHELL 1984 Good drinking partners always make bad drivers." ■Taxi’ in Joseph Von Sternberg’s BLONDE VENUS »> - aidport [Oregon] is primarily a Jyancys THE BEST JUST GOT BETTER. SOFT tuj Lowfat Cream M Sour » Yogurt -4 w Cheese W Cream (Al QUARTS " Look for fancy's on your Grocers Shelf ^initujilcld ^ramwry KInc. DIA DOWNEY INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. 520 S.W. SIXTH AVENUE PORTLAND, OREGON 97204 BRIDGET I. DOWNEY 228-8327 AUTO MEDICAL HOMEOWNERS BUSINESS LIABILITY BONDS PREMIUM & IMPORTED BEERS AND WINES • TOSTADAS • ENCHILADAS • BURRITOS • TACOS • SALADS • NACHOS • CHIMICHANGAS • SPECIAL HAMBURGERS! -SGT. PEPPER’S- (formerly The Hobbit Restaurant) ‘North of the Border Cuisine9 LUNCH FROM 11 AM • DINNER FROM 5 PM SE 52nd & WOODSTOCK BLVD. PORTLAND OR 775-9328 CLOSED SUNDAYS SPECIAL! ... Two lunch or dinner selections for the price of one with this ad through July 31 service community, serving tourists, sport fishermen, timber workers, and the scattered population of the Alsea River valley and its tributaries, including Five Rivers. Along the lower Alsea, up to the limit of the tidewater, are clustered small trailer courts and retirement and vacation homes, distinguished by the tidy docks, drift boats, and other small craft used by a devoted community of steelhead fishermen. In a small travel trailer in one of these trailer courts lives Larry Archer, with his wife and their 21/2-year-old daughter, Kaleen. Larry works at a gas station in Waldport. In October 1979, his wife Laura gave birth to a child with anencephaly. Larry is a young man in his early twenties, wiry and strong. In the cramped, stuffy trailer on an overcast spring evening in 1980, he wears a T-shirt with its short sleeves rolled up to his shoulders. He sits in the hallway on a cushioned bench that doubles as a child’s bed, holding his sleeping daughter Kaleen on his lap. In the kitchen, a few feet away, Laura silently prepares dinner. “You want to know about the baby?” Larry says. “What do you need to know? It’s dead. You don't want to know the rest. But I can tell you about sprays. There’s a lot more I know about sprays than you’ll find out from those assholes at the University. Some fuckin’ nerve they’ve got. Did they ever see a baby like that? Did they ever see a baby like that and know it was theirs — their own kid? Just let one of 'em tell me it couldn’t be the herbicides. I can’t prove nothin’, but I know." His voice rises in anger. “Look, I lived around here all my life. Up in Siletz, that’s where I grew up. They used to spray there every goddamn year. We was just little kids then. We thought it was so neat — they loaded the helicopter right at the end of our driveway. We'd all run out there — running around the helicopter, getting in the way while they loaded it. It was such a trip, you know, having a real helicopter come down right there ... I mean, we didn’t know — and those guys never said a word about the stuff, that it wasn’t good stuff to get on you. It’d be dripping all over us. And then we always ran after the helicopter when it took off. We was kids — it was a trip, and it’d be spraying the stuff all over us with us running after. They never warned us, never told my folks nothin'. Twelve years they did that every year. “My folks bought our milk from a neighbor who sprayed the pastures with the cows still out on 'em. They never thought nothin’, thought it was that safe. So we was probably drinkin’ the stuff all that time, too.” “So I grew up with that stuff: They sprayed it ail over the goddamn place. Who knows what I got in me, for chris- sake? Laura, she comes from L.A. I don't know, but they probably don’t spray right in the city there. Except we was living in Corvallis before we came back here — while she was pregnant last time — and they was even spraying there, right up by the goddamn reservoir. We moved back here before our second baby was born, though. “Everything was going real good then. Laura was fine. It was a good pregnancy, I mean — right up to the end. Then, two days before the baby was born, the doctor says there’s something wrong, he can't feel the head. So we go over for x-rays.- And I'm siftin' there, waiting for Laura, you know, and the doctor comes out with this bad look on his face. He says, There's something I have to tell you. I hate to tell you this, but ...’ And he goes on, saying there’s something wrong with our baby. Something’s wrong with its head, and he says it probably won’t live. So we had two days to think about that, and then Laura goes in labor, and all the time we're knowing this.” Kaleen sleeps peacefully on Larry’s lap, his hand stroking her hair. “We went in the hospital together. When Kaleen was born, you know, I was there the whole time, watching. And maybe this sounds corny, but that was the most beautiful moment of my entire life — just being there .... “So I was there this time, too, but it was another thing altogether. The baby — it was a girl. She was perfect, from her toes up to her eyebrows. I mean her face was perfect, too — kind of like Kaleen's, almost. But that was it. It ended at the eyebrows. That’s all there was — just this To them, to everyone, our baby was Just a statistic, a number. I want 'em to see the real thing." kind of bowl, with a kind of film of tissue over it. She couldn't breathe. There wasn’t any brain to tell her to breathe. So they give her oxygen, and she lived for about an hour. An hour and twelve minutes. I don't know how Laura stood it. I would've broken up then, but she didn't. “These people who say herbicides are so safe — I could give them something to think about. I'd like to put every one of 'em in a delivery room to see a baby born like that, like ’em to have to watch their own kid born like that. To them, to everyone, our baby was just a statistic, a number. I want ’em to see the real thing. They just want numbers. They want to blame it all on anything but what it could be. And they sure as shit don’t want to find out." • Reprinted by permission of Sierra Club Books from A Bitter Fog: Herbicides and Human Rights, 1983 by Carol Van Strum. Available by mail for $14.95 & $2 postage and handling from: Sierra Club Catalogs, 205 S. McKemy, Chandler, AZ 85224. W* .1MH Clinton St. Quarterly 27 Ur-